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Rohan Kalal



3410 积分
Set Up an App Dev Environment on Google Cloud徽章 Set Up an App Dev Environment on Google Cloud Earned May 17, 2022 EDT
Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine徽章 Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine Earned May 17, 2022 EDT
Kubernetes in Google Cloud徽章 Kubernetes in Google Cloud Earned Jun 19, 2020 EDT
Automate Deployment and Manage Traffic on a Google Cloud Network 徽章 Automate Deployment and Manage Traffic on a Google Cloud Network Earned Jun 19, 2020 EDT
Cloud Engineering徽章 Cloud Engineering Earned Jun 19, 2020 EDT
Baseline: Infrastructure徽章 Baseline: Infrastructure Earned Jun 19, 2020 EDT
Google Cloud Essentials徽章 Google Cloud Essentials Earned Jun 18, 2020 EDT
#GoogleCloudReady Speedrun徽章 #GoogleCloudReady Speedrun Earned Apr 15, 2020 EDT

Earn a skill badge by completing the Set Up an App Dev Environment on Google Cloud course, where you learn how to build and connect storage-centric cloud infrastructure using the basic capabilities of the of the following technologies: Cloud Storage, Identity and Access Management, Cloud Functions, and Pub/Sub. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


完成 Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine 技能徽章入門課程,即可證明您具備下列技能: 編寫 gcloud 指令和使用 Cloud Shell、在 Compute Engine 建立及部署虛擬機器, 以及設定網路和 HTTP 負載平衡器。 「技能徽章」是 Google Cloud 核發的 獨家數位徽章,用於肯定您在 Google Cloud 產品與服務方面的精通程度, 代表您已通過測驗,能在互動式實作環境中應用相關 知識。完成這個課程及挑戰研究室 最終評量,即可取得技能徽章並與親友分享。


Kubernetes is the most popular container orchestration system, and Google Kubernetes Engine was designed specifically to support managed Kubernetes deployments in Google Cloud. In this advanced-level quest, you will get hands-on practice configuring Docker images, containers, and deploying fully-fledged Kubernetes Engine applications. This quest will teach you the practical skills needed for integrating container orchestration into your own workflow. Looking for a hands-on challenge lab to demonstrate your skills and validate your knowledge? On completing this quest, finish the additional Challenge Lab at the end of the Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud Quest to receive an exclusive Google Cloud digital badge.


Networking is a principle theme of cloud computing. It’s the underlying structure of Google Cloud, and it’s what connects all your resources and services to one another. This course will cover essential Google Cloud networking services and will give you hands-on practice with specialized tools for developing mature networks. From learning the ins-and-outs of VPCs, to creating enterprise-grade load balancers, Automate Deployment and Manage Traffic on a Google Cloud Network will give you the practical experience needed so you can start building robust networks right away.


This fundamental-level quest is unique amongst the other quest offerings. The labs have been curated to give IT professionals hands-on practice with topics and services that appear in the Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Certification. From IAM, to networking, to Kubernetes engine deployment, this quest is composed of specific labs that will put your Google Cloud knowledge to the test. Be aware that while practice with these labs will increase your skills and abilities, we recommend that you also review the exam guide and other available preparation resources.


If you are a novice cloud developer looking for hands-on practice beyond Google Cloud Essentials, this course is for you. You will get practical experience through labs that dive into Cloud Storage and other key application services like Monitoring and Cloud Functions. You will develop valuable skills that are applicable to any Google Cloud initiative. 1-minute videos walk you through key concepts for these labs.


In this introductory-level course, you get hands-on practice with the Google Cloud’s fundamental tools and services. Optional videos are provided to provide more context and review for the concepts covered in the labs. Google Cloud Essentials is a recommendeded first course for the Google Cloud learner - you can come in with little or no prior cloud knowledge, and come out with practical experience that you can apply to your first Google Cloud project. From writing Cloud Shell commands and deploying your first virtual machine, to running applications on Kubernetes Engine or with load balancing, Google Cloud Essentials is a prime introduction to the platform’s basic features.


In this game you will get hands on with Kubernetes and other GCP services as well. We hope you have fun with this game. Challenge yourself to complete each task as quickly and accurately as possible to score points and earn badges! Good Luck!
