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Set Up a Google Cloud Network徽章 Set Up a Google Cloud Network Earned Dec 18, 2023 EST
Cloud Architecture: Design, Implement, and Manage徽章 Cloud Architecture: Design, Implement, and Manage Earned Nov 24, 2023 EST
Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process - 繁體中文徽章 Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process - 繁體中文 Earned Oct 23, 2023 EDT
Introduction to Responsible AI - 繁體中文徽章 Introduction to Responsible AI - 繁體中文 Earned Jul 24, 2023 EDT
Preparing for your Professional Data Engineer Journey徽章 Preparing for your Professional Data Engineer Journey Earned Aug 29, 2022 EDT
Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud徽章 Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud Earned Aug 29, 2022 EDT
Smart Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI on Google Cloud徽章 Smart Analytics, Machine Learning, and AI on Google Cloud Earned Aug 28, 2022 EDT
Modernizing Data Lakes and Data Warehouses with Google Cloud徽章 Modernizing Data Lakes and Data Warehouses with Google Cloud Earned Aug 28, 2022 EDT
Building Resilient Streaming Analytics Systems on Google Cloud徽章 Building Resilient Streaming Analytics Systems on Google Cloud Earned Aug 27, 2022 EDT
Building Batch Data Pipelines on Google Cloud徽章 Building Batch Data Pipelines on Google Cloud Earned Aug 27, 2022 EDT
Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals徽章 Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Earned Aug 26, 2022 EDT
Cloud SQL徽章 Cloud SQL Earned Dec 24, 2021 EST
Intro to ML: Image Processing徽章 Intro to ML: Image Processing Earned Dec 19, 2021 EST
Managing Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform徽章 Managing Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform Earned Dec 8, 2021 EST
Cloud Architecture徽章 Cloud Architecture Earned Dec 5, 2021 EST
Create ML Models with BigQuery ML徽章 Create ML Models with BigQuery ML Earned Dec 1, 2021 EST
Baseline: Data, ML, AI徽章 Baseline: Data, ML, AI Earned Nov 28, 2021 EST
Build a Data Warehouse with BigQuery徽章 Build a Data Warehouse with BigQuery Earned Nov 27, 2021 EST
Derive Insights from BigQuery Data徽章 Derive Insights from BigQuery Data Earned Nov 21, 2021 EST
Build a Secure Google Cloud Network徽章 Build a Secure Google Cloud Network Earned Nov 8, 2021 EST
Develop your Google Cloud Network徽章 Develop your Google Cloud Network Earned Nov 1, 2021 EDT
Implement Cloud Security Fundamentals on Google Cloud徽章 Implement Cloud Security Fundamentals on Google Cloud Earned Nov 1, 2021 EDT
Using the Cloud SDK Command Line徽章 Using the Cloud SDK Command Line Earned Oct 26, 2021 EDT
Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud徽章 Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud Earned Oct 18, 2021 EDT
Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine徽章 Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine Earned Sep 10, 2021 EDT
Google Cloud Solutions II: Data and Machine Learning徽章 Google Cloud Solutions II: Data and Machine Learning Earned Nov 22, 2020 EST
Building Codeless Pipelines on Cloud Data Fusion徽章 Building Codeless Pipelines on Cloud Data Fusion Earned Nov 20, 2020 EST
Set Up an App Dev Environment on Google Cloud徽章 Set Up an App Dev Environment on Google Cloud Earned Nov 19, 2020 EST
Scientific Data Processing徽章 Scientific Data Processing Earned Nov 18, 2020 EST
Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML徽章 Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML Earned Nov 16, 2020 EST
BigQuery for Marketing Analysts徽章 BigQuery for Marketing Analysts Earned Nov 16, 2020 EST
BigQuery for Data Warehousing徽章 BigQuery for Data Warehousing Earned Nov 14, 2020 EST
[DEPRECATED] Data Engineering徽章 [DEPRECATED] Data Engineering Earned Nov 12, 2020 EST
BigQuery for Machine Learning徽章 BigQuery for Machine Learning Earned Nov 12, 2020 EST
Google Cloud Essentials徽章 Google Cloud Essentials Earned Oct 31, 2020 EDT
Baseline: Infrastructure徽章 Baseline: Infrastructure Earned Oct 28, 2020 EDT
Kubernetes in Google Cloud徽章 Kubernetes in Google Cloud Earned Oct 17, 2020 EDT

Earn a skill badge by completing the Set Up a Google Cloud Network course, where you will learn how to perform basic networking tasks on Google Cloud Platform - create a custom network, add subnets firewall rules, then create VMs and test the latency when they communicate with each other. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.


完成 Cloud Architecture: Design, Implement, and Manage 課程即可獲得 技能徽章,證明您具備下列技能: 使用 Apache 網路伺服器部署可公開存取的網站、使用開機指令碼設定 Compute Engine VM、 使用 Windows 防禦主機和防火牆規則設定安全的 RDP、建構 Docker 映像檔並部署至 Kubernetes 叢集,然後進行更新,以及建立 Cloud SQL 執行個體並匯入 MySQL 資料庫。 這個技能徽章課程是絕佳的 資源,可讓您瞭解Google Cloud 認證專業雲端架構師認證測驗涵蓋的主題。 「技能徽章」是 Google Cloud 核發的獨家數位徽章, 用於肯定您在 Google Cloud 產品與服務方面的精通程度, 代表您已通過測驗,能在互動式實作環境中應用相關知識。完成 本課程及結業評量挑戰研究室,即可獲得技能徽章 並與親友分享。


這堂課程可讓參加人員瞭解如何使用確實有效的設計模式,在 Google Cloud 中打造相當可靠且效率卓越的解決方案。這堂課程接續了「設定 Google Compute Engine 架構」或「設定 Google Kubernetes Engine 架構」課程的內容,並假設參加人員曾實際運用上述任一課程涵蓋的技術。這堂課程結合了簡報、設計活動和實作研究室,可讓參加人員瞭解如何定義業務和技術需求,並在兩者之間取得平衡,設計出相當可靠、可用性高、安全又符合成本效益的 Google Cloud 部署項目。


這個入門微學習課程主要介紹「負責任的 AI 技術」和其重要性,以及 Google 如何在自家產品中導入這項技術。本課程也會說明 Google 的 7 個 AI 開發原則。


This course helps learners create a study plan for the PDE (Professional Data Engineer) certification exam. Learners explore the breadth and scope of the domains covered in the exam. Learners assess their exam readiness and create their individual study plan.


完成 Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud 技能徽章入門課程,即可證明您具備下列技能: 使用 Dataprep by Trifacta 清理資料、在 Dataflow 執行資料管道、在 Dataproc 建立叢集和執行 Apache Spark 工作,以及呼叫機器學習 API,包含 Cloud Natural Language API、Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API 和 Video Intelligence API。 「技能徽章」是 Google Cloud 核發的獨家數位徽章,用於肯定您在 Google Cloud 產品與服務方面的精通程度, 代表您已通過測驗,能在互動式實作環境中應用相關知識。完成本技能徽章課程及結業評量挑戰研究室, 即可取得技能徽章並與他人分享。


Incorporating machine learning into data pipelines increases the ability to extract insights from data. This course covers ways machine learning can be included in data pipelines on Google Cloud. For little to no customization, this course covers AutoML. For more tailored machine learning capabilities, this course introduces Notebooks and BigQuery machine learning (BigQuery ML). Also, this course covers how to productionalize machine learning solutions by using Vertex AI.


The two key components of any data pipeline are data lakes and warehouses. This course highlights use-cases for each type of storage and dives into the available data lake and warehouse solutions on Google Cloud in technical detail. Also, this course describes the role of a data engineer, the benefits of a successful data pipeline to business operations, and examines why data engineering should be done in a cloud environment. This is the first course of the Data Engineering on Google Cloud series. After completing this course, enroll in the Building Batch Data Pipelines on Google Cloud course.


Processing streaming data is becoming increasingly popular as streaming enables businesses to get real-time metrics on business operations. This course covers how to build streaming data pipelines on Google Cloud. Pub/Sub is described for handling incoming streaming data. The course also covers how to apply aggregations and transformations to streaming data using Dataflow, and how to store processed records to BigQuery or Bigtable for analysis. Learners get hands-on experience building streaming data pipeline components on Google Cloud by using QwikLabs.


Data pipelines typically fall under one of the Extract and Load (EL), Extract, Load and Transform (ELT) or Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) paradigms. This course describes which paradigm should be used and when for batch data. Furthermore, this course covers several technologies on Google Cloud for data transformation including BigQuery, executing Spark on Dataproc, pipeline graphs in Cloud Data Fusion and serverless data processing with Dataflow. Learners get hands-on experience building data pipeline components on Google Cloud using Qwiklabs.


This course introduces the Google Cloud big data and machine learning products and services that support the data-to-AI lifecycle. It explores the processes, challenges, and benefits of building a big data pipeline and machine learning models with Vertex AI on Google Cloud.


Cloud SQL is a fully managed database service that stands out from its peers due to high performance, seamless integration, and impressive scalability. In this quest you will receive hands-on practice with the basics of Cloud SQL and quickly progress to advanced features, which you will apply to production frameworks and application environments. From creating instances and querying data with SQL, to building Deployment Manager scripts and connecting Cloud SQL instances with applications run on GKE containers, this quest will give you the knowledge and experience needed so you can start integrating this service right away.


Using large scale computing power to recognize patterns and "read" images is one of the foundational technologies in AI, from self-driving cars to facial recognition. The Google Cloud Platform provides world class speed and accuracy via systems that can utilized by simply calling APIs. With these and a host of other APIs, GCP has a tool for just about any machine learning job. In this introductory quest, you will get hands-on practice with machine learning as it applies to image processing by taking labs that will enable you to label images, detect faces and landmarks, as well as extract, analyze, and translate text from within images.


In this Quest, the experienced user of Google Cloud will learn how to describe and launch cloud resources with Terraform, an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned. In these nine hands-on labs, you will work with example templates and understand how to launch a range of configurations, from simple servers, through full load-balanced applications.


This fundamental-level quest is unique amongst the other quest offerings. The labs have been curated to give IT professionals hands-on practice with topics and services that appear in the Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect Certification. From IAM, to networking, to Kubernetes engine deployment, this quest is composed of specific labs that will put your Google Cloud knowledge to the test. Be aware that while practice with these labs will increase your skills and abilities, we recommend that you also review the exam guide and other available preparation resources.


「完成 Create ML Models with BigQuery ML 技能徽章中階課程,即可證明您具備下列技能: 使用 BigQuery ML 建立及評估機器學習模型,做出資料預測。 「技能徽章」是 Google Cloud 核發的獨家數位徽章, 用於肯定您在 Google Cloud 產品和服務方面的精通程度, 代表您已通過測驗,能在互動式實作環境中應用相關知識。完成 本課程及結業評量挑戰研究室,即可取得技能徽章 並與他人分享。」


Big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are today’s hot computing topics, but these fields are quite specialized and introductory material is hard to come by. Fortunately, Google Cloud provides user-friendly services in these areas, and with this introductory-level quest, so you can take your first steps with tools like Big Query, Cloud Speech API, and AI Platform. Want extra help? 1-minute videos walk you through key concepts for each lab.


完成 Build a Data Warehouse with BigQuery 技能徽章中階課程,即可證明您具備下列技能: 彙整資料以建立新資料表、排解彙整作業問題、利用聯集附加資料、建立依日期分區的資料表, 以及在 BigQuery 使用 JSON、陣列和結構體。 「技能徽章」是 Google Cloud 核發的獨家數位徽章, 用於肯定您在 Google Cloud 產品和服務方面的精通程度, 代表您已通過測驗,能在互動式實作環境中應用相關 知識。完成技能徽章課程及結業評量挑戰研究室, 即可取得技能徽章並與他人分享。


完成 Derive Insights from BigQuery Data 技能徽章入門課程,即可證明您具備下列技能: 撰寫 SQL 查詢、查詢公開資料表、將樣本資料載入 BigQuery、使用 BigQuery 的查詢驗證工具 排解常見語法錯誤,以及在 Looker Studio 中 透過連結 BigQuery 資料建立報表。 「技能徽章」是 Google Cloud 核發的獨家數位徽章, 用於肯定您在 Google Cloud 產品和服務方面的精通程度,代表您已通過測驗,能在互動式實作環境中應用相關 知識。完成本技能徽章課程及結業評量挑戰 實驗室,即可取得技能徽章並與他人分享。


Earn a skill badge by completing the Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud course, where you will learn about multiple networking-related resources to build, scale, and secure your applications on Google Cloud. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.


Earn a skill badge by completing the Develop your Google Cloud Network course, where you learn multiple ways to deploy and monitor applications including how to: explore IAM rols and add/remove project access, create VPC networks, deploy and monitor Compute Engine VMs, write SQL queries, deploy and monitor VMs in Compute Engine, and deploy applications using Kubernetes with multiple deployment approaches. A skill badge is an exclusivedigital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


完成 Implement Cloud Security Fundamentals on Google Cloud 技能徽章中階課程, 即可證明您具備下列技能:運用 Identity and Access Management (IAM) 建立及指派角色、 建立及管理服務帳戶、啟用虛擬私有雲 (VPC) 網路中的私人連線、 運用 Identity-Aware Proxy 限制應用程式存取權、 運用 Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) 管理金鑰和已加密資料,以及建立私人 Kubernetes 叢集。 「技能徽章」是 Google Cloud 核發的獨家數位徽章, 用於肯定您在 Google Cloud 產品和服務方面的精通程度, 代表您已通過測驗,能在互動式實作環境中應用相關知識。完成 本課程及結業評量挑戰研究室,即可取得技能徽章 並與親友分享。


For everyone using Google Cloud Platform for the first time, getting familar with gcloud, Google Cloud's command line, will help you get up to speed faster. In this quest, you'll learn how to install and configure Cloud SDK, then use gcloud to perform some basic operations like creating VMs, networks, using BigQuery, and using gsutil to perform operations.


完成 Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud 技能徽章中階課程,即可證明您具備下列技能: 設定及建構 Docker 容器映像檔、建立及管理 Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) 叢集、運用 kubectl 有效 管理叢集,以及運用強大的持續推送軟體更新做法來部署 Kubernetes 應用程式。 「技能徽章」是 Google Cloud 核發的獨家數位徽章,用於肯定您在 Google Cloud 產品和服務方面的精通程度, 代表您已通過測驗,能在互動式實作環境中應用相關知識。 完成這個課程及結業評量挑戰研究室,即可取得技能徽章並與親友分享。


完成 Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine 技能徽章入門課程,即可證明您具備下列技能: 編寫 gcloud 指令和使用 Cloud Shell、在 Compute Engine 建立及部署虛擬機器, 以及設定網路和 HTTP 負載平衡器。 「技能徽章」是 Google Cloud 核發的 獨家數位徽章,用於肯定您在 Google Cloud 產品與服務方面的精通程度, 代表您已通過測驗,能在互動式實作環境中應用相關 知識。完成這個課程及挑戰研究室 最終評量,即可取得技能徽章並與親友分享。


In this advanced-level quest, you will learn how to harness serious Google Cloud computing power to run big data and machine learning jobs. The hands-on labs will give you use cases, and you will be tasked with implementing big data and machine learning practices utilized by Google’s very own Solutions Architecture team. From running Big Query analytics on tens of thousands of basketball games, to training TensorFlow image classifiers, you will quickly see why Google Cloud is the go-to platform for running big data and machine learning jobs.


This quest offers hands-on practice with Cloud Data Fusion, a cloud-native, code-free, data integration platform. ETL Developers, Data Engineers and Analysts can greatly benefit from the pre-built transformations and connectors to build and deploy their pipelines without worrying about writing code. This Quest starts with a quickstart lab that familiarises learners with the Cloud Data Fusion UI. Learners then get to try running batch and realtime pipelines as well as using the built-in Wrangler plugin to perform some interesting transformations on data.


Earn a skill badge by completing the Set Up an App Dev Environment on Google Cloud course, where you learn how to build and connect storage-centric cloud infrastructure using the basic capabilities of the of the following technologies: Cloud Storage, Identity and Access Management, Cloud Functions, and Pub/Sub. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.


Big data, machine learning, and scientific data? It sounds like the perfect match. In this advanced-level quest, you will get hands-on practice with GCP services like Big Query, Dataproc, and Tensorflow by applying them to use cases that employ real-life, scientific data sets. By getting experience with tasks like earthquake data analysis and satellite image aggregation, Scientific Data Processing will expand your skill set in big data and machine learning so you can start tackling your own problems across a spectrum of scientific disciplines.


完成 Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML 技能徽章中階課程, 即可證明您具備下列技能:運用 Dataprep by Trifacta 建構連至 BigQuery 的資料轉換管道、 使用 Cloud Storage、Dataflow 和 BigQuery 建構「擷取、轉換及載入」(ETL) 的工作負載、 運用 BigQuery ML 建構機器學習模型,以及使用 Cloud Composer 複製多個位置的資料。「技能徽章」 是 Google Cloud 核發的獨家數位徽章, 用於肯定您在 Google Cloud 產品和服務方面的精通程度, 代表您已通過測驗,能在互動式實作環境中應用相關知識。完成 本課程及結業評量挑戰研究室,即可獲得技能徽章 並與親友分享。


Want to turn your marketing data into insights and build dashboards? Bring all of your data into one place for large-scale analysis and model building. Get repeatable, scalable, and valuable insights into your data by learning how to query it and using BigQuery. BigQuery is Google's fully managed, NoOps, low cost analytics database. With BigQuery you can query terabytes and terabytes of data without having any infrastructure to manage or needing a database administrator. BigQuery uses SQL and can take advantage of the pay-as-you-go model. BigQuery allows you to focus on analyzing data to find meaningful insights.


Looking to build or optimize your data warehouse? Learn best practices to Extract, Transform, and Load your data into Google Cloud with BigQuery. In this series of interactive labs you will create and optimize your own data warehouse using a variety of large-scale BigQuery public datasets. BigQuery is Google's fully managed, NoOps, low cost analytics database. With BigQuery you can query terabytes and terabytes of data without having any infrastructure to manage or needing a database administrator. BigQuery uses SQL and can take advantage of the pay-as-you-go model. BigQuery allows you to focus on analyzing data to find meaningful insights. Looking for a hands on challenge lab to demonstrate your skills and validate your knowledge? On completing this quest, enroll in and finish the additional challenge lab at the end of this quest to receive an exclusive Google Cloud digital badge.


This advanced-level quest is unique amongst the other catalog offerings. The labs have been curated to give IT professionals hands-on practice with topics and services that appear in the Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer Certification. From Big Query, to Dataprep, to Cloud Composer, this quest is composed of specific labs that will put your Google Cloud data engineering knowledge to the test. Be aware that while practice with these labs will increase your skills and abilities, you will need other preparation, too. The exam is quite challenging and external studying, experience, and/or background in cloud data engineering is recommended. Looking for a hands on challenge lab to demonstrate your skills and validate your knowledge? On completing this quest, enroll in and finish the additional challenge lab at the end of the Engineer Data in the Google Cloud to receive an exclusive Google Cloud digital badge.


Want to build ML models in minutes instead of hours using just SQL? BigQuery ML democratizes machine learning by letting data analysts create, train, evaluate, and predict with machine learning models using existing SQL tools and skills. In this series of labs, you will experiment with different model types and learn what makes a good model. Looking for a hands on challenge lab to demonstrate your skills and validate your knowledge? On completing this quest, enroll in and finish the additional challenge lab at the end of this quest to receive an exclusive Google Cloud digital badge.


In this introductory-level Quest, you will get hands-on practice with the Google Cloud’s fundamental tools and services. Google Cloud Essentials is the recommended first Quest for the Google Cloud learner - you will come in with little or no prior cloud knowledge, and come out with practical experience that you can apply to your first Google Cloud project. From writing Cloud Shell commands and deploying your first virtual machine, to running applications on Kubernetes Engine or with load balancing, Google Cloud Essentials is a prime introduction to the platform’s basic features. 1-minute videos walk you through key concepts for each lab.


If you are a novice cloud developer looking for hands-on practice beyond Google Cloud Essentials, this course is for you. You will get practical experience through labs that dive into Cloud Storage and other key application services like Monitoring and Cloud Functions. You will develop valuable skills that are applicable to any Google Cloud initiative. 1-minute videos walk you through key concepts for these labs.


Kubernetes is the most popular container orchestration system, and Google Kubernetes Engine was designed specifically to support managed Kubernetes deployments in Google Cloud. In this advanced-level quest, you will get hands-on practice configuring Docker images, containers, and deploying fully-fledged Kubernetes Engine applications. This quest will teach you the practical skills needed for integrating container orchestration into your own workflow. Looking for a hands-on challenge lab to demonstrate your skills and validate your knowledge? On completing this quest, finish the additional Challenge Lab at the end of the Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud Quest to receive an exclusive Google Cloud digital badge.
