가입 로그인

Sayan Karmakar

회원 가입일: 2023

실버 리그

Classify Images with TensorFlow on Google Cloud 배지 Classify Images with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Earned 5월 22, 2024 EDT
Level 1: Security and Compliance 배지 Level 1: Security and Compliance Earned 5월 9, 2024 EDT
Prompt Design in Vertex AI 배지 Prompt Design in Vertex AI Earned 5월 7, 2024 EDT
Introduction to Responsible AI - 한국어 배지 Introduction to Responsible AI - 한국어 Earned 5월 3, 2024 EDT
The Arcade Trivia April 2024 Week 4 배지 The Arcade Trivia April 2024 Week 4 Earned 4월 24, 2024 EDT
The Arcade Trivia April 2024 Week 3 배지 The Arcade Trivia April 2024 Week 3 Earned 4월 24, 2024 EDT
The Arcade Trivia April 2024 Week 2 배지 The Arcade Trivia April 2024 Week 2 Earned 4월 24, 2024 EDT
The Arcade Trivia April 2024 Week 1 배지 The Arcade Trivia April 2024 Week 1 Earned 4월 24, 2024 EDT
The Arcade Certification Zone April 2024 배지 The Arcade Certification Zone April 2024 Earned 4월 22, 2024 EDT
Level 3: GenAIus Careers 배지 Level 3: GenAIus Careers Earned 4월 21, 2024 EDT
Level 2: Data with GCP 배지 Level 2: Data with GCP Earned 4월 21, 2024 EDT
Level 1 : Getting Started with GCP 배지 Level 1 : Getting Started with GCP Earned 4월 20, 2024 EDT
Introduction to Large Language Models - 한국어 배지 Introduction to Large Language Models - 한국어 Earned 4월 20, 2024 EDT
Introduction to Generative AI - 한국어 배지 Introduction to Generative AI - 한국어 Earned 4월 20, 2024 EDT

Earn the intermediate skill badge by completing the Classify Images with TensorFlow on Google Cloud course where you will learn how to use TensorFlow and Vertex AI to create and train machine learning models. You will primarily interact with Vertex AI Workbench user-managed notebooks. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this Skill Badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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Today's fast-paced digital world needs security experts. Become one by mastering the fine points of security and compliance in the Cloud! Boost your skillset with a Google Cloud Credential- No prior experience required!

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초급 Prompt Design in Vertex AI 기술 배지를 완료하여 Vertex AI 내 프롬프트 엔지니어링, 이미지 분석, 멀티모달 생성형 기술과 관련된 기술 역량을 입증하세요. 효과적인 프롬프트를 만들고 생성형 AI 출력을 안내하며 실제 마케팅 분야 시나리오에 Gemini 모델을 적용하는 방법을 알아보세요. 기술 배지는 Google Cloud 제품 및 서비스 숙련도에 따라 Google Cloud에서 독점적으로 발급하는 디지털 배지로, 기술 배지 과정을 통해 대화형 실습 환경에서 지식을 적용하는 역량을 테스트할 수 있습니다. 이 기술 배지 과정과 최종 평가 챌린지 실습을 완료하면 네트워크에 공유할 수 있는 기술 배지를 받을 수 있습니다.

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책임감 있는 AI란 무엇이고 이것이 왜 중요하며 Google에서는 어떻게 제품에 책임감 있는 AI를 구현하고 있는지 설명하는 입문용 마이크로 학습 과정입니다. Google의 7가지 AI 원칙도 소개합니다.

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Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for April Week 4! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the April Trivia Week 4 badge!

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Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for April Week 3! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the April Trivia Week 3 badge!

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Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for April Week 2! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the April Trivia Week 2 badge!

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Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for April Week 1! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the April Trivia Week 1 badge!

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Google Cloud Certifications provide a tangible way for you to demonstrate your skills to potential or current employers. These certifications incorporate performance-based questions, testing your hands-on expertise through practical tasks. Begin your journey towards becoming a Google Certified Professional with the help of the Arcade Cert Zone. Be one of the first 20 people to complete the challenge and earn a 100% discount voucher for your next Google Cloud Digital Leader Examination. Welcome!

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Gen AI is spearheading a revolution in careers. Whether you're seasoned or new to the field, Gen AI holds the key to fresh possibilities. Obtaining a Google Cloud credential in this innovative technology can enhance your resume. And the best part? No prior experience is required.

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With the complexity of roles within the data field, laying a solid foundation is crucial – and we're here to help you do just that, including assisting you in obtaining a Google Cloud Credential. No prior experience? No problem.

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Businesses are flocking to the cloud, and the demand for skilled professionals is skyrocketing. Join the trend and level up your resume with in-demand skills and earn a Google Cloud Credential to showcase your expertise. No experience necessary – get started today!

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이 과정은 입문용 마이크로 학습 과정으로, 대규모 언어 모델(LLM)이란 무엇이고, LLM을 활용할 수 있는 사용 사례로는 어떤 것이 있으며, 프롬프트 조정을 사용해 LLM 성능을 개선하는 방법은 무엇인지 알아봅니다. 또한 자체 생성형 AI 앱을 개발하는 데 도움이 되는 Google 도구에 대해서도 다룹니다.

자세히 알아보기

생성형 AI란 무엇이고 어떻게 사용하며 전통적인 머신러닝 방법과는 어떻게 다른지 설명하는 입문용 마이크로 학습 과정입니다. 직접 생성형 AI 앱을 개발하는 데 도움이 되는 Google 도구에 대해서도 다룹니다.

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