가입 로그인

Prince Kumar

회원 가입일: 2022

브론즈 리그

GCP Essentials 배지 GCP Essentials Earned 7월 5, 2022 EDT
VM Migration 배지 VM Migration Earned 6월 27, 2022 EDT

가장 인기 있는 이 탐구 과정에서 Google Cloud를 처음으로 실습할 수 있습니다. Stackdriver 및 Kubernetes의 고급 개념으로 실습하여 VM 가동, 키 인프라 도구 구성과 같은 기본사항을 익혀 보세요.

자세히 알아보기

Google Cloud’s four step structured Cloud Migration Path Methodology provides a defined and repeatable path for users to follow when migrating and modernizing Virtual Machines. In this quest, you will get hands-on practice with Google’s current solution set for VM assessment, planning, migration, and modernization. You will start by analyzing your lab environment and building assessment reports with CloudPhysics and StratoZone, then build a landing zone within Google Cloud leveraging Terraform’s infrastructure-as-code templates, next you will manually transform a two-tier application into a cloud-native workload running on Kubernetes, and finally, transform a VM workload into Kubernetes with Migrate for Anthos and migrate a VM between cloud environments.

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