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Silver League

16230 poin
Badge untuk Understand Your Google Cloud Costs Understand Your Google Cloud Costs Earned Apr 8, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Kubernetes in Google Cloud Kubernetes in Google Cloud Earned Apr 8, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Creating Infrastructure on Google Cloud with Terraform Creating Infrastructure on Google Cloud with Terraform Earned Apr 7, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Applying Advanced LookML Concepts in Looker Applying Advanced LookML Concepts in Looker Earned Apr 7, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Manage Data Models in Looker Manage Data Models in Looker Earned Apr 6, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk DEPRECATED Deploy Google Cloud Framework Data Foundation for SAP DEPRECATED Deploy Google Cloud Framework Data Foundation for SAP Earned Apr 6, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Prepare Data for Looker Dashboards and Reports Prepare Data for Looker Dashboards and Reports Earned Apr 6, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Understanding LookML in Looker Understanding LookML in Looker Earned Apr 5, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Build LookML Objects in Looker Build LookML Objects in Looker Earned Apr 5, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Use Functions, Formulas, and Charts in Google Sheets Use Functions, Formulas, and Charts in Google Sheets Earned Apr 5, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk BigQuery Basics for Data Analysts BigQuery Basics for Data Analysts Earned Apr 3, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Build Apps & Websites with Firebase Build Apps & Websites with Firebase Earned Apr 3, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Implement DevOps Workflows in Google Cloud Implement DevOps Workflows in Google Cloud Earned Apr 3, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud Earned Mar 31, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud Earned Mar 31, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Develop and Secure APIs with Apigee X Develop and Secure APIs with Apigee X Earned Mar 30, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Deploy and Manage Apigee X Deploy and Manage Apigee X Earned Mar 29, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Optimize Costs for Google Kubernetes Engine Optimize Costs for Google Kubernetes Engine Earned Mar 28, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Develop Serverless Apps with Firebase Develop Serverless Apps with Firebase Earned Mar 25, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Build a Website on Google Cloud Build a Website on Google Cloud Earned Mar 25, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Cloud Architecture: Design, Implement, and Manage Cloud Architecture: Design, Implement, and Manage Earned Mar 20, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Develop Serverless Applications on Cloud Run Develop Serverless Applications on Cloud Run Earned Mar 19, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Networking Fundamentals in Google Cloud Networking Fundamentals in Google Cloud Earned Mar 18, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Set up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud Set up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud Earned Mar 17, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - Bahasa Indonesia Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Feb 12, 2023 EST
Badge untuk Deploy and Manage Cloud Environments with Google Cloud Deploy and Manage Cloud Environments with Google Cloud Earned Nov 30, 2022 EST
Badge untuk Using the Cloud SDK Command Line Using the Cloud SDK Command Line Earned Nov 30, 2022 EST
Badge untuk Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud Earned Nov 30, 2022 EST
Badge untuk Derive Insights from BigQuery Data Derive Insights from BigQuery Data Earned Nov 29, 2022 EST
Badge untuk Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine Earned Nov 25, 2022 EST
Badge untuk Google Cloud Essentials Google Cloud Essentials Earned Okt 16, 2022 EDT

This Quest is most suitable for those working in a technology or finance role who are responsible for managing Google Cloud costs. You’ll learn how to set up a billing account, organize resources, and manage billing access permissions. In the hands-on labs, you'll learn how to view your invoice, track your Google Cloud costs with Billing reports, analyze your billing data with BigQuery or Google Sheets, and create custom billing dashboards with Looker Studio. References made to links in the videos can be accessed in this Additional Resources document.

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Kubernetes is the most popular container orchestration system, and Google Kubernetes Engine was designed specifically to support managed Kubernetes deployments in Google Cloud. In this advanced-level quest, you will get hands-on practice configuring Docker images, containers, and deploying fully-fledged Kubernetes Engine applications. This quest will teach you the practical skills needed for integrating container orchestration into your own workflow. Looking for a hands-on challenge lab to demonstrate your skills and validate your knowledge? On completing this quest, finish the additional Challenge Lab at the end of the Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud Quest to receive an exclusive Google Cloud digital badge.

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In this quest you will get hands-on experience writing infrastructure as code with Terraform.

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In this course, you will get hands-on experience applying advanced LookML concepts in Looker. You will learn how to use Liquid to customize and create dynamic dimensions and measures, create dynamic SQL derived tables and customized native derived tables, and use extends to modularize your LookML code.

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Complete the intermediate Manage Data Models in Looker skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: maintaining LookML project health; utilizing SQL runner for data validation; employing LookML best practices; optimizing queries and reports for performance; and implementing persistent derived tables and caching policies. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Deploy Google Cloud Framework Data Foundation for SAP quest. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge quest, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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Selesaikan badge keahlian pengantar Prepare Data for Looker Dashboards and Reports untuk menunjukkan keterampilan Anda dalam hal berikut: memfilter, mengurutkan, dan melakukan pivot data, menggabungkan hasil dari berbagai Jelajah di Looker, serta menggunakan fungsi dan operasi guna membuat dasbor dan laporan Looker untuk analisis dan visualisasi data. Badge keahlian adalah badge digital eksklusif yang diberikan oleh Google Cloud sebagai pengakuan atas kemahiran Anda dalam menggunakan produk dan layanan Google Cloud, serta menguji kemampuan Anda dalam menerapkan pengetahuan di lingkungan praktik yang interaktif. Selesaikan kursus badge keahlian ini dan penilaian akhir challenge lab untuk menerima badge keahlian yang dapat Anda bagikan dengan jaringan Anda.

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In this quest, you will get hands-on experience with LookML in Looker. You will learn how to write LookML code to create new dimensions and measures, create derived tables and join them to Explores, filter Explores, and define caching policies in LookML.

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Complete the introductory Build LookML Objects in Looker skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: building new dimensions and measures, views, and derived tables; setting measure filters and types based on requirements; updating dimensions and measures; building and refining Explores; joining views to existing Explores; and deciding which LookML objects to create based on business requirements. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Use Functions, Formulas and Charts in Google Sheets quest, where you analyze data with functions and visualize data using charts. In this intermediate-level quest, you learn to search, validate, format and display data. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge quest, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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Want to scale your data analysis efforts without managing database hardware? Learn the best practices for querying and getting insights from your data warehouse with this interactive series of BigQuery labs. BigQuery is Google's fully managed, NoOps, low cost analytics database. With BigQuery you can query terabytes and terabytes of data without having any infrastructure to manage or needing a database administrator. BigQuery uses SQL and can take advantage of the pay-as-you-go model. BigQuery allows you to focus on analyzing data to find meaningful insights.

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Firebase is a backend-as-service (Bass) platform for creating mobile and web applications. In this quest you will learn to build serverless web apps, import data into a serverless database, and build a Google Assistant application with Firebase and its Google Cloud integrations. Looking for a hands on challenge lab to demonstrate your skills and validate your knowledge? On completing this quest, enroll in and finish the additional challenge lab at the end of this quest to receive an exclusive Google Cloud digital badge.

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Complete the intermediate Implement DevOps Workflows in Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: creating git repositories with Cloud Source Repositories, launching, managing, and scaling deployments on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), and architecting CI/CD pipelines that automate container image builds and deployments to GKE. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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Complete the intermediate Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles using Terraform, provisioning and managing Google Cloud resources with Terraform configurations, effective state management (local and remote), and modularizing Terraform code for reusability and organization. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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Kubernetes adalah sistem orkestrasi container terpopuler, dan Google Kubernetes Engine khusus dirancang untuk mendukung deployment Kubernetes terkelola di Google Cloud. Dalam quest tingkat lanjut ini, Anda akan mendapatkan praktik langsung mengonfigurasi image Docker, container, dan men-deploy aplikasi Kubernetes Engine yang berjalan sepenuhnya. Quest ini akan mengajarkan keterampilan praktis yang diperlukan untuk mengintegrasi orkestrasi container ke dalam alur kerja Anda. Selesaikan quest ini, termasuk challenge lab di akhir quest, untuk menerima badge digital eksklusif dari Google Cloud. Challenge lab ini tidak menyediakan langkah-langkah preskriptif, tetapi menuntut Anda mem-build solusi dengan panduan minimal, dan akan menguji keterampilan Anda dalam menggunakan teknologi Google Cloud.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Develop and Secure APIs with Apigee X quest, where you learn how to modernize your APIs, use service accounts and Google Authentication to securely access backend services from Apigee API proxies, productize APIs using API products and developer portals, secure APIs using features like API keys, OAuth, private variables and fault handling, integrate Apigee with Google Cloud services like Pub/Sub and Cloud Logging, and call Google Cloud APIs like the Natural Language API and the Geocoding API. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge quest, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Deploy and Manage Apigee X quest, where you learn about the Apigee X architecture, how to provision an Apigee X organization within a Google Cloud project, the management of Apigee X using the Apigee API and UI, and the use of Cloud Armor and Apigee threat protection policies to protect your APIs. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge quest, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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Complete the intermediate Optimize Costs for Google Kubernetes Engine skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: creating and managing multi-tenant clusters, monitoring resource usage by namespace, configuring cluster and pod autoscaling for efficiency, setting up load balancing for optimal resource distribution, and implementing liveness and readiness probes to ensure application health and cost-effectiveness. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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Selesaikan badge keahlian tingkat menengah Develop Serverless Apps with Firebase untuk menunjukkan keterampilan dalam hal berikut ini: membuat arsitektur dan membangun aplikasi web serverless dengan Firebase, memanfaatkan pengelolaan database Firestore, mengotomatiskan proses deployment menggunakan Cloud Build, dan mengintegrasikan fungsi Asisten Google ke dalam aplikasi. Badge keahlian merupakan badge digital eksklusif yang diberikan oleh Google Cloud sebagian pengakuan atas kemahiran Anda dalam menggunakan produk dan layanan Google Cloud serta menguji kemampuan Anda dalam menerapkan pengetahuan di lingkungan praktis yang interaktif. Selesaikan kursus badge keahlian ini dan challenge lab penilaian akhir untuk menerima badge keahlian yang dapat Anda bagikan ke jaringan Anda.

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Earn the introductory skill badge by completing the Build a Website on Google Cloud course. This course is based on the series Get Cooking in Cloud, where you learn how to: Deploy a website on Cloud Run; Host a web app on Compute Engine; Create, deploy, and scale your website on Google Kubernetes Engine; Migrate from a monolithic application to a microservices architecture using Cloud Build. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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Dapatkan badge keahlian dengan menyelesaikan kursus Cloud Architecture: Design, Implement, and Manage untuk menunjukkan keahlian Anda dalam hal berikut: men-deploy situs yang dapat diakses secara publik menggunakan server web Apache, mengonfigurasi VM Compute Engine menggunakan skrip startup, mengonfigurasi RDP yang aman menggunakan Bastion host Windows dan aturan firewall, membangun dan men-deploy image Docker ke cluster Kubernetes serta kemudian mengupdatenya, membuat instance CloudSQL, dan mengimpor database MySQL. Kursus badge keahlian ini merupakan referensi yang bagus untuk memahami topik yang akan muncul di ujian sertifikasi Professional Cloud Architect Tersertifikasi Google Cloud. Badge keahlian merupakan badge digital eksklusif yang diberikan oleh Google Cloud sebagian pengakuan atas kemahiran Anda dalam menggunakan produk dan layanan Google Cloud serta menguji kemampuan Anda dalam menerapkan pengetahuan di lingkungan praktis yang interaktif. Selesaikan kursus badge keahli…

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Selesaikan badge keahlian Develop Serverless Applications on Cloud Run untuk menunjukkan keterampilan Anda dalam hal berikut: mengintegrasikan Cloud Run dengan Cloud Storage untuk pengelolaan data, membangun sistem asinkron yang tangguh menggunakan Cloud Run dan Pub/Sub, membuat gateway REST API yang didukung Cloud Run, dan membangun serta men-deploy layanan di Cloud Run. Badge keahlian merupakan badge digital eksklusif yang diberikan oleh Google Cloud sebagai pengakuan atas kemahiran Anda dalam menggunakan produk dan layanan Google Cloud serta menguji kemampuan Anda dalam menerapkan pengetahuan di lingkungan praktis yang interaktif. Selesaikan kursus badge keahlian ini dan challenge lab penilaian akhir untuk menerima badge keahlian yang dapat Anda bagikan kepada jaringan Anda.

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Networking is a principle theme of cloud computing. It’s the underlying structure of Google Cloud, and it’s what connects all your resources and services to one another. This quest will cover essential Google Cloud networking services and will give you hands-on practice with specialized tools for developing mature networks. From learning the ins-and-outs of VPCs, to creating enterprise-grade load balancers, Networking Fundamentals in the Google Cloud will give you the practical experience needed so you can start building robust networks right away.

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Quest level dasar ini berbeda dari penawaran Qwiklabs lainnya. Lab-lab di dalamnya telah diseleksi guna membekali profesional IT dengan praktik langsung tentang berbagai topik dan layanan yang diujikan dalam Sertifikasi Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer. Quest ini berisi lab-lab khusus yang akan menguji pengetahuan Anda seputar Google Cloud, mulai dari IAM, networking, hingga deployment Kubernetes Engine. Selesaikan quest ini, termasuk challenge lab di akhir quest, untuk menerima badge digital eksklusif dari Google Cloud. Harap diketahui, meskipun praktik dengan lab ini dapat meningkatkan keterampilan dan kemampuan Anda, sebaiknya pelajari juga panduan ujian serta referensi persiapan lain yang tersedia.

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Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure memperkenalkan konsep dan terminologi penting untuk bekerja dengan Google Cloud. Melalui video dan lab interaktif, kursus ini menyajikan dan membandingkan banyak layanan komputasi dan penyimpanan Google Cloud, bersama dengan resource penting dan alat pengelolaan kebijakan.

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Quest level dasar ini berbeda dari penawaran Qwiklabs lainnya. Lab-lab di dalamnya telah diseleksi guna membekali profesional IT dengan praktik langsung tentang berbagai topik dan layanan yang diujikan dalam Sertifikasi Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect. Quest ini berisi lab-lab khusus yang akan menguji pengetahuan Anda seputar Google Cloud, mulai dari IAM, networking, hingga deployment Kubernetes Engine. Selesaikan quest ini, termasuk challenge lab di akhir quest, untuk menerima badge digital eksklusif dari Google Cloud. Harap diketahui, meskipun praktik dengan lab ini dapat meningkatkan keterampilan dan kemampuan Anda, sebaiknya pelajari juga panduan ujian serta referensi persiapan lain yang tersedia.

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For everyone using Google Cloud Platform for the first time, getting familar with gcloud, Google Cloud's command line, will help you get up to speed faster. In this quest, you'll learn how to install and configure Cloud SDK, then use gcloud to perform some basic operations like creating VMs, networks, using BigQuery, and using gsutil to perform operations.

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Jika Anda adalah developer cloud pemula yang menginginkan praktik langsung di luar Getting Started - Create and Manage Cloud Resources, artinya quest ini cocok untuk Anda. Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman praktik melalui lab yang mendalami Cloud Storage dan layanan aplikasi utama lainnya, seperti Stackdriver dan Cloud Functions. Dengan mengambil quest ini, Anda dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berharga yang dapat diterapkan di semua inisiatif Google Cloud. Selesaikan quest ini, termasuk challenge lab di akhir quest, untuk menerima badge digital eksklusif dari Google Cloud. Tersedia video berdurasi 1 menit yang akan membantu Anda memahami konsep utama lab-lab ini.

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Selesaikan badge keahlian pengantar Derive Insights from BigQuery Data untuk menunjukkan keterampilan dalam hal berikut: menulis kueri SQL, membuat kueri tabel publik, memuat sampel data ke dalam BigQuery, memecahkan masalah error sintaksis umum dengan validator kueri di BigQuery, dan membuat laporan di Looker Studio dengan menghubungkannya ke data BigQuery. Badge keahlian adalah badge digital eksklusif yang diberikan oleh Google Cloud sebagai pengakuan atas kemahiran Anda dalam menggunakan produk dan layanan Google Cloud serta menguji kemampuan Anda dalam menerapkan pengetahuan di lingkungan praktis yang interaktif. Selesaikan kursus badge keahlian ini dan penilaian akhir challenge lab untuk menerima badge keahlian yang dapat Anda bagikan dengan jaringan Anda.

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Selesaikan pengantar badge keahlian Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine untuk menunjukkan keterampilan berikut ini: menulis perintah gcloud dan menggunakan Cloud Shell, membuat dan men-deploy virtual machine di Compute Engine, serta mengonfigurasi jaringan dan load balancer HTTP. Badge keahlian adalah badge digital eksklusif yang diberikan oleh Google Cloud sebagai pengakuan atas kemahiran Anda dalam menggunakan produk dan layanan Google Cloud serta menguji kemampuan Anda dalam menerapkan pengetahuan di lingkungan yang interaktif. Selesaikan badge keahlian ini, dan penilaian akhir Challenge Lab, untuk menerima badge keahlian yang dapat Anda bagikan dengan jaringan Anda.

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Dalam quest level pendahuluan ini, Anda akan mendapatkan praktik langsung dengan aneka fitur dan layanan dasar Google Cloud Platform. Dasar-Dasar GCP adalah Quest pertama yang direkomendasikan bagi peserta kursus Google Cloud—Anda dapat memulai dengan pengetahuan yang minim atau tanpa pengetahuan sama sekali tentang cloud, dan selesai dengan pengalaman praktis yang dapat diterapkan pada project GCP pertama Anda. Mulai dari menulis perintah Cloud Shell dan menerapkan mesin virtual pertama Anda, hingga menjalankan aplikasi di Kubernetes Engine atau dengan load balancing, Dasar-Dasar GCP merupakan pengenalan terbaik pada fitur-fitur dasar platform cloud. Setiap lab disertai video berdurasi 1 menit yang akan memandu Anda memahami berbagai konsep penting.

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