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Ikhsan Agil Kusuma

Jest członkiem od 2022

Liga brązowa

10660 pkt.
Odznaka dla Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud Earned maj 27, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Cloud Architecture: Design, Implement, and Manage Cloud Architecture: Design, Implement, and Manage Earned maj 23, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Cloud Logging Cloud Logging Earned maj 12, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Optimize Your Google Cloud Costs Optimize Your Google Cloud Costs Earned maj 11, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Security & Identity Fundamentals Security & Identity Fundamentals Earned maj 10, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Monitor and Log with Google Cloud Observability Monitor and Log with Google Cloud Observability Earned maj 9, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Understand Your Google Cloud Costs Understand Your Google Cloud Costs Earned kwi 22, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Build a Secure Google Cloud Network Build a Secure Google Cloud Network Earned kwi 12, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Set Up a Google Cloud Network Set Up a Google Cloud Network Earned kwi 10, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud Earned kwi 8, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Develop your Google Cloud Network Develop your Google Cloud Network Earned kwi 8, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud Earned kwi 7, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine Earned kwi 5, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Build a Website on Google Cloud Build a Website on Google Cloud Earned kwi 2, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Implement DevOps Workflows in Google Cloud Implement DevOps Workflows in Google Cloud Earned kwi 1, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla [DEPRECATED] Build Interactive Apps with Google Assistant [DEPRECATED] Build Interactive Apps with Google Assistant Earned kwi 1, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Google Developer Essentials Google Developer Essentials Earned mar 29, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud Earned mar 28, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud - Locales Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud - Locales Earned mar 25, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Baseline: Infrastructure Baseline: Infrastructure Earned mar 25, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud - Locales Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud - Locales Earned mar 23, 2022 EDT
Odznaka dla Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals - Polski Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals - Polski Earned mar 21, 2022 EDT

Complete the intermediate Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: configuring and building Docker container images, creating and managing Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters, utilizing kubectl for efficient cluster management, and deploying Kubernetes applications with robust continuous delivery (CD) practices. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Cloud Architecture: Design, Implement, and Manage to demonstrate skills in the following: deploy a publicly accessible website using Apache web servers, configure a Compute Engine VM using startup scripts, configure secure RDP using a Windows Bastion host and firewall rules, build and deploy a Docker image to a Kubernetes cluster and then update it, and create a CloudSQL instance and import a MySQL database. This skill badge is a great resource for understanding topics that will appear in the Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect certification exam. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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Cloud Logging is a fully managed service that performs at scale. It can ingest application and system log data from thousands of VMs and, even better, analyze all that log data in real time. In this fundamental-level Quest, you learn how to store, search, analyze, monitor, and alert on log data and events from Google Cloud. The labs in the Quest give you hands-on practice using Cloud Logging to maximize your learning experience and provide insight on how you can use Cloud Logging to your own Google Cloud environment.

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This is the second Quest in a two-part series on Google Cloud billing and cost management essentials. This Quest is most suitable for those in a Finance and/or IT related role responsible for optimizing their organization’s cloud infrastructure. Here you'll learn several ways to control and optimize your Google Cloud costs, including setting up budgets and alerts, managing quota limits, and taking advantage of committed use discounts. In the hands-on labs, you’ll practice using various tools to control and optimize your Google Cloud costs or to influence your technology teams to apply the cost optimization best practices.

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Security is an uncompromising feature of Google Cloud services, and Google Cloud has developed specific tools for ensuring safety and identity across your projects. In this fundamental-level quest, you will get hands-on practice with Google Cloud’s Identity and Access Management (IAM) service, which is the go-to for managing user and virtual machine accounts. You will get experience with network security by provisioning VPCs and VPNs, and learn what tools are available for security threat and data loss protections. Looking for a hands on challenge lab to demonstrate your skills and validate your knowledge? On completing this quest, enroll in and finish the additional challenge lab at the end of this quest to receive an exclusive Google Cloud digital badge.

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Complete the introductory Monitor and Log with Google Cloud Observability skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: monitoring virtual machines in Compute Engine, utilizing Cloud Monitoring for multi-project oversight, extending monitoring and logging capabilities to Cloud Functions, creating and sending custom application metrics, and configuring Cloud Monitoring alerts based on custom metrics. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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This Quest is most suitable for those working in a technology or finance role who are responsible for managing Google Cloud costs. You’ll learn how to set up a billing account, organize resources, and manage billing access permissions. In the hands-on labs, you'll learn how to view your invoice, track your Google Cloud costs with Billing reports, analyze your billing data with BigQuery or Google Sheets, and create custom billing dashboards with Looker Studio. References made to links in the videos can be accessed in this Additional Resources document.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud course, where you will learn about multiple networking-related resources to build, scale, and secure your applications on Google Cloud. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Set Up a Google Cloud Network course, where you will learn how to: Set IAM features with the gcloud CLI tool; deploy and scale a web app on Google Compute Engine; provision a Kubernetes cluster and break an application into microservices; perform basic networking tasks on Google Cloud Platform; view BigQuery logs inside Cloud Logging, and migrate a stand-alone PostgreSQL database to Cloud SQL using a continuous Database Migration Service job. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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Ukończ szkolenie wprowadzające Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud, aby zdobyć odznakę potwierdzającą zdobycie następujących umiejętności: czyszczenie danych przy użyciu usługi Dataprep firmy Trifacta, uruchamianie potoków danych w Dataflow, tworzenie klastrów i uruchamianie zadań Apache Spark w Dataproc, a także wywoływanie interfejsów API dotyczących uczenia maszynowego, w tym Cloud Natural Language API, Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API oraz Video Intelligence API. Odznaka umiejętności to wyjątkowa cyfrowa odznaka wydawana przez Google Cloud, która potwierdza Twoją wiedzę o produktach i usługach Google Cloud. Aby ją zdobyć, musisz pokazać, że potrafisz zastosować zdobytą wiedzę w praktycznym, interaktywnym środowisku. Ukończ to szkolenie oraz moduł Challenge Lab, aby zdobyć odznakę umiejętności, którą możesz udostępnić w swojej sieci kontaktów.

Więcej informacji

Earn a skill badge by completing the Develop your Google Cloud Network course, where you learn multiple ways to deploy and monitor applications including how to: explore IAM rols and add/remove project access, create VPC networks, deploy and monitor Compute Engine VMs, write SQL queries, deploy and monitor VMs in Compute Engine, and deploy applications using Kubernetes with multiple deployment approaches. A skill badge is an exclusivedigital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

Więcej informacji

Jeśli jesteś początkującym programistą aplikacji internetowych i potrzebujesz dodatkowych ćwiczeń praktycznych (poza zawartymi w kursie Pierwsze kroki – Tworzenie zasobów w Google Cloud i zarządzanie nimi), ten kurs jest dla Ciebie. Obejmuje on moduły dotyczące Cloud Storage i innych kluczowych aplikacji oraz usług, takich jak Stackdriver czy Cloud Functions. Uczestnicząc w nim, zdobędziesz wartościowe umiejętności i doświadczenie przydatne w każdym projekcie Google Cloud. Jeśli ukończysz ten kurs wraz z Challenge Lab na końcu, otrzymasz cyfrową plakietkę Google Cloud. Przez kluczowe pojęcia dotyczące poszczególnych modułów przeprowadzą Cię 1-minutowe filmy.

Więcej informacji

Ukończ szkolenie wprowadzające Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine, aby zdobyć odznakę potwierdzającą zdobycie następujących umiejętności: pisanie poleceń gcloud przy użyciu Cloud Shell, tworzenie i wdrażanie maszyn wirtualnych w Compute Engine oraz konfigurowanie systemów równoważenia obciążenia sieci i HTTP. Odznaka umiejętności to wyjątkowa cyfrowa odznaka wydawana przez Google Cloud, która potwierdza Twoją wiedzę o produktach i usługach Google Cloud. Aby ją zdobyć, musisz pokazać, że potrafisz zastosować zdobytą wiedzę, w praktycznym, interaktywnym środowisku. Ukończ to szkolenie oraz moduł Challenge Lab, aby zdobyć odznakę umiejętności, którą możesz udostępnić w swojej sieci kontaktów.

Więcej informacji

W ramach tego kursu poznasz 4 dostępne architektury stron Google Cloud, dzięki czemu Twoja strona będzie dostępna i skalowalna. Jeśli ukończysz ten kurs wraz z Challenge Lab na końcu, otrzymasz cyfrową plakietkę Google Cloud. Challenge Lab nie zawiera dokładnych instrukcji – wymaga opracowania rozwiązań z minimalną pomocą, przez co sprawdza umiejętności użytkownika w zakresie technologii Google Cloud. Ten kurs jest oparty na serii materiałów wideo Get Cooking in Cloud.

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Complete the intermediate Implement DevOps Workflows in Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: creating git repositories with Cloud Source Repositories, launching, managing, and scaling deployments on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), and architecting CI/CD pipelines that automate container image builds and deployments to GKE. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Build Interactive Apps with Google Assistant quest, where you will learn how to build Google Assistant applications, including how to: create an Actions project, integrate Dialogflow with an Actions project, test your application with Actions simulator, build an Assistant application with flash cards template, integrate customer MP3 files with your Assistant application, add Cloud Translation API to your Assistant application, and use APIs and integrate them into your applications. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge quest, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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This introductory-level quest shows application developers how the Google Cloud ecosystem could help them build secure, scalable, and intelligent cloud native applications. You learn how to develop and scale applications without setting up infrastructure, run data analytics, gain insights from data, and develop with pre-trained ML APIs to leverage machine learning even if you are not a Machine Learning expert. You will also experience seamless integration between various Google services and APIs to create intelligent apps.

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The Google Cloud Computing Foundations courses are for individuals with little to no background or experience in cloud computing. They provide an overview of concepts central to cloud basics, big data, and machine learning, and where and how Google Cloud fits in. By the end of the series of courses, learners will be able to articulate these concepts and demonstrate some hands-on skills. The courses should be completed in the following order: 1. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals 2. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud 3. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud 4. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud This final course in the series reviews managed big data services, machine learning and its value, and how to demonstrate your skill set in Google Cloud further by earning Skill Badges.

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Szkolenie Podstawy przetwarzania danych w Google Cloud pozwoli osobom z niewielkim lub zerowym doświadczeniem z zakresu przetwarzania danych w chmurze szczegółowo zapoznać się z najważniejszymi pojęciami z zakresu podstaw chmury, big data i systemów uczących się. Zawiera także informacje o tym, gdzie i jak można wykorzystać Google Cloud. Po zakończeniu szkolenia uczestnicy będą potrafili wyjaśnić pojęcia dotyczące przetwarzania danych w chmurze, big data i systemów uczących się oraz zademonstrować wybrane umiejętności praktyczne. To szkolenie należy do serii szkoleń o nazwie Google Cloud Computing Foundations (Podstawy usług w chmurze Google). Szkolenia należy ukończyć w następującej kolejności: Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals - Locales Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud - Locales Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud - Locales Google Cloud Computing Foundations…

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If you are a novice cloud developer looking for hands-on practice beyond Google Cloud Essentials, this quest is for you. You will get practical experience through labs that dive into Cloud Storage and other key application services like Stackdriver and Cloud Functions. By taking this quest, you will develop valuable skills that are applicable to any Google Cloud initiative. 1-minute videos walk you through key concepts for these labs.

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Szkolenie Podstawy przetwarzania danych w Google Cloud pozwoli osobom z niewielkim lub zerowym doświadczeniem z zakresu przetwarzania danych w chmurze szczegółowo zapoznać się z najważniejszymi pojęciami z zakresu podstaw chmury, big data i systemów uczących się. Zawiera także informacje o tym, gdzie i jak można wykorzystać Google Cloud. Po zakończeniu szkolenia uczestnicy będą potrafili wyjaśnić pojęcia dotyczące przetwarzania danych w chmurze, big data i systemów uczących się oraz zademonstrować wybrane umiejętności praktyczne. To szkolenie należy do serii szkoleń o nazwie Google Cloud Computing Foundations (Podstawy usług w chmurze Google). Szkolenia należy ukończyć w następującej kolejności: Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals - Locales Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud - Locales Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud - Locales Google Cloud Computing Foundation…

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Szkolenie Podstawy przetwarzania danych w Google Cloud pozwoli osobom z niewielkim lub zerowym doświadczeniem z zakresu przetwarzania danych w chmurze szczegółowo zapoznać się z najważniejszymi pojęciami z zakresu podstaw chmury, big data i systemów uczących się. Zawiera także informacje o tym, gdzie i jak można wykorzystać Google Cloud. Po zakończeniu szkolenia uczestnicy będą potrafili wyjaśnić pojęcia dotyczące przetwarzania danych w chmurze, big data i systemów uczących się oraz zademonstrować wybrane umiejętności praktyczne. TTo szkolenie należy do serii szkoleń o nazwie Google Cloud Computing Foundations (Podstawy usług w chmurze Google). Szkolenia należy ukończyć w następującej kolejności: Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals - Locales Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud - Locales Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud - Locales Google Cloud Computing Foundatio…

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