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sumaiya qureshi

Mitglied seit 2020

Bronze League

1000 Punkte
Badge für Scaling with Google Cloud Operations Scaling with Google Cloud Operations Earned Nov 14, 2022 EST
Badge für Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud Earned Nov 13, 2022 EST
Badge für Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud Earned Nov 13, 2022 EST
Badge für Digital Transformation with Google Cloud Digital Transformation with Google Cloud Earned Nov 11, 2022 EST
Badge für Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML Earned Nov 23, 2020 EST

Organizations of all sizes are embracing the power and flexibility of the cloud to transform how they operate. However, managing and scaling cloud resources effectively can be a complex task. Scaling with Google Cloud Operations explores the fundamental concepts of modern operations, reliability, and resilience in the cloud, and how Google Cloud can help support these efforts. Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build the future of their business.

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Many traditional enterprises use legacy systems and applications that can't stay up-to-date with modern customer expectations. Business leaders often have to choose between maintaining their aging IT systems or investing in new products and services. 'Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud' explores these challenges and offers solutions to overcome them by using cloud technology. Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build the future of their business.

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Cloud technology can bring great value to an organization, and combining the power of cloud technology with data has the potential to unlock even more value and create new customer experiences. “Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud” explores the value data can bring to an organization and ways Google Cloud can make data useful and accessible. Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build the future of their business.

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There's much excitement about cloud technology and digital transformation, but often many unanswered questions. For example: What is cloud technology? What does digital transformation mean? How can cloud technology help your organization? Where do you even begin? If you've asked yourself any of these questions, you're in the right place. This course provides an overview of the types of opportunities and challenges that companies often encounter in their digital transformation journey. If you want to learn about cloud technology so you can excel in your role and help build the future of your business, then this introductory course on digital transformation is for you. This course is part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path.

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Mit dem Skill-Logo zum Kurs Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML weisen Sie fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse in folgenden Bereichen nach: Erstellen von Pipelines für die Datentransformation nach BigQuery mithilfe von Dataprep von Trifacta; Extrahieren, Transformieren und Laden (ETL) von Workflows mit Cloud Storage, Dataflow und BigQuery; Erstellen von Machine-Learning-Modellen mithilfe von BigQuery ML; standortübergreifendes Kopieren von Daten mit Cloud Composer. Ein Skill-Logo ist ein exklusives digitales Abzeichen, das von Google Cloud ausgestellt wird und Ihre Kenntnisse über Produkte und Dienste von Google Cloud belegt. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Fähigkeit bewertet, Ihr Wissen in einer interaktiven praxisnahen Umgebung anzuwenden. Absolvieren Sie eine kursspezifische Aufgabenreihe und die Challenge-Lab-Prüfung, um ein Skill-Logo zu erhalten, das Sie in Ihrem Netzwerk posten können.

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