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Harsh Kumar

Date d'abonnement : 2021

Ligue de Diamant

17235 points
Badge pour Arcade Carnival Arcade Carnival Earned fév. 11, 2024 EST
Badge pour Get Started with Pub/Sub Get Started with Pub/Sub Earned déc. 13, 2023 EST
Badge pour Streaming Analytics into BigQuery Streaming Analytics into BigQuery Earned déc. 13, 2023 EST
Badge pour Develop with Apps Script and AppSheet Develop with Apps Script and AppSheet Earned déc. 13, 2023 EST
Badge pour Qwiklabs Trivia December 2023 Week 4 Qwiklabs Trivia December 2023 Week 4 Earned déc. 13, 2023 EST
Badge pour Qwiklabs Trivia December 2023 Week 3 Qwiklabs Trivia December 2023 Week 3 Earned déc. 13, 2023 EST
Badge pour Level 3: GenAIus Chatbots Level 3: GenAIus Chatbots Earned déc. 10, 2023 EST
Badge pour Level 2: Cloud Security Level 2: Cloud Security Earned déc. 10, 2023 EST
Badge pour Level 1: CI/CD Pipelines Level 1: CI/CD Pipelines Earned déc. 6, 2023 EST
Badge pour Implement CI/CD Pipelines on Google Cloud Implement CI/CD Pipelines on Google Cloud Earned déc. 4, 2023 EST
Badge pour Qwiklabs Trivia December 2023 Week 2 Qwiklabs Trivia December 2023 Week 2 Earned déc. 4, 2023 EST
Badge pour Qwiklabs Trivia December 2023 Week 1 Qwiklabs Trivia December 2023 Week 1 Earned déc. 4, 2023 EST
Badge pour Scaling with Google Cloud Operations - Français Scaling with Google Cloud Operations - Français Earned nov. 19, 2023 EST
Badge pour Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud - Français Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud - Français Earned nov. 19, 2023 EST
Badge pour Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud - Français Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud - Français Earned nov. 19, 2023 EST
Badge pour Digital Transformation with Google Cloud - Français Digital Transformation with Google Cloud - Français Earned nov. 19, 2023 EST
Badge pour Introduction to Responsible AI - Français Introduction to Responsible AI - Français Earned nov. 19, 2023 EST
Badge pour Introduction to Generative AI - Français Introduction to Generative AI - Français Earned nov. 19, 2023 EST
Badge pour Introduction to Large Language Models - Français Introduction to Large Language Models - Français Earned nov. 19, 2023 EST
Badge pour Better Together: A Google Cloud Partners Challenge Better Together: A Google Cloud Partners Challenge Earned fév. 14, 2023 EST
Badge pour Retail Tech Retail Tech Earned fév. 5, 2023 EST
Badge pour The Google Cloud Fly Cup The Google Cloud Fly Cup Earned jan. 28, 2023 EST
Badge pour New Year, New Skills: Blue Challenge (A) New Year, New Skills: Blue Challenge (A) Earned jan. 25, 2023 EST
Badge pour New Year, New Skills: Red Challenge (A) New Year, New Skills: Red Challenge (A) Earned jan. 18, 2023 EST
Badge pour New Year, New Skills: Yellow Challenge (A) New Year, New Skills: Yellow Challenge (A) Earned jan. 8, 2023 EST
Badge pour New Year, New Skills: Green Challenge (A) New Year, New Skills: Green Challenge (A) Earned jan. 5, 2023 EST
Badge pour Sports Data Challenge Sports Data Challenge Earned déc. 16, 2022 EST
Badge pour MongoDB Atlas on Google Cloud MongoDB Atlas on Google Cloud Earned déc. 15, 2022 EST
Badge pour Holiday Challenge: Automation with CI/CD Pipelines Holiday Challenge: Automation with CI/CD Pipelines Earned déc. 15, 2022 EST
Badge pour Qwiklabs Trivia December 2022 Qwiklabs Trivia December 2022 Earned déc. 13, 2022 EST
Badge pour Preparing for Your Associate Cloud Engineer Journey Preparing for Your Associate Cloud Engineer Journey Earned déc. 2, 2022 EST
Badge pour Qwiklabs Trivia November 2022 Qwiklabs Trivia November 2022 Earned déc. 1, 2022 EST
Badge pour No Code November 2022 - Apps Scripts No Code November 2022 - Apps Scripts Earned nov. 7, 2022 EST
Badge pour No code november 2022 No code november 2022 Earned nov. 3, 2022 EDT
Badge pour Halloween 2022 Challenge Halloween 2022 Challenge Earned oct. 31, 2022 EDT
Badge pour Diwali Game 4: Firecrackers and Firebase Diwali Game 4: Firecrackers and Firebase Earned oct. 27, 2022 EDT
Badge pour  Diwali Game 3: Flowers and Flutter Diwali Game 3: Flowers and Flutter Earned oct. 25, 2022 EDT
Badge pour Diwali Game 2: Lanterns and Looker Diwali Game 2: Lanterns and Looker Earned oct. 24, 2022 EDT
Badge pour Qwiklabs Trivia October 2022 Qwiklabs Trivia October 2022 Earned oct. 24, 2022 EDT
Badge pour Diwali Game 1: Rangoli and Google Sheets Diwali Game 1: Rangoli and Google Sheets Earned oct. 23, 2022 EDT

Pup and Kit's next adventure awaits them in the Carnival. Follow them on their journey and pick up a Google Cloud Credential on the way! No prior experience needed.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Get Started with Pub/Sub quest, where you learn how to use Pub/Sub through the Cloud console, how Cloud Scheduler jobs can save you effort, and when Pub/Sub Lite can save you money on high-volume event ingestion. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this Skill Badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Streaming Analytics into BigQuery quest, where you use Pub/Sub, Dataflow and BigQuery together to stream data for analytics. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this Skill Badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Develop with Apps Script and AppSheet quest, where you will learn how to build chat bots and how to use the script editor in any document. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this Skill Badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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Hey there! You're invited to game on with Qwiklabs Trivia for December 2023! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. This week, we're releasing a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the December week 4 badge!

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Hey there! You're invited to game on with Qwiklabs Trivia for December 2023! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. This week, we're releasing a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the December week 3 badge!

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With each passing day, Generative AI becomes more integral, offering fresh perspectives and transformative possibilities. We invite you to join us and see for yourself how Gen AI shapes tomorrow and be a part of it by gaining hands-on experience with Google Cloud’s powerful Gen AI tools and techniques and earn your first Google Cloud Gen AI credential!

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Security stands as a linchpin for the uninterrupted flow of business activities. The imperative for effective monitoring and security measures makes proficiency in these skills a surefire pathway to a successful career in the cloud. Become a Cloud Guardian, entrusted with the protection of businesses and their digital assets. Gain hands-on experience with the powerful security tools and techniques offered by Google Cloud and secure your first Google Cloud Credential!

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Today, cloud adoption is skyrocketing, propelling the demand for cloud-savvy professionals to newer heights. It is time for you to position yourself at the forefront of this sought-after talent pool and elevate your marketability by acquiring your first Google Cloud Credential—an invaluable asset that emphasizes your expertise. And the best part? -No prior experience is needed for you to game on!

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Earn the intermediate skill badge by completing the Implement CI/CD Pipelines on Google Cloud course where you will learn how to use Artifact Registry, Cloud Build, and Cloud Deploy. You will interact with the Cloud console, Google Cloud CLI, Cloud Run, and GKE. This course will teach you how to build continuous integration pipelines, store and secure artifacts, scan for vulnerabilities, attest to the validity of approved releases. Additionally, you'll get hands-on experience deploying applications to both GKE and Cloud Run. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an skillbadge hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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Hey there! You're invited to game on with Qwiklabs Trivia for December 2023! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. This week, we're releasing a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the December week 2 badge!

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Hey there! You're invited to game on with Qwiklabs Trivia for December 2023! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. This week, we're releasing a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the December week 1 badge!

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Les organisations de toutes tailles exploitent le potentiel et la flexibilité du cloud afin de transformer leurs opérations. Toutefois, la gestion et le scaling des ressources cloud peuvent s'avérer complexes. "Scaling with Google Cloud Operations" présente les concepts fondamentaux des opérations modernes, de la fiabilité et de la résilience dans le cloud, ainsi que la manière dont Google Cloud peut vous aider à atteindre ces objectifs. Ce cours fait partie du parcours de formation Cloud Digital Leader. Il vise à aider les participants à évoluer dans leur poste et à bâtir l'avenir de leur entreprise.

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De nombreuses entreprises traditionnelles utilisent d'anciens systèmes et d'anciennes applications qui ne peuvent plus satisfaire les attentes des clients d'aujourd'hui. Les chefs d'entreprise doivent régulièrement choisir entre deux options : entretenir leurs systèmes informatiques vieillissants ou investir dans de nouveaux produits et services. Le cours "Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud" aborde ces problématiques et propose des solutions pour les résoudre à l'aide de la technologie cloud. Ce cours fait partie du parcours de formation Cloud Digital Leader. Il vise à aider les participants à évoluer dans leur poste et à bâtir l'avenir de leur entreprise.

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La technologie cloud est une grande source de valeur pour les entreprises. En combinant le potentiel de cette technologie avec celui des données, il est possible de créer encore plus de valeur et d'offrir de nouvelles expériences client. "Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud" vous fait découvrir la valeur que les données peuvent apporter à une entreprise et les façons dont Google Cloud peut les rendre utiles et accessibles. Ce cours fait partie du parcours de formation Cloud Digital Leader. Il a pour but d'aider les participants à évoluer dans leur poste et à façonner l'avenir de leur entreprise.

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La technologie cloud et la transformation numérique suscitent beaucoup d'enthousiasme, mais elles génèrent aussi souvent beaucoup de questions laissées sans réponse. Par exemple : Qu'est-ce que la technologie cloud ? Qu'entend-on par transformation numérique ? Que peut vous apporter la technologie cloud ? Et par où commencer ? Si vous vous êtes déjà posé une de ces questions, vous êtes au bon endroit. Ce cours offre un aperçu des opportunités et des défis que les entreprises peuvent rencontrer lors de leur transformation numérique. Si vous souhaitez découvrir les technologies cloud afin de pouvoir exceller dans votre rôle et contribuer à bâtir l'avenir de votre entreprise, ce cours d'introduction sur la transformation numérique est pour vous. Il fait partie du parcours de formation Cloud Digital Leader.

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Ce cours de micro-apprentissage, qui s'adresse aux débutants, explique ce qu'est l'IA responsable, souligne son importance et décrit comment Google l'implémente dans ses produits. Il présente également les sept principes de l'IA de Google.

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Ce cours de micro-apprentissage, qui s'adresse aux débutants, explique ce qu'est l'IA générative, décrit à quoi elle sert et souligne ce qui la distingue des méthodes de machine learning traditionnel. Il présente aussi les outils Google qui vous aideront à développer votre propre application d'IA générative.

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Ce cours de micro-apprentissage, qui s'adresse aux débutants, explique ce que sont les grands modèles de langage (LLM). Il inclut des cas d'utilisation et décrit comment améliorer les performances des LLM grâce au réglage des requêtes. Il présente aussi les outils Google qui vous aideront à développer votre propre application d'IA générative.

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Entering the world of cloud computing? You don't have to go alone. Google Cloud partners can help you skip the guesswork and get the most value out of Google Cloud. In today's game, you'll learn how to work with tools and tech from partners like Cisco, Redis, Apache, NetApp, Striim, and Datadog.

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Technology has transformed the retail industry, and the transformation is not stopping. Want to see how to take advantage of the latest tech in your business? (Or job, or future job?) Play now and explore how Google Cloud helps retailers build better - better data, better apps, and better businesses. You'll get hands-on experience with BigQuery ML, Looker, Terraform, and concepts like site reliability. Earn the badge and you'll add one more Arcade point to your collection. Good luck!

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Take your Google cloud skills to new heights by joining this learning challenge, brought to you in partnership with the Drone Racing League. The Google Cloud Fly Cup Challenge, is a 3 stage developer focused competition to help boost cloud skills and drive innovation into the sport of Drone Racing, Using Google’s secure, reliable, and scalable cloud platform, participating developers will be able to utilize DRL’s race data, to predict race outcomes and provide tips and tricks to DRL Pilots to enhance their season performance, winning exclusive swag, prizes, and a chance to win an expenses-paid trip to the season finale of the DRL 2022-23 World Championship.

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New year, new skills! Add 23 (or so) new skills and techniques to your toolkit, while sampling certification-based learning paths. Whether you're thinking about Google Cloud's Data, DevOps or Networking certifications, or just exploring, this is the challenge to help you start your year strong.

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New year, new skills! Add 23 (or so) new skills and techniques to your toolkit, while sampling certification-based learning paths. Whether you're thinking about Google Cloud's Data, DevOps or Networking certifications, or just exploring, this is the challenge to help you start your year strong.

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New year, New skills! Add 23 (or so) new skills and techniques to your toolkit, while sampling certification-based learning paths. Whether you're thinking about Google Cloud's Data, DevOps or Networking certifications, or just exploring, this is the challenge to help you start your year strong.

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New year, new skills! Add 23 (or so) new skills and techniques to your toolkit, while sampling certification-based learning paths. Whether you're thinking about Google Cloud's Data, DevOps or Networking certifications, or just exploring, this is the challenge to help you start your year strong.

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GOOOOAALLL! Get practical experience on the fundamentals of sports data science no matter who you're cheering for in this week's matches. Use BigQuery ML to train advanced models to predict goals and evaluate performance. Complete labs to learn new skills and earn the badge. No prior experience needed!

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Discover the ease of an integrated multi-cloud database with data services that simplify database deployment and management. Get practical experience using MongoDB Atlas on Google Cloud and unlock the power of a flexible document data model that makes data easier to work with in a global, scalable, fully-managed, and elastic service. Come expecting to learn, Building a Cloud Run application that leverages Atlas App Services to call Cloud Natural Language Processing and carry out sentiment analysis, Running a MongoDB Database in Kubernetes with StatefulSets and Ingesting New Datasets into BigQuery

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A CI/CD pipeline automates your software delivery process. That means it can build code, run tests, and deploy safely. Especially useful when some (or most!) of your team is enjoying a holiday. Learn how Google Cloud can help you automate your processes, just in time for a hot chocolate break.

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Welcome to Qwiklabs Trivia for December! Each week, we will release a new set of questions to test your knowledge. You will have opportunities to play throughout the month. Give your career a boost with hands on experience on GCP and partner services and earn the December badge.

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This course helps you structure your preparation for the Associate Cloud Engineer exam. You will learn about the Google Cloud domains covered by the exam and how to create a study plan to improve your domain knowledge.

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Welcome to Qwiklabs Trivia for November! Each week, we will release a new set of questions to test your knowledge. You will have opportunities to play throughout the month. Give your career a boost with hands on experience on GCP and partner services and earn the November badge.

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No-code development platforms allow programmers and non-programmers alike to build beautiful, useful apps. Complete labs to learn new skills and earn the badge. No experience needed!

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No-code development platforms allow programmers and non-programmers alike to build beautiful, useful apps. Complete labs to learn new skills and earn the badge. No experience needed!

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Moving to the cloud can be scary. You don’t have to do it alone! Google Cloud partners are here to help. Join the challenge and get hands-on experience with how the partner ecosystem can help clear the creepy fog and light your way.

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Why celebrate Diwali with firecrackers when you can use Firebase? Learn how to import data into a Firestore database, create a build pipeline with Cloud Build to automate deployments, and build a Google Assistant application. Earn the badge for an arcade point and get one step closer to your swag goal. (OK fine, firecrackers are fun too.)

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Are you feeling the festive vibes? Add some Flutter to your flowers when you join this game. Get hands-on experience with Flutter - Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Earn the badge for an arcade point and get one step closer to your swag goal. Bonus- You’ll also earn the Flutter Essentials badge! 

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Like lanterns on the streets of cities, Looker shines light on data to give deeper insights. Join this game to learn how to write LookML code to create new dimensions and measures, create derived tables and join them to Explores, filter Explores, and define caching policies in LookML. Earn the badge for an arcade point and get one step closer to your swag goal.

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Welcome to Qwiklabs Trivia for October! Each week, we will release a new set of questions to test your knowledge. You will have opportunities to play throughout the month. Give your career a boost with hands on experience on GCP and partner services and earn the October badge.

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When the edges are crisp, the pattern flows, the colors sparkle, and the symmetry is perfect… wait, are we talking about Rangoli or spreadsheets? See what beauty Google Sheets can bring to your monthly reports. Join the game to learn how to analyze data with functions and visualize data using charts.  Earn the badge for an arcade point and get one step closer to your swag goal.

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