Partecipa Accedi

Andrea Lamanna

Membro dal giorno 2020

Campionato Argento

2880 punti
Badge per Gemini in Google Meet - Italiano Gemini in Google Meet - Italiano Earned gen 30, 2024 EST
Badge per Gemini in Google Sheets - Italiano Gemini in Google Sheets - Italiano Earned gen 30, 2024 EST
Badge per Gemini in Google Slides - Italiano Gemini in Google Slides - Italiano Earned gen 30, 2024 EST
Badge per Gemini in Google Docs - Italiano Gemini in Google Docs - Italiano Earned gen 30, 2024 EST
Badge per Gemini in Gmail - Italiano Gemini in Gmail - Italiano Earned gen 30, 2024 EST
Badge per Introduction to Gemini for Google Workspace - Italiano Introduction to Gemini for Google Workspace - Italiano Earned gen 30, 2024 EST
Badge per Preparing for Your Google Workspace Administrator Journey Preparing for Your Google Workspace Administrator Journey Earned lug 12, 2023 EDT
Badge per Introduction to Generative AI Studio - Italiano Introduction to Generative AI Studio - Italiano Earned giu 27, 2023 EDT
Badge per Create Image Captioning Models - Italiano Create Image Captioning Models - Italiano Earned giu 27, 2023 EDT
Badge per Transformer Models and BERT Model - Italiano Transformer Models and BERT Model - Italiano Earned giu 27, 2023 EDT
Badge per Attention Mechanism - Italiano Attention Mechanism - Italiano Earned giu 27, 2023 EDT
Badge per Encoder-Decoder Architecture - Italiano Encoder-Decoder Architecture - Italiano Earned giu 27, 2023 EDT
Badge per Introduction to Image Generation - Italiano Introduction to Image Generation - Italiano Earned giu 26, 2023 EDT
Badge per Generative AI Fundamentals - Italiano Generative AI Fundamentals - Italiano Earned giu 26, 2023 EDT
Badge per Introduction to Responsible AI - Italiano Introduction to Responsible AI - Italiano Earned giu 26, 2023 EDT
Badge per Introduction to Large Language Models - Italiano Introduction to Large Language Models - Italiano Earned giu 26, 2023 EDT
Badge per Introduction to Generative AI - Italiano Introduction to Generative AI - Italiano Earned giu 26, 2023 EDT
Badge per Planning for a Google Workspace Deployment Planning for a Google Workspace Deployment Earned apr 7, 2023 EDT
Badge per Google Workspace Mail Management Google Workspace Mail Management Earned apr 7, 2023 EDT
Badge per Google Workspace Security Google Workspace Security Earned apr 7, 2023 EDT
Badge per Managing Google Workspace Managing Google Workspace Earned apr 7, 2023 EDT
Badge per Google Sheets - Advanced Topics Google Sheets - Advanced Topics Earned apr 7, 2023 EDT
Badge per Google Meet Google Meet Earned apr 7, 2023 EDT
Badge per Google Slides Google Slides Earned apr 7, 2023 EDT
Badge per Google Sheets Google Sheets Earned apr 7, 2023 EDT
Badge per Google Docs Google Docs Earned apr 7, 2023 EDT
Badge per Google Drive Google Drive Earned apr 7, 2023 EDT
Badge per Google Calendar Google Calendar Earned apr 6, 2023 EDT
Badge per Gmail Gmail Earned apr 6, 2023 EDT
Badge per Introduction to Google Workspace Administration Introduction to Google Workspace Administration Earned nov 16, 2021 EST

Gemini per Google Workspace è un componente aggiuntivo che fornisce agli utenti accesso a funzionalità di AI generativa. Questo corso approfondisce le funzionalità di Gemini in Google Meet. Attraverso lezioni video e attività ed esempi pratici, acquisirai una comprensione completa delle funzionalità di Gemini in Google Meet. Imparerai a utilizzare Gemini per generare immagini di sfondo, migliorare la qualità video e tradurre i sottotitoli. Alla fine del corso avrai acquisito le conoscenze e le competenze necessarie per utilizzare con sicurezza Gemini in Google Meet per massimizzare l'efficacia delle tue videoconferenze.

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Gemini per Google Workspace è un componente aggiuntivo che fornisce ai clienti funzionalità di AI generativa in Google Workspace. In questo mini corso imparerai le funzionalità principali di Gemini e come possono essere utilizzate per migliorare la produttività e l'efficienza in Fogli Google.

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Gemini per Google Workspace è un componente aggiuntivo che fornisce ai clienti funzionalità di AI generativa in Google Workspace. In questo mini corso imparerai le funzionalità principali di Gemini e come possono essere utilizzate per migliorare la produttività e l'efficienza in Presentazioni Google.

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Gemini per Google Workspace è un componente aggiuntivo che fornisce agli utenti accesso a funzionalità di AI generativa. Questo corso approfondisce le funzionalità di Gemini in Documenti Google utilizzando lezioni video, attività ed esempi pratici. Imparerai a utilizzare Gemini per generare contenuti scritti in base a dei prompt. Inoltre, esplorerai l'utilizzo di Gemini per modificare il testo che hai già scritto, aiutandoti a migliorare la tua produttività complessiva. Alla fine del corso avrai acquisito le conoscenze e le competenze necessarie per utilizzare con sicurezza Gemini in Documenti Google per migliorare la tua scrittura.

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Gemini per Google Workspace è un componente aggiuntivo che fornisce ai clienti funzionalità di AI generativa in Google Workspace. In questo mini corso imparerai le funzionalità principali di Gemini e come possono essere utilizzate per migliorare la produttività e l'efficienza in Gmail.

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Gemini per Google Workspace è un componente aggiuntivo che fornisce ai clienti funzionalità di AI generativa in Google Workspace. In questo percorso di apprendimento imparerai le funzionalità principali di Gemini e come possono essere utilizzate per migliorare la produttività e l'efficienza in Google Workspace.

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This course helps learners prepare to study for the Professional Google Workspace Administrator Certification exam. Learners will be exposed to and engage with exam topics through a series of readings, diagnostic questions, and knowledge checks. After completing this course, learners will have a personalized workbook that will guide them through the rest of their certification readiness journey.

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Questo corso illustra Generative AI Studio, un prodotto su Vertex AI che ti aiuta a prototipare e personalizzare i modelli di AI generativa in modo da poterne utilizzare le capacità nelle tue applicazioni. In questo corso imparerai cos'è Generative AI Studio, le sue funzionalità e opzioni e come utilizzarlo, esaminando le demo del prodotto. Alla fine, troverai un laboratorio pratico per mettere in pratica ciò che hai imparato e un quiz per testare le tue conoscenze.

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Questo corso ti insegna come creare un modello per le didascalie delle immagini utilizzando il deep learning. Scoprirai i diversi componenti di un modello per le didascalie delle immagini, come l'encoder e il decoder, e imparerai ad addestrare e valutare il tuo modello. Alla fine di questo corso, sarai in grado di creare modelli personali per le didascalie delle immagini e utilizzarli per generare didascalie per le immagini.

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Questo corso ti introduce all'architettura Transformer e al modello BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers). Scopri i componenti principali dell'architettura Transformer, come il meccanismo di auto-attenzione, e come viene utilizzata per creare il modello BERT. Imparerai anche le diverse attività per le quali può essere utilizzato il modello BERT, come la classificazione del testo, la risposta alle domande e l'inferenza del linguaggio naturale. Si stima che il completamento di questo corso richieda circa 45 minuti.

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Questo corso ti introdurrà al meccanismo di attenzione, una potente tecnica che consente alle reti neurali di concentrarsi su parti specifiche di una sequenza di input. Imparerai come funziona l'attenzione e come può essere utilizzata per migliorare le prestazioni di molte attività di machine learning, come la traduzione automatica, il compendio di testi e la risposta alle domande.

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Questo corso ti offre un riepilogo dell'architettura encoder-decoder, che è un'architettura di machine learning potente e diffusa per attività da sequenza a sequenza come traduzione automatica, riassunto del testo e risposta alle domande. Apprenderai i componenti principali dell'architettura encoder-decoder e come addestrare e fornire questi modelli. Nella procedura dettagliata del lab corrispondente, implementerai in TensorFlow dall'inizio un semplice codice dell'architettura encoder-decoder per la generazione di poesie da zero.

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Questo corso introduce i modelli di diffusione, una famiglia di modelli di machine learning che recentemente si sono dimostrati promettenti nello spazio di generazione delle immagini. I modelli di diffusione traggono ispirazione dalla fisica, in particolare dalla termodinamica. Negli ultimi anni, i modelli di diffusione sono diventati popolari sia nella ricerca che nella produzione. I modelli di diffusione sono alla base di molti modelli e strumenti di generazione di immagini all'avanguardia su Google Cloud. Questo corso ti introduce alla teoria alla base dei modelli di diffusione e a come addestrarli ed eseguirne il deployment su Vertex AI.

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Guadagna un badge delle competenze completando i corsi Introduction to Generative AI, Introduction to Large Language Models e Introduction to Responsible AI. Superando il quiz finale, dimostrerai la tua comprensione dei concetti fondamentali relativi all'IA generativa. Un badge delle competenze è un badge digitale rilasciato da Google Cloud come riconoscimento della tua conoscenza dei prodotti e dei servizi Google Cloud. Condividi il tuo badge delle competenze rendendo pubblico il tuo profilo e aggiungendolo al tuo profilo sui social media.

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Questo è un corso di microlearning di livello introduttivo volto a spiegare cos'è l'IA responsabile, perché è importante e in che modo Google implementa l'IA responsabile nei propri prodotti. Introduce anche i 7 principi dell'IA di Google.

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Questo è un corso di microlearning di livello introduttivo che esplora cosa sono i modelli linguistici di grandi dimensioni (LLM), i casi d'uso in cui possono essere utilizzati e come è possibile utilizzare l'ottimizzazione dei prompt per migliorare le prestazioni dei modelli LLM. Descrive inoltre gli strumenti Google per aiutarti a sviluppare le tue app Gen AI.

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Questo è un corso di microlearning di livello introduttivo volto a spiegare cos'è l'AI generativa, come viene utilizzata e in che modo differisce dai tradizionali metodi di machine learning. Descrive inoltre gli strumenti Google che possono aiutarti a sviluppare le tue app Gen AI.

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Planning for a Google Workspace Deployment is the final course in the Google Workspace Administration series. In this course, you will be introduced to Google's deployment methodology and best practices. You will follow Katelyn and Marcus as they plan for a Google Workspace deployment at Cymbal. They'll focus on the core technical project areas of provisioning, mail flow, data migration, and coexistence, and will consider the best deployment strategy for each area. You will also be introduced to the importance of Change Management in a Google Workspace deployment, ensuring that users make a smooth transition to Google Workspace and gain the benefits of work transformation through communications, support, and training. This course covers theoretical topics, and does not have any hands on exercises. If you haven’t already done so, please cancel your Google Workspace trial now to avoid any unwanted charges.

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Google Workspace Mail Management is the fourth course in the Google Workspace Administration series. In this course you will learn how to protect your organization against spam, spoofing, phishing and malware attacks. You will configure email compliance and learn how to implement data loss prevention (DLP) for your organization. You will gain an understanding of the mail routing options available and learn how to allowlist and block senders. You will also become familiar with other mail options such as inbound and outbound gateways, 3rd party email archiving, and journaling to Vault.

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Google Workspace Security is the third course in the Google Workspace Administration series. In this course you will focus on the various aspects of Google Workspace Security including user password policies and how to enable and enforce two step verification (2SV) for your users. You will learn about application security and understand how to whitelist and block API access to your account. You will see how Google Workspace can easily be integrated with a number of predefined 3rd party applications. You will also become familiar with the SSO options in Google Workspace. Finally you will understand how to spot potential security risks within your organization and learn how to address them using the tools available in the admin console.

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Managing Google Workspace is the second course in the Google Workspace Administration series. This course focuses on the Google Workspace core services such as Gmail, Calendar, and Drive & Docs. You will become familiar with the various service settings, and learn how to enable them for all or just a subset of your users. You will gain an understanding of Google Vault, Google’s ediscovery service. You will understand the various admin console reports that are available and be able to search and filter the information in these reports. Finally you will see how multiple domains can be used with Google Workspace and learn how to add a new domain to your account.

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This course builds on some of the concepts covered in the earlier Google Sheets course. In this course, you will learn how to apply and customize themes In Google Sheets, and explore conditional formatting options. You will learn about some of Google Sheets’ advanced formulas and functions. You will explore how to create formulas using functions, and you will also learn how to reference and validate your data in a Google Sheet. Spreadsheets can hold millions of numbers, formulas, and text. Making sense of all of that data can be difficult without a summary or visualization. This course explores the data visualization options in Google Sheets, such as charts and pivot tables. Google Forms are online surveys used to collect data and provide the opportunity for quick data analysis. You will explore how Forms and Sheets work together by connecting collected Form data to a spreadsheet, or by creating a Form from an existing spreadsheet.

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In this course, we introduce you to Google Meet, Google’s video conference software included with Google Workspace. You learn how to create and manage video conference meetings using Google Meet. You explore different ways to open Google Meet and add people to a video conference. You also learn how to join meetings from different sources like calendar events or meeting links. We discuss how Google Meet can help you better communicate, exchange ideas, and share resources with your team wherever they are. You learn how to customize the Google Meet environment to fit your needs and how to effectively use chat messages during a video conference. You also explore different ways to share resources, such as by using calendar invites or attachments. You learn about using host controls in Google Meet to manage participants and utilize interactive moderation features. You also learn how to record and live stream video conferences.

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With Google Slides, you can create and present professional presentations for sales, projects, training modules, and much more. Google Slides presentations are stored safely in the cloud. You build presentations right in your web browser—no special software is required. Even better, multiple people can work on your slides at the same time, you can see people’s changes as they make them, and every change is automatically saved. You will learn how to open Google Slides, create a blank presentation, and create a presentation from a template. You will explore themes, layout options, and how to add and format content, and speaker notes in your presentations. You will learn how to enhance your slides by adding tables, images, charts, and more. You will also learn how to use slide transitions and object animations in your presentation for visual effects. We will discuss how to organize slides and explore some of the options, including duplicating and ordering your slides, importi…

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In this course we will introduce you to Google Sheets, Google’s cloud-based spreadsheet software, included with Google Workspace. With Google Sheets, you can create and edit spreadsheets directly in your web browser—no special software is required. Multiple people can work simultaneously, you can see people’s changes as they make them, and every change is saved automatically. You will learn how to open Google Sheets, create a blank spreadsheet, and create a spreadsheet from a template. You will add, import, sort, filter and format your data using Google Sheets and learn how to work across different file types. Formulas and functions allow you to make quick calculations and better use your data. We will look at creating a basic formula, using functions, and referencing data. You will also learn how to add a chart to your spreadsheet. Google Sheets spreadsheets are easy to share. We will look at the different ways you can share with others. We will also discuss how to track changes…

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With Google Docs, your documents are stored in the cloud, and you can access them from any computer or device. You create and edit documents right in your web browser; no special software is required. Even better, multiple people can work at the same time, you can see people’s changes as they make them, and every change is saved automatically. In this course, you will learn how to open Google Docs, create and format a new document, and apply a template to a new document. You will learn how to enhance your documents using a table of contents, headers and footers, tables, drawings, images, and more. You will learn how to share your documents with others. We will discuss your sharing options and examine collaborator roles and permissions. You will learn how to manage versions of your documents. Google Docs allows you to work in real time with others on the same document. You will learn how to create and manage comments and action items in your documents. We will review a fe…

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Google Drive is Google’s cloud-based file storage service. Google Drive lets you keep all your work in one place, view different file formats without the need for additional software, and access your files from any device. In this course, you will learn how to navigate your Google Drive. You will learn how to upload files and folders and how to work across file types. You will also learn how you can easily view, arrange, organize, modify, and remove files in Google Drive. Google Drive includes shared drives. You can use shared drives to store, search, and access files with a team. You will learn how to create a new shared drive, add and manage members, and manage the shared drive content. Google Workspace is synonymous with collaboration and sharing. You will explore the sharing options available to you in Google Drive, and you will learn about the various collaborator roles and permissions that can be assigned. You’ll also explore ways to ensure consistency and save time…

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With Google Calendar, you can quickly schedule meetings and events and create tasks, so you always know what’s next. Google Calendar is designed for teams, so it’s easy to share your schedule with others and create multiple calendars that you and your team can use together. In this course, you’ll learn how to create and manage Google Calendar events. You will learn how to update an existing event, delete and restore events, and search your calendar. You will understand when to apply different event types such as tasks and appointment slots. You will explore the Google Calendar settings that are available for you to customize Google Calendar to suit your way of working. During the course you will learn how to create additional calendars, share your calendars with others, and access other calendars in your organization.

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Gmail is Google’s cloud based email service that allows you to access your messages from any computer or device with just a web browser. In this course, you’ll learn how to compose, send and reply to messages. You will also explore some of the common actions that can be applied to a Gmail message, and learn how to organize your mail using Gmail labels. You will explore some common Gmail settings and features. For example, you will learn how to manage your own personal contacts and groups, customize your Gmail Inbox to suit your way of working, and create your own email signatures and templates. Google is famous for search. Gmail also includes powerful search and filtering. You will explore Gmail’s advanced search and learn how to filter messages automatically.

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Introduction to Google Workspace Administration is the first course in the Google Workspace Administration series of courses. This series will serve as the starting place for any new Google Workspace admin as they begin their journey of managing and establishing Google Workspace best practices for their organization. These courses together will leave you feeling confident to utilize the basic functions of the admin console to manage users, control access to services, configure security settings, and much more. Through a series of readings and step-by-step hands-on exercises, and knowledge checks, learners can expect to leave this training with all of the skills they need to get started as Google Workspace administrators. In this course you will sign up for a Google Workspace account and configure your DNS records for Google Workspace. You will learn how to provision and manage your users, and will create groups and calendar resources for your organization. You will be introduced to …

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