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Pratik Agarwal

Menjadi anggota sejak 2018

Bronze League

1050 poin
Badge untuk Introduction to Generative AI - Bahasa Indonesia Introduction to Generative AI - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Jun 5, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Security on AWS Security on AWS Earned Okt 19, 2019 EDT
Badge untuk DEPRECATED Websites and Web Applications DEPRECATED Websites and Web Applications Earned Okt 16, 2019 EDT
Badge untuk Cloud SQL Cloud SQL Earned Sep 24, 2019 EDT
Badge untuk Baseline: Infrastructure Baseline: Infrastructure Earned Jun 21, 2019 EDT
Badge untuk Baseline: Deploy & Develop Baseline: Deploy & Develop Earned Sep 23, 2018 EDT
Badge untuk Google Cloud Essentials Google Cloud Essentials Earned Agu 15, 2018 EDT

Ini adalah kursus pengantar pembelajaran mikro yang bertujuan untuk mendefinisikan AI Generatif, cara penggunaannya, dan perbedaannya dari metode machine learning konvensional. Kursus ini juga mencakup Alat-alat Google yang dapat membantu Anda mengembangkan aplikasi AI Generatif Anda sendiri.

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This quest is designed to teach you how to apply AWS Identity and Access Management, in concert with several other AWS Services, to address real-world application and service security management scenarios.

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When it comes to hosting websites and web applications, you want a framework that’s robust, fast, and secure. By choosing the Google Cloud Platform, you will have all of those needs covered. In this fundamental-level quest, you will get hands-on practice with GCPs key infrastructure and computing services for the web. From deploying your first web app, to integrating Cloud SQL with Ruby on Rails, to mapping the NYC subway system on App Engine, you will learn all the skills needed to harness GCPs web hosting power.

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Cloud SQL is a fully managed database service that stands out from its peers due to high performance, seamless integration, and impressive scalability. In this quest you will receive hands-on practice with the basics of Cloud SQL and quickly progress to advanced features, which you will apply to production frameworks and application environments. From creating instances and querying data with SQL, to building Deployment Manager scripts and connecting Cloud SQL instances with applications run on GKE containers, this quest will give you the knowledge and experience needed so you can start integrating this service right away.

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If you are a novice cloud developer looking for hands-on practice beyond Google Cloud Essentials, this quest is for you. You will get practical experience through labs that dive into Cloud Storage and other key application services like Stackdriver and Cloud Functions. By taking this quest, you will develop valuable skills that are applicable to any Google Cloud initiative. 1-minute videos walk you through key concepts for these labs.

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In this introductory-level quest, you will learn the fundamentals of developing and deploying applications on the Google Cloud Platform. You will get hands-on experience with the Google App Engine framework by launching applications written in languages like Python, Ruby, and Java (just to name a few). You will see first-hand how straightforward and powerful GCP application frameworks are, and how easily they integrate with GCP database, data-loss prevention, and security services.

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Dalam quest level pendahuluan ini, Anda akan mendapatkan praktik langsung dengan aneka fitur dan layanan dasar Google Cloud Platform. Dasar-Dasar GCP adalah Quest pertama yang direkomendasikan bagi peserta kursus Google Cloud—Anda dapat memulai dengan pengetahuan yang minim atau tanpa pengetahuan sama sekali tentang cloud, dan selesai dengan pengalaman praktis yang dapat diterapkan pada project GCP pertama Anda. Mulai dari menulis perintah Cloud Shell dan menerapkan mesin virtual pertama Anda, hingga menjalankan aplikasi di Kubernetes Engine atau dengan load balancing, Dasar-Dasar GCP merupakan pengenalan terbaik pada fitur-fitur dasar platform cloud. Setiap lab disertai video berdurasi 1 menit yang akan memandu Anda memahami berbagai konsep penting.

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