Andrii Maliuta
Menjadi anggota sejak 2021
Gold League
19805 poin
Menjadi anggota sejak 2021
Dapatkan badge keahlian dengan menyelesaikan kursus Menyiapkan Lingkungan Pengembangan Aplikasi di Google Cloud, yang memungkinkan Anda mempelajari cara membangun dan menghubungkan infrastruktur cloud yang berpusat pada penyimpanan menggunakan kemampuan dasar teknologi berikut: Cloud Storage, Identity and Access Management, Cloud Functions, dan Pub/Sub. Badge keahlian adalah badge digital eksklusif yang diberikan oleh Google Cloud sebagai pengakuan atas kemahiran Anda dalam menggunakan produk dan layanan Google Cloud, serta menguji kemampuan Anda dalam menerapkan pengetahuan di lingkungan praktik yang interaktif. Selesaikan badge keahlian ini dan challenge lab penilaian akhir untuk menerima badge keahlian yang dapat Anda bagikan dengan jaringan Anda.
Welcome to the Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine course. If you're interested in Kubernetes, a software layer that sits between your applications and your hardware infrastructure, then you’re in the right place! Google Kubernetes Engine brings you Kubernetes as a managed service on Google Cloud. The goal of this course is to introduce the basics of Google Kubernetes Engine, or GKE, as it’s commonly referred to, and how to get applications containerized and running in Google Cloud. The course starts with a basic introduction to Google Cloud, and is then followed by an overview of containers and Kubernetes, Kubernetes architecture, and Kubernetes operations.
This course introduces the Cloud Run serverless platform for running applications. In this course, you learn about the fundamentals of Cloud Run, its resource model and the container lifecycle. You learn about service identities, how to control access to services, and how to develop and test your application locally before deploying it to Cloud Run. The course also teaches you how to integrate with other services on Google Cloud so you can build full-featured applications.
In this course, you learn about containers and how to build, and package container images. The content in this course includes best practices for creating and securing containers, and provides an introduction to Cloud Run and Google Kubernetes Engine for application developers.
In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop cloud-native applications that seamlessly integrate components from the Google Cloud ecosystem. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to create repeatable deployments by treating infrastructure as code, choose the appropriate application execution environment for an application, and monitor application performance. Completing one version of each lab is required. Each lab is available in Node.js. In most cases, the same labs are also provided in Python or Java. You may complete each lab in whichever language you prefer.
In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop cloud-native applications that seamlessly integrate managed services from Google Cloud. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to develop more secure applications, implement federated identity management, and integrate application components by using messaging, event-driven processing, and API gateways. Completing one version of each lab is required. Each lab is available in Node.js. In most cases, the same labs are also provided in Python or Java. You may complete each lab in whichever language you prefer. This is the second course of the Developing Applications with Google Cloud series. After completing this course, enroll in the App Deployment, Debugging, and Performance course.
In this course, you learn how to design APIs, and how to use OpenAPI specifications to document them. You learn about the API life cycle, and how the Apigee API platform helps you manage all aspects of the life cycle. You learn about how APIs can be designed using API proxies, and how APIs are packaged as API products to be used by app developers. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on labs, and supplemental materials, you will learn how to design, build, secure, deploy, and manage API solutions using Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform. This is the first course of the Developing APIs with Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform series. After completing this course, enroll in the API Security on Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform course.
The Google Cloud Computing Foundations courses are for individuals with little to no background or experience in cloud computing. They provide an overview of concepts central to cloud basics, big data, and machine learning, and where and how Google Cloud fits in. By the end of the series of courses, learners will be able to articulate these concepts and demonstrate some hands-on skills. The courses should be completed in the following order: 1. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals 2. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud 3. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud 4. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud
Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure memperkenalkan konsep dan terminologi penting untuk bekerja dengan Google Cloud. Melalui video dan lab interaktif, kursus ini menyajikan dan membandingkan banyak layanan komputasi dan penyimpanan Google Cloud, bersama dengan resource penting dan alat pengelolaan kebijakan.
In this course, application developers learn how to design and develop cloud-native applications that seamlessly integrate managed services from Google Cloud. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs, participants learn how to apply best practices for application development and use the appropriate Google Cloud storage services for object storage, relational data, caching, and analytics. Completing one version of each lab is required. Each lab is available in Node.js. In most cases, the same labs are also provided in Python or Java. You may complete each lab in whichever language you prefer. This is the first course of the Developing Applications with Google Cloud series. After completing this course, enroll in the Securing and Integrating Components of your Application course.
The Google Cloud Computing Foundations courses are for individuals with little to no background or experience in cloud computing. They provide an overview of concepts central to cloud basics, big data, and machine learning, and where and how Google Cloud fits in. By the end of the series of courses, learners will be able to articulate these concepts and demonstrate some hands-on skills. The courses should be completed in the following order: 1. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Cloud Computing Fundamentals 2. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Infrastructure in Google Cloud 3. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud 4. Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud This first course provides an overview of cloud computing, ways to use Google Cloud, and different compute options.
Dalam quest level pendahuluan ini, Anda akan mendapatkan praktik langsung dengan aneka fitur dan layanan dasar Google Cloud Platform. Dasar-Dasar GCP adalah Quest pertama yang direkomendasikan bagi peserta kursus Google Cloud—Anda dapat memulai dengan pengetahuan yang minim atau tanpa pengetahuan sama sekali tentang cloud, dan selesai dengan pengalaman praktis yang dapat diterapkan pada project GCP pertama Anda. Mulai dari menulis perintah Cloud Shell dan menerapkan mesin virtual pertama Anda, hingga menjalankan aplikasi di Kubernetes Engine atau dengan load balancing, Dasar-Dasar GCP merupakan pengenalan terbaik pada fitur-fitur dasar platform cloud. Setiap lab disertai video berdurasi 1 menit yang akan memandu Anda memahami berbagai konsep penting.