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Andrew Powers

Menjadi anggota sejak 2018

Gold League

8310 poin
Badge untuk Google Calendar Google Calendar Earned Okt 28, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Gmail Gmail Earned Okt 28, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Attention Mechanism - Bahasa Indonesia Attention Mechanism - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Okt 28, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Introduction to Image Generation - Bahasa Indonesia Introduction to Image Generation - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Okt 28, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Building No-Code Apps with AppSheet: Foundations Building No-Code Apps with AppSheet: Foundations Earned Sep 23, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud - Bahasa Indonesia Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Sep 16, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Generative AI Fundamentals - Bahasa Indonesia Generative AI Fundamentals - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Sep 16, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Introduction to Responsible AI - Bahasa Indonesia Introduction to Responsible AI - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Sep 16, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Introduction to Large Language Models - Bahasa Indonesia Introduction to Large Language Models - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Sep 16, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Introduction to Generative AI - Bahasa Indonesia Introduction to Generative AI - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Sep 15, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Scaling with Google Cloud Operations Scaling with Google Cloud Operations Earned Mar 21, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud Earned Mar 20, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud Earned Mar 20, 2023 EDT
Badge untuk Digital Transformation with Google Cloud Digital Transformation with Google Cloud Earned Mar 19, 2023 EDT

With Google Calendar, you can quickly schedule meetings and events and create tasks, so you always know what’s next. Google Calendar is designed for teams, so it’s easy to share your schedule with others and create multiple calendars that you and your team can use together. In this course, you’ll learn how to create and manage Google Calendar events. You will learn how to update an existing event, delete and restore events, and search your calendar. You will understand when to apply different event types such as tasks and appointment schedules. You will explore the Google Calendar settings that are available for you to customize Google Calendar to suit your way of working. During the course you will learn how to create additional calendars, share your calendars with others, and access other calendars in your organization.

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Gmail is Google’s cloud based email service that allows you to access your messages from any computer or device with just a web browser. In this course, you’ll learn how to compose, send and reply to messages. You will also explore some of the common actions that can be applied to a Gmail message, and learn how to organize your mail using Gmail labels. You will explore some common Gmail settings and features. For example, you will learn how to manage your own personal contacts and groups, customize your Gmail Inbox to suit your way of working, and create your own email signatures and templates. Google is famous for search. Gmail also includes powerful search and filtering. You will explore Gmail’s advanced search and learn how to filter messages automatically.

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Dalam kursus ini Anda akan diperkenalkan dengan mekanisme atensi, yakni teknik efektif yang membuat jaringan neural berfokus pada bagian tertentu urutan input. Anda akan mempelajari cara kerja atensi, cara penggunaannya untuk meningkatkan performa berbagai tugas machine learning, termasuk terjemahan mesin, peringkasan teks, dan menjawab pertanyaan.

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Kursus ini memperkenalkan model difusi, yaitu kelompok model machine learning yang belakangan ini menunjukkan potensinya dalam ranah pembuatan gambar. Model difusi mengambil inspirasi dari fisika, khususnya termodinamika. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, model difusi menjadi populer baik di dunia industri maupun penelitian. Model difusi mendasari banyak alat dan model pembuatan gambar yang canggih di Google Cloud. Kursus ini memperkenalkan Anda pada teori yang melandasi model difusi dan cara melatih serta men-deploy-nya di Vertex AI.

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In this course you will learn the fundamentals of no-code app development and recognize use cases for no-code apps. The course provides an overview of the AppSheet no-code app development platform and its capabilities. You learn how to create an app with data from spreadsheets, create the app’s user experience using AppSheet views and publish the app to end users.

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Seiring semakin meningkatnya penggunaan Kecerdasan Buatan dan Machine Learning di kalangan perusahaan, proses membangunnya secara bertanggung jawab juga menjadi semakin penting. Membicarakan responsible AI mungkin lebih mudah bagi banyak orang daripada mempraktikkannya. Jika Anda tertarik untuk mempelajari cara mengoperasionalkan responsible AI dalam organisasi Anda, kursus ini cocok untuk Anda. Dalam kursus ini, Anda akan mempelajari bagaimana Google Cloud mengoperasionalkan responsible AI, dengan praktik terbaik dan pelajaran yang dapat dipetik. Hal ini berguna sebagai framework bagi Anda untuk membangun pendekatan responsible AI.

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Dapatkan badge keahlian dengan menyelesaikan kursus Introduction to Generative AI, Introduction to Large Language Models, dan Introduction to Responsible AI. Dengan berhasil menyelesaikan kuis akhir, Anda membuktikan pemahaman Anda tentang konsep dasar AI generatif. Badge keahlian adalah badge digital yang diberikan oleh Google Cloud sebagai pengakuan atas pengetahuan Anda tentang produk dan layanan Google Cloud. Pamerkan badge keahlian Anda dengan menampilkan profil Anda kepada publik dan menambahkannya ke profil media sosial Anda.

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Ini adalah kursus pengantar pembelajaran mikro yang dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan responsible AI, alasan pentingnya responsible AI, dan cara Google mengimplementasikan responsible AI dalam produknya. Kursus ini juga memperkenalkan 7 prinsip AI Google.

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Ini adalah kursus pengantar pembelajaran mikro yang membahas definisi model bahasa besar (LLM), kasus penggunaannya, dan cara menggunakan prompt tuning untuk meningkatkan performa LLM. Kursus ini juga membahas beberapa alat Google yang dapat membantu Anda mengembangkan aplikasi AI Generatif Anda sendiri.

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Ini adalah kursus pengantar pembelajaran mikro yang bertujuan untuk mendefinisikan AI Generatif, cara penggunaannya, dan perbedaannya dari metode machine learning konvensional. Kursus ini juga mencakup Alat-alat Google yang dapat membantu Anda mengembangkan aplikasi AI Generatif Anda sendiri.

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Organizations of all sizes are embracing the power and flexibility of the cloud to transform how they operate. However, managing and scaling cloud resources effectively can be a complex task. Scaling with Google Cloud Operations explores the fundamental concepts of modern operations, reliability, and resilience in the cloud, and how Google Cloud can help support these efforts. Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build the future of their business.

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Many traditional enterprises use legacy systems and applications that can't stay up-to-date with modern customer expectations. Business leaders often have to choose between maintaining their aging IT systems or investing in new products and services. 'Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud' explores these challenges and offers solutions to overcome them by using cloud technology. Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build the future of their business.

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Cloud technology can bring great value to an organization, and combining the power of cloud technology with data has the potential to unlock even more value and create new customer experiences. “Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud” explores the value data can bring to an organization and ways Google Cloud can make data useful and accessible. Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build the future of their business.

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There's much excitement about cloud technology and digital transformation, but often many unanswered questions. For example: What is cloud technology? What does digital transformation mean? How can cloud technology help your organization? Where do you even begin? If you've asked yourself any of these questions, you're in the right place. This course provides an overview of the types of opportunities and challenges that companies often encounter in their digital transformation journey. If you want to learn about cloud technology so you can excel in your role and help build the future of your business, then this introductory course on digital transformation is for you. This course is part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path.

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