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Brodie Friday



1200 积分
Google Developer Essentials徽章 Google Developer Essentials Earned Jun 21, 2022 EDT
Google Cloud Essentials徽章 Google Cloud Essentials Earned Jun 15, 2022 EDT

This introductory-level quest shows application developers how the Google Cloud ecosystem could help them build secure, scalable, and intelligent cloud native applications. You learn how to develop and scale applications without setting up infrastructure, run data analytics, gain insights from data, and develop with pre-trained ML APIs to leverage machine learning even if you are not a Machine Learning expert. You will also experience seamless integration between various Google services and APIs to create intelligent apps.


在此入门级挑战任务中,您可以使用 Google Cloud Platform 的基本工具和服务,开展真枪实弹的操作实训。“GCP 基本功能”是我们为 Google Cloud 学员推荐的第一项挑战任务。云知识储备微乎其微甚至零基础?不用担心!这项挑战任务会为您提供真枪实弹的实操经验,助您快速上手 GCP 项目。无论是要编写 Cloud Shell 命令还是部署您的第一台虚拟机,亦或是通过负载平衡机制或在 Kubernetes Engine 上运行应用,都可以通过“GCP 基本功能”了解该平台的基本功能之精要。点此观看 1 分钟视频,了解每个实验涉及的主要概念。
