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Diamond League

34875 poin
Badge untuk Observability in Google Cloud Observability in Google Cloud Earned Mei 15, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process - Bahasa Indonesia Reliable Google Cloud Infrastructure: Design and Process - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Mei 14, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Preparing for your Professional Cloud Architect Journey Preparing for your Professional Cloud Architect Journey Earned Mei 5, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Introduction to Responsible AI - Bahasa Indonesia Introduction to Responsible AI - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Mar 13, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Introduction to Large Language Models - Bahasa Indonesia Introduction to Large Language Models - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Feb 29, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud Earned Feb 20, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Set up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud Set up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud Earned Feb 16, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud Earned Feb 15, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine Earned Feb 13, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Introduction to Generative AI - Bahasa Indonesia Introduction to Generative AI - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Feb 13, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Getting Started with Terraform for Google Cloud Getting Started with Terraform for Google Cloud Earned Feb 10, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Logging and Monitoring in Google Cloud Logging and Monitoring in Google Cloud Earned Feb 9, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine Earned Feb 2, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation - Bahasa Indonesia Elastic Google Cloud Infrastructure: Scaling and Automation - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Feb 1, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services - Bahasa Indonesia Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Core Services - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Jan 30, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation - Bahasa Indonesia Essential Google Cloud Infrastructure: Foundation - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Jan 29, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - Bahasa Indonesia Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Jan 26, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Preparing for Your Associate Cloud Engineer Journey Preparing for Your Associate Cloud Engineer Journey Earned Jan 24, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Scaling with Google Cloud Operations Scaling with Google Cloud Operations Earned Jan 13, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud Earned Jan 13, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud Earned Jan 12, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Digital Transformation with Google Cloud Digital Transformation with Google Cloud Earned Jan 11, 2024 EST

Welcome to the second part of the two part course, Observability in Google Cloud. This course is all about application performance management tools, including Error Reporting, Cloud Trace, and Cloud Profiler.

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Kursus ini membekali peserta dengan keterampilan untuk membuat solusi yang sangat andal dan efisien di Google Cloud menggunakan pola desain yang telah terbukti. Kursus ini merupakan kelanjutan dari kursus Architecting with Google Compute Engine atau Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine dan memberikan pengalaman interaktif dengan teknologi yang dibahas dalam kursus tersebut. Melalui kombinasi presentasi, aktivitas desain, dan lab interaktif, peserta akan mempelajari cara menentukan dan menyeimbangkan kebutuhan bisnis dan teknis untuk merancang deployment Google Cloud yang sangat andal, sangat tersedia, aman, dan hemat biaya.

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This course helps learners create a study plan for the PCA (Professional Cloud Architect) certification exam. Learners explore the breadth and scope of the domains covered in the exam. Learners assess their exam readiness and create their individual study plan.

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Ini adalah kursus pengantar pembelajaran mikro yang dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan responsible AI, alasan pentingnya responsible AI, dan cara Google mengimplementasikan responsible AI dalam produknya. Kursus ini juga memperkenalkan 7 prinsip AI Google.

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Ini adalah kursus pengantar pembelajaran mikro yang membahas definisi model bahasa besar (LLM), kasus penggunaannya, dan cara menggunakan prompt tuning untuk meningkatkan performa LLM. Kursus ini juga membahas beberapa alat Google yang dapat membantu Anda mengembangkan aplikasi Gen AI Anda sendiri.

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Complete the intermediate Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles using Terraform, provisioning and managing Google Cloud resources with Terraform configurations, effective state management (local and remote), and modularizing Terraform code for reusability and organization. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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Quest level dasar ini berbeda dari penawaran Qwiklabs lainnya. Lab-lab di dalamnya telah diseleksi guna membekali profesional IT dengan praktik langsung tentang berbagai topik dan layanan yang diujikan dalam Sertifikasi Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer. Quest ini berisi lab-lab khusus yang akan menguji pengetahuan Anda seputar Google Cloud, mulai dari IAM, networking, hingga deployment Kubernetes Engine. Selesaikan quest ini, termasuk challenge lab di akhir quest, untuk menerima badge digital eksklusif dari Google Cloud. Harap diketahui, meskipun praktik dengan lab ini dapat meningkatkan keterampilan dan kemampuan Anda, sebaiknya pelajari juga panduan ujian serta referensi persiapan lain yang tersedia.

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Jika Anda adalah developer cloud pemula yang menginginkan praktik langsung di luar Getting Started - Create and Manage Cloud Resources, artinya quest ini cocok untuk Anda. Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman praktik melalui lab yang mendalami Cloud Storage dan layanan aplikasi utama lainnya, seperti Stackdriver dan Cloud Functions. Dengan mengambil quest ini, Anda dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berharga yang dapat diterapkan di semua inisiatif Google Cloud. Selesaikan quest ini, termasuk challenge lab di akhir quest, untuk menerima badge digital eksklusif dari Google Cloud. Tersedia video berdurasi 1 menit yang akan membantu Anda memahami konsep utama lab-lab ini.

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Selesaikan pengantar badge keahlian Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine untuk menunjukkan keterampilan berikut ini: menulis perintah gcloud dan menggunakan Cloud Shell, membuat dan men-deploy virtual machine di Compute Engine, serta mengonfigurasi jaringan dan load balancer HTTP. Badge keahlian adalah badge digital eksklusif yang diberikan oleh Google Cloud sebagai pengakuan atas kemahiran Anda dalam menggunakan produk dan layanan Google Cloud serta menguji kemampuan Anda dalam menerapkan pengetahuan di lingkungan yang interaktif. Selesaikan badge keahlian ini, dan penilaian akhir Challenge Lab, untuk menerima badge keahlian yang dapat Anda bagikan dengan jaringan Anda.

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Ini adalah kursus pengantar pembelajaran mikro yang bertujuan untuk mendefinisikan AI Generatif, cara penggunaannya, dan perbedaannya dari metode machine learning konvensional. Kursus ini juga mencakup Alat-alat Google yang dapat membantu Anda mengembangkan aplikasi AI Generatif Anda sendiri.

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This course provides an introduction to using Terraform for Google Cloud. It enables learners to describe how Terraform can be used to implement infrastructure as code and to apply some of its key features and functionalities to create and manage Google Cloud infrastructure. Learners will get hands-on practice building and managing Google Cloud resources using Terraform.

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This course teaches participants techniques for monitoring and improving infrastructure and application performance in Google Cloud. Using a combination of presentations, demos, hands-on labs, and real-world case studies, attendees gain experience with full-stack monitoring, real-time log management and analysis, debugging code in production, tracing application performance bottlenecks, and profiling CPU and memory usage.

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Welcome to the Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine course. If you're interested in Kubernetes, a software layer that sits between your applications and your hardware infrastructure, then you’re in the right place! Google Kubernetes Engine brings you Kubernetes as a managed service on Google Cloud. The goal of this course is to introduce the basics of Google Kubernetes Engine, or GKE, as it’s commonly referred to, and how to get applications containerized and running in Google Cloud. The course starts with a basic introduction to Google Cloud, and is then followed by an overview of containers and Kubernetes, Kubernetes architecture, and Kubernetes operations.

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Kursus akselerasi sesuai permintaan ini memperkenalkan peserta pada infrastruktur dan layanan platform yang komprehensif dan fleksibel yang disediakan oleh Google Cloud. Melalui kombinasi video materi edukasi, demo, dan lab interaktif, peserta akan mengeksplorasi dan men-deploy berbagai elemen solusi, termasuk membuat interkoneksi jaringan yang aman, load balancing, penskalaan otomatis, otomatisasi infrastruktur, serta layanan terkelola.

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Kursus akselerasi sesuai permintaan ini memperkenalkan peserta pada infrastruktur dan layanan platform yang komprehensif dan fleksibel yang disediakan oleh Google Cloud, dengan fokus pada Compute Engine. Melalui kombinasi video materi edukasi, demo, dan lab praktis, peserta akan mengeksplorasi dan men-deploy berbagai elemen solusi, termasuk komponen infrastruktur seperti jaringan, sistem, dan layanan aplikasi. Kursus ini juga membahas cara men-deploy solusi praktis termasuk kunci enkripsi yang disediakan pelanggan, pengelolaan keamanan dan akses, kuota dan penagihan, serta pemantauan resource.

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Kursus akselerasi sesuai permintaan ini memperkenalkan peserta pada infrastruktur dan layanan platform yang komprehensif dan fleksibel yang disediakan oleh Google Cloud, dengan fokus pada Compute Engine. Melalui kombinasi video materi edukasi, demo, dan lab interaktif, peserta akan mengeksplorasi dan men-deploy berbagai elemen solusi, termasuk komponen infrastruktur seperti jaringan, virtual machine, dan layanan aplikasi. Anda akan mempelajari cara menggunakan Google Cloud melalui konsol dan Cloud Shell. Anda juga akan mempelajari peran arsitek cloud, pendekatan desain infrastruktur, dan konfigurasi networking virtual dengan Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Project, Jaringan, Subnetwork, alamat IP, Rute, dan Aturan firewall.

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Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure memperkenalkan konsep dan terminologi penting untuk bekerja dengan Google Cloud. Melalui video dan lab interaktif, kursus ini menyajikan dan membandingkan banyak layanan komputasi dan penyimpanan Google Cloud, bersama dengan resource penting dan alat pengelolaan kebijakan.

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This course helps you structure your preparation for the Associate Cloud Engineer exam. You will learn about the Google Cloud domains covered by the exam and how to create a study plan to improve your domain knowledge.

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Organizations of all sizes are embracing the power and flexibility of the cloud to transform how they operate. However, managing and scaling cloud resources effectively can be a complex task. Scaling with Google Cloud Operations explores the fundamental concepts of modern operations, reliability, and resilience in the cloud, and how Google Cloud can help support these efforts. Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build the future of their business.

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Many traditional enterprises use legacy systems and applications that can't stay up-to-date with modern customer expectations. Business leaders often have to choose between maintaining their aging IT systems or investing in new products and services. 'Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud' explores these challenges and offers solutions to overcome them by using cloud technology. Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build the future of their business.

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Cloud technology can bring great value to an organization, and combining the power of cloud technology with data has the potential to unlock even more value and create new customer experiences. “Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud” explores the value data can bring to an organization and ways Google Cloud can make data useful and accessible. Part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path, this course aims to help individuals grow in their role and build the future of their business.

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There's much excitement about cloud technology and digital transformation, but often many unanswered questions. For example: What is cloud technology? What does digital transformation mean? How can cloud technology help your organization? Where do you even begin? If you've asked yourself any of these questions, you're in the right place. This course provides an overview of the types of opportunities and challenges that companies often encounter in their digital transformation journey. If you want to learn about cloud technology so you can excel in your role and help build the future of your business, then this introductory course on digital transformation is for you. This course is part of the Cloud Digital Leader learning path.

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