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Kenneth Mascarenhas

Menjadi anggota sejak 2018

Diamond League

33155 poin
Badge untuk Integrate Vertex AI Search and Conversation into Voice and Chat Apps Integrate Vertex AI Search and Conversation into Voice and Chat Apps Earned Jan 5, 2025 EST
Badge untuk Boost Productivity with Gemini in BigQuery - Bahasa Indonesia Boost Productivity with Gemini in BigQuery - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Jan 2, 2025 EST
Badge untuk Generative AI Fundamentals Generative AI Fundamentals Earned Des 5, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Text Prompt Engineering Techniques Text Prompt Engineering Techniques Earned Des 5, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Recommendations on Vertex AI Agent Builder Recommendations on Vertex AI Agent Builder Earned Nov 30, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Vertex AI Search for Commerce Vertex AI Search for Commerce Earned Nov 29, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Developing apps with Vertex AI Agent Builder: Search Developing apps with Vertex AI Agent Builder: Search Earned Jun 5, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Vector Search and Embeddings - Bahasa Indonesia Vector Search and Embeddings - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Jun 5, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Introduction to Image Generation - Bahasa Indonesia Introduction to Image Generation - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Mei 21, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Introduction to Vertex AI Studio - Bahasa Indonesia Introduction to Vertex AI Studio - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Mei 21, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Generative AI for Business Leaders Generative AI for Business Leaders Earned Mei 15, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud - Bahasa Indonesia Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Mei 15, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Introduction to Responsible AI - Bahasa Indonesia Introduction to Responsible AI - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Mei 14, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Introduction to Large Language Models - Bahasa Indonesia Introduction to Large Language Models - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Mei 14, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Mitigate Threats and Vulnerabilities with Security Command Center Mitigate Threats and Vulnerabilities with Security Command Center Earned Mei 9, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Security Best Practices in Google Cloud Security Best Practices in Google Cloud Earned Mei 7, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Google Kubernetes Engine Best Practices: Security Google Kubernetes Engine Best Practices: Security Earned Mei 3, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Application Modernization - GKE multi-cluster multi-region infrastructure Application Modernization - GKE multi-cluster multi-region infrastructure Earned Apr 10, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Infra Foundations - Implementing Least Privilege for Service Accounts Infra Foundations - Implementing Least Privilege for Service Accounts Earned Mar 12, 2024 EDT
Badge untuk Infra Foundations - Implementing Private Google Access for VPC Service Controls Infra Foundations - Implementing Private Google Access for VPC Service Controls Earned Mar 8, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Introduction to Generative AI - Bahasa Indonesia Introduction to Generative AI - Bahasa Indonesia Earned Jan 22, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Building Batch Data Pipelines on Google Cloud Building Batch Data Pipelines on Google Cloud Earned Jan 11, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Modernizing Data Lakes and Data Warehouses with Google Cloud Modernizing Data Lakes and Data Warehouses with Google Cloud Earned Jan 3, 2024 EST
Badge untuk Preparing for your Professional Data Engineer Journey Preparing for your Professional Data Engineer Journey Earned Des 27, 2023 EST
Badge untuk Preparing for your Professional Cloud Architect Journey Preparing for your Professional Cloud Architect Journey Earned Nov 19, 2022 EST
Badge untuk #GoogleClout Set 6 (5/10) #GoogleClout Set 6 (5/10) Earned Sep 11, 2022 EDT
Badge untuk #GoogleClout Set 5 (4/10) #GoogleClout Set 5 (4/10) Earned Sep 11, 2022 EDT
Badge untuk #GoogleClout Set 4 (3/10) #GoogleClout Set 4 (3/10) Earned Sep 11, 2022 EDT
Badge untuk #GoogleClout Set 3 (2/10) #GoogleClout Set 3 (2/10) Earned Sep 10, 2022 EDT
Badge untuk #GoogleClout Set 2, 1/10 #GoogleClout Set 2, 1/10 Earned Sep 10, 2022 EDT
Badge untuk #GoogleClout Set 1 #GoogleClout Set 1 Earned Apr 16, 2022 EDT
Badge untuk Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow: Foundations Earned Des 19, 2021 EST
Badge untuk Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals Earned Des 17, 2021 EST
Badge untuk Work and Play: Healthcare with Google Cloud Work and Play: Healthcare with Google Cloud Earned Mar 7, 2021 EST
Badge untuk Build a Secure Google Cloud Network Build a Secure Google Cloud Network Earned Des 16, 2020 EST

This course on Integrate Vertex AI Search and Conversation into Voice and Chat Apps is composed of a set of labs to give you a hands on experience to interacting with new Generative AI technologies. You will learn how to create end-to-end search and conversational experiences by following examples. These technologies complement predefined intent-based chat experiences created in Dialogflow with LLM-based, generative answers that can be based on your own data. Also, they allow you to porvide enterprise-grade search experiences for internal and external websites to search documents, structure data and public websites.

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Kursus ini mengeksplorasi Gemini in BigQuery, yakni paket fitur yang didukung AI untuk membantu alur kerja data ke AI. Paket fitur ini meliputi eksplorasi dan persiapan data, pembuatan kode dan pemecahan masalah, serta penemuan dan visualisasi alur kerja. Melalui penjelasan konseptual, kasus penggunaan praktis, dan lab interaktif, kursus ini akan membantu para praktisi data dalam meningkatkan produktivitas mereka dan mempercepat pipeline pengembangan.

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Earn a skill badge by passing the final quiz, you'll demonstrate your understanding of foundational concepts in generative AI. A skill badge is a digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your knowledge of Google Cloud products and services. Share your skill badge by making your profile public and adding it to your social media profile.

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Text Prompt Engineering Techniques introduces you to consider different strategic approaches & techniques to deploy when writing prompts for text-based generative AI tasks.

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Do you want to keep your users engaged by suggesting content they'll love? This course equips you with the skills to build a cutting-edge recommendations app using your own data with no prior machine learning knowledge. You learn to leverage Vertex AI Agent Builder to build recommendation applications so that audiences can discover more personalized content, like what to watch or read next, with Google-quality results customized using optimization objectives.

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This on-demand course provides partners the skills required to design, deploy, and monitor Vertail AI Search for Commerce solutions including retail search and recommendation AI for enterprise customers.

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(Previously named Search on Vertex AI Agent Builder) Enterprises of all sizes have trouble making their information readily accessible to employees and customers alike. Internal documentation is frequently scattered across wikis, file shares, and databases. Similarly, consumer-facing sites often offer a vast selection of products, services, and information, but customers are frustrated by ineffective site search and navigation capabilities. This course teaches you to use Vertex AI Agent Builder to integrate enterprise-grade generative AI search.

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Kursus ini memperkenalkan Vertex AI Vector Search dan menjelaskan bagaimana layanan ini dapat digunakan untuk membangun aplikasi penelusuran dengan API model bahasa besar (LLM) untuk embedding. Kursus ini terdiri atas materi konseptual terkait penelusuran vektor dan embedding teks, demo praktis tentang cara membangun penelusuran vektor di Vertex AI, serta lab interaktif.

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Kursus ini memperkenalkan model difusi, yaitu kelompok model machine learning yang belakangan ini menunjukkan potensinya dalam ranah pembuatan gambar. Model difusi mengambil inspirasi dari fisika, khususnya termodinamika. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, model difusi menjadi populer baik di dunia industri maupun penelitian. Model difusi mendasari banyak alat dan model pembuatan gambar yang canggih di Google Cloud. Kursus ini memperkenalkan Anda pada teori yang melandasi model difusi dan cara melatih serta men-deploy-nya di Vertex AI.

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Kursus ini memperkenalkan Vertex AI Studio, sebuah alat untuk membuat prototipe dan menyesuaikan model AI generatif. Melalui materi yang imersif, demo yang menarik, dan lab interaktif, Anda akan mengeksplorasi alur kerja AI generatif dan mempelajari cara memanfaatkan Vertex AI Studio untuk aplikasi multimodal Gemini, desain perintah, dan penyesuaian model. Tujuannya adalah agar Anda dapat memanfaatkan potensi model tersebut dalam project dengan Vertex AI Studio.

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A Business Leader in Generative AI can articulate the capabilities of core cloud Generative AI products and services and understand how they benefit organizations. This course provides an overview of the types of opportunities and challenges that companies often encounter in their digital transformation journey and how they can leverage Google Cloud's generative AI products to overcome these challenges.

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Seiring semakin meningkatnya penggunaan Kecerdasan Buatan dan Machine Learning di kalangan perusahaan, proses membangunnya secara bertanggung jawab juga menjadi semakin penting. Membicarakan responsible AI mungkin lebih mudah bagi banyak orang daripada mempraktikkannya. Jika Anda tertarik untuk mempelajari cara mengoperasionalkan responsible AI dalam organisasi Anda, kursus ini cocok untuk Anda. Dalam kursus ini, Anda akan mempelajari bagaimana Google Cloud mengoperasionalkan responsible AI, dengan praktik terbaik dan pelajaran yang dapat dipetik. Hal ini berguna sebagai framework bagi Anda untuk membangun pendekatan responsible AI.

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Ini adalah kursus pengantar pembelajaran mikro yang dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan responsible AI, alasan pentingnya responsible AI, dan cara Google mengimplementasikan responsible AI dalam produknya. Kursus ini juga memperkenalkan 7 prinsip AI Google.

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Ini adalah kursus pengantar pembelajaran mikro yang membahas definisi model bahasa besar (LLM), kasus penggunaannya, dan cara menggunakan prompt tuning untuk meningkatkan performa LLM. Kursus ini juga membahas beberapa alat Google yang dapat membantu Anda mengembangkan aplikasi AI Generatif Anda sendiri.

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Complete the intermediate Mitigate Threats and Vulnerabilities with Security Command Center skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: preventing and managing environment threats, identifying and mitigating application vulnerabilities, and responding to security anomalies.

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This self-paced training course gives participants broad study of security controls and techniques on Google Cloud. Through recorded lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on labs, participants explore and deploy the components of a secure Google Cloud solution, including Cloud Storage access control technologies, Security Keys, Customer-Supplied Encryption Keys, API access controls, scoping, shielded VMs, encryption, and signed URLs. It also covers securing Kubernetes environments.

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Get Anthos Ready. This Google Kubernetes Engine-centric quest of best practice hands-on labs focuses on security at scale when deploying and managing production GKE environments -- specifically role-based access control, hardening, VPC networking, and binary authorization.

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Earn a DRI badge by completing the Application Modernization - GKE multi-cluster multi-region infrastructure quest, where you demonstrate your understanding of GKE Best-practices GKE Networking, GKE Security, GKE multi-clusters architecture, VPC networking custom networking mode and VPC routing When you complete this activity, you can earn the badge displayed above! View all the badges you have earned by visiting your profile page.

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Earn a DRI badge by completing the Infra Foundations - Implementing Least Privilege for Service Accounts quest, where you demonstrate your capabilities to manage service accounts, assign IAM roles, setting up and using impersonation and implementing logging sinks that target GCS buckets. When you complete this activity, you can earn the badge displayed above! View all the badges you have earned by visiting your profile page.

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Earn a DRI badge by completing the Infra Foundations - Implementing Private Google Access for VPC Service Controls quest, where you demonstrate your capabilities implementing VPC networking custom networking mode, Private Google Access, Cloud DNS response policies, VPC routing and Service Controls. When you complete this activity, you can earn the badge displayed above! View all the badges you have earned by visiting your profile page.

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Ini adalah kursus pengantar pembelajaran mikro yang bertujuan untuk mendefinisikan AI Generatif, cara penggunaannya, dan perbedaannya dari metode machine learning konvensional. Kursus ini juga mencakup Alat-alat Google yang dapat membantu Anda mengembangkan aplikasi AI Generatif Anda sendiri.

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Data pipelines typically fall under one of the Extract and Load (EL), Extract, Load and Transform (ELT) or Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) paradigms. This course describes which paradigm should be used and when for batch data. Furthermore, this course covers several technologies on Google Cloud for data transformation including BigQuery, executing Spark on Dataproc, pipeline graphs in Cloud Data Fusion and serverless data processing with Dataflow. Learners get hands-on experience building data pipeline components on Google Cloud using Qwiklabs.

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The two key components of any data pipeline are data lakes and warehouses. This course highlights use-cases for each type of storage and dives into the available data lake and warehouse solutions on Google Cloud in technical detail. Also, this course describes the role of a data engineer, the benefits of a successful data pipeline to business operations, and examines why data engineering should be done in a cloud environment. This is the first course of the Data Engineering on Google Cloud series. After completing this course, enroll in the Building Batch Data Pipelines on Google Cloud course.

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This course helps learners create a study plan for the PDE (Professional Data Engineer) certification exam. Learners explore the breadth and scope of the domains covered in the exam. Learners assess their exam readiness and create their individual study plan.

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This course helps learners create a study plan for the PCA (Professional Cloud Architect) certification exam. Learners explore the breadth and scope of the domains covered in the exam. Learners assess their exam readiness and create their individual study plan.

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Flex your Google Clout! Each week unlocks a new cloud puzzle. How fast can you find the solution? Share your score on your choice of social networks and join the conversation over in the Google Cloud Community.

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Flex your Google Clout! Each week unlocks a new cloud puzzle. How fast can you find the solution? Share your score on your choice of social networks and join the conversation over in the Google Cloud Community.

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Flex your Google Clout! Each week unlocks a new cloud puzzle. How fast can you find the solution? Share your score on your choice of social networks and join the conversation over in the Google Cloud Community.

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Flex your Google Clout! Each week unlocks a new cloud puzzle. How fast can you find the solution? Share your score on your choice of social networks and join the conversation over in the Google Cloud Community.

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Flex your Google Clout! Each day unlocks a new cloud puzzle. Complete all five and you’ll earn the inaugural Google Cloud badge! Share your score on your choice of social networks and join the conversation over in the Google Cloud Community.

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Flex your Google Clout! Each day unlocks a new cloud puzzle. Complete all five and you’ll earn the inaugural Google Cloud badge! Share your score on your choice of social networks and join the conversation over in the Google Cloud Community.

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This course is part 1 of a 3-course series on Serverless Data Processing with Dataflow. In this first course, we start with a refresher of what Apache Beam is and its relationship with Dataflow. Next, we talk about the Apache Beam vision and the benefits of the Beam Portability framework. The Beam Portability framework achieves the vision that a developer can use their favorite programming language with their preferred execution backend. We then show you how Dataflow allows you to separate compute and storage while saving money, and how identity, access, and management tools interact with your Dataflow pipelines. Lastly, we look at how to implement the right security model for your use case on Dataflow.

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This course introduces the Google Cloud big data and machine learning products and services that support the data-to-AI lifecycle. It explores the processes, challenges, and benefits of building a big data pipeline and machine learning models with Vertex AI on Google Cloud.

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Google Cloud, in partnership with Harvard Global Health Institute, released the COVID-19 Public Forecasts to serve as an additional resource for healthcare, the public sector, and other organizations responding to the pandemic. In this edition of the Work and Play Series, we are going to learn how to use that data to make predictions and visualizations. You’ll get hands-on experience with exactly the same tools being used to help solve complex problems and keep people safe and healthy.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud course, where you will learn about multiple networking-related resources to build, scale, and secure your applications on Google Cloud. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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