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Vicky kumar

Mitglied seit 2019

Silver League

16500 Punkte
Badge für Develop Serverless Apps with Firebase Develop Serverless Apps with Firebase Earned Aug 7, 2023 EDT
Badge für Introduction to Generative AI Introduction to Generative AI Earned Aug 2, 2023 EDT
Badge für Create ML Models with BigQuery ML Create ML Models with BigQuery ML Earned Aug 2, 2023 EDT
Badge für Getting Started with Go on Google Cloud Getting Started with Go on Google Cloud Earned Aug 1, 2023 EDT
Badge für Qwiklabs Trivia July 2023 Qwiklabs Trivia July 2023 Earned Jul 31, 2023 EDT
Badge für App Engine: 3 Ways App Engine: 3 Ways Earned Jul 31, 2023 EDT
Badge für [DEPRECATED] Build Interactive Apps with Google Assistant [DEPRECATED] Build Interactive Apps with Google Assistant Earned Nov 16, 2020 EST
Badge für [DEPRECATED] OK Google: Build Interactive Apps with Google Assistant [DEPRECATED] OK Google: Build Interactive Apps with Google Assistant Earned Nov 16, 2020 EST
Badge für Monitor and Log with Google Cloud Observability Monitor and Log with Google Cloud Observability Earned Nov 16, 2020 EST
Badge für Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud Earned Nov 2, 2020 EST
Badge für Derive Insights from BigQuery Data Derive Insights from BigQuery Data Earned Nov 2, 2020 EST
Badge für Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML Earned Nov 2, 2020 EST
Badge für Use Machine Learning APIs on Google Cloud Use Machine Learning APIs on Google Cloud Earned Nov 2, 2020 EST
Badge für [DEPRECATED] Data Engineering [DEPRECATED] Data Engineering Earned Nov 2, 2020 EST
Badge für Baseline: Data, ML, AI Baseline: Data, ML, AI Earned Nov 1, 2020 EST
Badge für Build a Secure Google Cloud Network Build a Secure Google Cloud Network Earned Okt 30, 2020 EDT
Badge für DEPRECATED Explore Machine Learning Models with Explainable AI DEPRECATED Explore Machine Learning Models with Explainable AI Earned Okt 29, 2020 EDT
Badge für Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud Earned Okt 18, 2020 EDT
Badge für Set Up a Google Cloud Network Set Up a Google Cloud Network Earned Okt 18, 2020 EDT
Badge für Cloud Architecture Cloud Architecture Earned Okt 18, 2020 EDT
Badge für Develop your Google Cloud Network Develop your Google Cloud Network Earned Okt 8, 2020 EDT
Badge für Set Up an App Dev Environment on Google Cloud Set Up an App Dev Environment on Google Cloud Earned Okt 8, 2020 EDT
Badge für Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine Earned Okt 8, 2020 EDT
Badge für Baseline: Infrastructure Baseline: Infrastructure Earned Okt 6, 2020 EDT
Badge für Google Cloud Essentials Google Cloud Essentials Earned Okt 3, 2020 EDT
Badge für BigQuery for Machine Learning BigQuery for Machine Learning Earned Mai 12, 2020 EDT
Badge für Cinco de Mayo Speedrun Cinco de Mayo Speedrun Earned Mai 5, 2020 EDT
Badge für Google Cloud Computing Foundations Speedrun 1 Google Cloud Computing Foundations Speedrun 1 Earned Mai 5, 2020 EDT

Mit dem Skill-Logo Develop Serverless Apps with Firebase weisen Sie Kenntnisse in den folgenden Bereichen nach: serverlose Webanwendungen mit Firebase entwickeln, Firestore für die Datenbankverwaltung verwenden, Bereitstellungsprozesse mit Cloud Build automatisieren und Google Assistant-Funktionen in Ihre Anwendungen integrieren. Ein Skill-Logo ist ein exklusives digitales Abzeichen, das von Google Cloud ausgestellt wird und Ihre Kenntnisse über unsere Produkte und Dienste belegt. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Fähigkeit bewertet, wie Sie Ihr Wissen in einer interaktiven praxisnahen Geschäftssituation anwenden. Absolvieren Sie eine kursspezifische Aufgabenreihe und die Challenge-Lab-Prüfung, um ein Skill-Logo zu erhalten, das Sie in Ihrem Netzwerk posten können.

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This is an introductory level microlearning course aimed at explaining what Generative AI is, how it is used, and how it differs from traditional machine learning methods. It also covers Google Tools to help you develop your own Gen AI apps.

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Mit dem Skill-Logo zum Kurs Create ML Models with BigQuery ML weisen Sie fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse in folgendem Bereich nach: Erstellen und Bewerten von Machine-Learning-Modellen mit BigQuery ML, um Datenvorhersagen zu treffen. Ein Skill-Logo ist ein exklusives digitales Abzeichen, das von Google Cloud ausgestellt wird und Ihre Kenntnisse über unsere Produkte und Dienste belegt. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Fähigkeit bewertet, Ihr Wissen in einer interaktiven praxisnahen Umgebung anzuwenden. Absolvieren Sie eine kursspezifische Aufgabenreihe und die Challenge-Lab-Prüfung, um ein Skill-Logo zu erhalten, das Sie in Ihrem Netzwerk posten können.

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Get started with Go (Golang) by reviewing Go code, and then creating and deploying simple Go apps on Google Cloud. Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build fast, reliable, and efficient software at scale. Go runs native on Google Cloud, and is fully supported on Google Kubernetes Engine, Compute Engine, App Engine, Cloud Run, and Cloud Functions. Go is a compiled language and is faster and more efficient than interpreted languages. As a result, Go requires no installed runtime like Node, Python, or JDK to execute.

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Welcome to Qwiklabs Trivia for July! Each week, we will release a new set of questions to test your knowledge. You will have opportunities to play throughout the month. Give your career a boost with hands-on experience on GCP and partner services and earn the July badge.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the App Engine: 3 ways quest, where you learn how to use App Engine with Python, Go, and PHP. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this Skill Badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Build Interactive Apps with Google Assistant quest, where you will learn how to build Google Assistant applications, including how to: create an Actions project, integrate Dialogflow with an Actions project, test your application with Actions simulator, build an Assistant application with flash cards template, integrate customer MP3 files with your Assistant application, add Cloud Translation API to your Assistant application, and use APIs and integrate them into your applications. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge quest, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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With Google Assistant part of over a billion consumer devices, this quest teaches you how to build practical Google Assistant applications integrated with Google Cloud services via APIs. Example apps will use the Dialogflow conversational suite and the Actions and Cloud Functions frameworks. You will build 5 different applications that explore useful and fun tools you can extend on your own. No hardware required! These labs use the cloud-based Google Assistant simulator environment for developing and testing, but if you do have your own device, such as a Google Home or a Google Hub, additional instructions are provided on how to deploy your apps to your own hardware.

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Mit dem Skill-Logo Monitor and Log with Google Cloud Observability weisen Sie Grundkenntnisse in folgenden Bereichen nach: Überwachen virtueller Maschinen in der Compute Engine, Einsetzen von Cloud Monitoring für Verwaltung mehrerer Projekte, Erweitern von Monitoring- und Logging-Funktionen zur Nutzung in Cloud Functions, Erstellen und Senden von benutzerdefinierten Anwendungsmesswerten und Konfigurieren von Cloud Monitoring-Benachrichtigungen auf der Grundlage benutzerdefinierter Messwerte. Ein Skill-Logo ist ein exklusives digitales Abzeichen, das von Google Cloud ausgestellt wird und Ihre Kenntnisse über unsere Produkte und Dienste belegt. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Fähigkeit bewertet, wie Sie Ihr Wissen in einer interaktiven praxisnahen Geschäftssituation anwenden. Absolvieren Sie eine kursspezifische Aufgabenreihe und die Challenge-Lab-Prüfung, um ein Skill-Logo zu erhalten, das Sie in Ihrem Netzwerk posten können.

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Mit dem Skill-Logo zum Kurs Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud weisen Sie Grundkenntnisse in folgenden Bereichen nach: Bereinigen von Daten mit Dataprep von Trifacta, Ausführen von Datenpipelines in Dataflow, Erstellen von Clustern und Ausführen von Apache Spark-Jobs in Dataproc sowie Aufrufen von ML-APIs, einschließlich der Cloud Natural Language API, Cloud Speech-to-Text API und Video Intelligence API. Ein Skill-Logo ist ein exklusives digitales Abzeichen, das von Google Cloud ausgestellt wird und Ihre Kenntnisse über unsere Produkte und Dienste belegt. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Fähigkeit bewertet, Ihr Wissen in einer interaktiven praxisnahen Geschäftssituation anzuwenden. Absolvieren Sie eine kursspezifische Aufgabenreihe und die Challenge-Lab-Prüfung, um ein Skill-Logo zu erhalten, das Sie in Ihrem Netzwerk posten können.

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Mit dem Skill-Logo zum Kurs Derive Insights from BigQuery Data weisen Sie Grundkenntnisse in folgenden Bereichen nach: Schreiben von SQL-Abfragen, Abfragen öffentlicher Tabellen, Laden von Beispieldaten in BigQuery, Beheben häufig auftretender Syntaxfehler mithilfe der Abfragevalidierung in BigQuery und Erstellen von Berichten in Looker Studio durch Herstellen einer Verbindung zu BigQuery-Daten. Ein Skill-Logo ist ein exklusives digitales Abzeichen, das von Google Cloud ausgestellt wird und Ihre Kenntnisse über unsere Produkte und Dienste belegt. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Fähigkeit bewertet, Ihr Wissen in einer interaktiven praxisnahen Geschäftssituation anzuwenden. Absolvieren Sie eine kursspezifische Aufgabenreihe und die Challenge-Lab-Prüfung, um ein Skill-Logo zu erhalten, das Sie in Ihrem Netzwerk posten können.

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Mit dem Skill-Logo zum Kurs Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML weisen Sie fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse in folgenden Bereichen nach: Erstellen von Pipelines für die Datentransformation nach BigQuery mithilfe von Dataprep von Trifacta; Extrahieren, Transformieren und Laden (ETL) von Workflows mit Cloud Storage, Dataflow und BigQuery; Erstellen von Machine-Learning-Modellen mithilfe von BigQuery ML; standortübergreifendes Kopieren von Daten mit Cloud Composer. Ein Skill-Logo ist ein exklusives digitales Abzeichen, das von Google Cloud ausgestellt wird und Ihre Kenntnisse über Produkte und Dienste von Google Cloud belegt. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Fähigkeit bewertet, Ihr Wissen in einer interaktiven praxisnahen Umgebung anzuwenden. Absolvieren Sie eine kursspezifische Aufgabenreihe und die Challenge-Lab-Prüfung, um ein Skill-Logo zu erhalten, das Sie in Ihrem Netzwerk posten können.

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Earn the advanced skill badge by completing the Use Machine Learning APIs on Google Cloud course, where you learn the basic features for the following machine learning and AI technologies: Cloud Vision API, Cloud Cloud Translation API, and Cloud Natural Language API. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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This advanced-level quest is unique amongst the other catalog offerings. The labs have been curated to give IT professionals hands-on practice with topics and services that appear in the Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer Certification. From Big Query, to Dataprep, to Cloud Composer, this quest is composed of specific labs that will put your Google Cloud data engineering knowledge to the test. Be aware that while practice with these labs will increase your skills and abilities, you will need other preparation, too. The exam is quite challenging and external studying, experience, and/or background in cloud data engineering is recommended. Looking for a hands on challenge lab to demonstrate your skills and validate your knowledge? On completing this quest, enroll in and finish the additional challenge lab at the end of the Engineer Data in the Google Cloud to receive an exclusive Google Cloud digital badge.

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Big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are today’s hot computing topics, but these fields are quite specialized and introductory material is hard to come by. Fortunately, Google Cloud provides user-friendly services in these areas, and with this introductory-level quest, so you can take your first steps with tools like Big Query, Cloud Speech API, and AI Platform. Want extra help? 1-minute videos walk you through key concepts for each lab.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud course, where you will learn about multiple networking-related resources to build, scale, and secure your applications on Google Cloud. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Explore Machine Learning Models with Explainable AI quest, where you will learn how to do the following using Explainable AI: build and deploy a model to an AI platform for serving (prediction), use the What-If Tool with an image recognition model, identify bias in mortgage data using the What-If Tool, and compare models using the What-If Tool to identify potential bias. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge quest and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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Complete the intermediate Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: configuring and building Docker container images, creating and managing Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters, utilizing kubectl for efficient cluster management, and deploying Kubernetes applications with robust continuous delivery (CD) practices. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Set Up a Google Cloud Network course, where you will learn how to: Set IAM features with the gcloud CLI tool; deploy and scale a web app on Google Compute Engine; provision a Kubernetes cluster and break an application into microservices; perform basic networking tasks on Google Cloud Platform; view BigQuery logs inside Cloud Logging, and migrate a stand-alone PostgreSQL database to Cloud SQL using a continuous Database Migration Service job. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.

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This fundamental-level quest is unique amongst the other quest offerings. The labs have been curated to give IT professionals hands-on practice with topics and services that appear in the Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect Certification. From IAM, to networking, to Kubernetes engine deployment, this quest is composed of specific labs that will put your Google Cloud knowledge to the test. Be aware that while practice with these labs will increase your skills and abilities, we recommend that you also review the exam guide and other available preparation resources.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Develop your Google Cloud Network course, where you learn multiple ways to deploy and monitor applications including how to: explore IAM rols and add/remove project access, create VPC networks, deploy and monitor Compute Engine VMs, write SQL queries, deploy and monitor VMs in Compute Engine, and deploy applications using Kubernetes with multiple deployment approaches. A skill badge is an exclusivedigital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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Earn a skill badge by completing the Set Up an App Dev Environment on Google Cloud course, where you learn how to build and connect storage-centric cloud infrastructure using the basic capabilities of the of the following technologies: Cloud Storage, Identity and Access Management, Cloud Functions, and Pub/Sub. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.

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Mit dem Skill-Logo Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine weisen Sie Kenntnisse in folgenden Bereichen nach: Schreiben von gcloud-Befehlen, Verwenden von Cloud Shell, Erstellen und Bereitstellen von virtuellen Maschinen in der Compute Engine und Konfigurieren von Netzwerk- und HTTP-Load-Balancern. Ein Skill-Logo ist ein exklusives digitales Abzeichen, das von Google Cloud vergeben wird und Ihre Kenntnisse über unsere Produkte und Dienste belegt. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Fähigkeit bewertet, wie Sie Ihr Wissen in einer praxisnahen Geschäftssituation anwenden. Absolvieren Sie eine kursspezifische Aufgabenreihe und die Challenge-Lab-Prüfung, um ein Skill-Logo zu erhalten, das Sie in Ihrem Netzwerk posten können.

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If you are a novice cloud developer looking for hands-on practice beyond Google Cloud Essentials, this quest is for you. You will get practical experience through labs that dive into Cloud Storage and other key application services like Stackdriver and Cloud Functions. By taking this quest, you will develop valuable skills that are applicable to any Google Cloud initiative. 1-minute videos walk you through key concepts for these labs.

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In this introductory-level Quest, you will get hands-on practice with the Google Cloud’s fundamental tools and services. Google Cloud Essentials is the recommended first Quest for the Google Cloud learner - you will come in with little or no prior cloud knowledge, and come out with practical experience that you can apply to your first Google Cloud project. From writing Cloud Shell commands and deploying your first virtual machine, to running applications on Kubernetes Engine or with load balancing, Google Cloud Essentials is a prime introduction to the platform’s basic features. 1-minute videos walk you through key concepts for each lab.

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Want to build ML models in minutes instead of hours using just SQL? BigQuery ML democratizes machine learning by letting data analysts create, train, evaluate, and predict with machine learning models using existing SQL tools and skills. In this series of labs, you will experiment with different model types and learn what makes a good model. Looking for a hands on challenge lab to demonstrate your skills and validate your knowledge? On completing this quest, enroll in and finish the additional challenge lab at the end of this quest to receive an exclusive Google Cloud digital badge.

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Welcome Gamers! It's Cinco de Mayo. Celebrate with us by playing today's game. Good news if you're interested in Machine Learning - these labs give you a variety of ML scenarios, with more to come for the rest of May. Challenge yourself to complete each task as quickly and accurately as possible to score points! Good Luck, buena suerte!

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Welcome Gamers! In this game you will get hands on with some of the basics of the Google Cloud Services! Challenge yourself to complete each task as quickly and accurately as possible to score points and earn badges! Good Luck!

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