Manikandan Krishnamurthy
Date d'abonnement : 2017
Date d'abonnement : 2017
Earn a skill badge by completing the Set Up a Google Cloud Network course, where you will learn how to: Set IAM features with the gcloud CLI tool; deploy and scale a web app on Google Compute Engine; provision a Kubernetes cluster and break an application into microservices; perform basic networking tasks on Google Cloud Platform; view BigQuery logs inside Cloud Logging, and migrate a stand-alone PostgreSQL database to Cloud SQL using a continuous Database Migration Service job. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete the skill badge, and final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.
Complete the intermediate Build Infrastructure with Terraform on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles using Terraform, provisioning and managing Google Cloud resources with Terraform configurations, effective state management (local and remote), and modularizing Terraform code for reusability and organization. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.
Earn a skill badge by completing the Manage Kubernetes in Google Cloud quest, where you will learn about Google Kubernetes Engine and multiple deployment approaches including how to: configure and build images to run and debug Docker containers, build Kubernetes Engine clusters, and manage them with kubectl, deploy Kubernetes applications using deployments and continuous delivery techniques. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge quest, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.
Earn a skill badge by completing the Get Started with Cloud Storage quest, where you learn how to create a Cloud Storage bucket, how to use the Cloud Storage command line, and how to use Bucket Lock to protect objects in a bucket. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this Skill Badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.
Earn a skill badge by completing the Get Started with Pub/Sub quest, where you learn how to use Pub/Sub through the Cloud console, how Cloud Scheduler jobs can save you effort, and when Pub/Sub Lite can save you money on high-volume event ingestion. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this Skill Badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.
Cette quête fondamentale est unique parmi les autres offres Qwiklabs. Les ateliers ont été conçus pour former les professionnels de l'informatique aux thèmes et aux services figurant dans la certification Google Cloud. Terminez cette quête, y compris le laboratoire de défi à la fin, pour recevoir un badge numérique exclusif de Google Cloud.
Complete the intermediate Deploy Kubernetes Applications on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: configuring and building Docker container images, creating and managing Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters, utilizing kubectl for efficient cluster management, and deploying Kubernetes applications with robust continuous delivery (CD) practices. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge course and the final assessment challenge lab to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.
This challenge lab tests your skills and knowledge from the labs in the Monitor and Manage Google Cloud Resources quest. You should be familiar with the content of labs before attempting this lab.
Cloud Storage, Cloud Functions, and Cloud Pub/Sub are all Google Cloud Platform services that can be used to store, process, and manage data. All three services can be used together to create a variety of data-driven applications. In this skill badge you will use Cloud Storage to store images, Cloud Functions to process the images, and Cloud Pub/Sub to send the images to another application.
Cloud Storage, Cloud Functions, and Cloud Pub/Sub are all Google Cloud Platform services that can be used to store, process, and manage data. All three services can be used together to create a variety of data-driven applications. In this skill badge you will use Cloud Storage to store images, Cloud Functions to process the images, and Cloud Pub/Sub to send the images to another application.
Earn your newest Google Cloud Credential by gaining Security and Identity on the Google Cloud Platform. Gain hands-on experience in managing authentication, authorization, and identity with Vault, creating dynamic secrets, and implementing core cloud security principles. You'll also learn to deploy fault-tolerant environments, secure data lakes, and enhance network security. Whether you're new to cloud security or seeking to advance your skills, this level is designed to solidify your expertise.
Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for September Week 4! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the September Trivia Week 4 badge!
Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for September Week 3! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the September Trivia Week 3 badge!
Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for September Week 2! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the September Trivia Week 2 badge!
Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for September Week 1! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the September Trivia Week 1 badge!
Le cours "Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure" présente les concepts et les termes à connaître pour utiliser Google Cloud. À travers des vidéos et des ateliers pratiques, il décrit et compare la plupart des services Google Cloud de calcul et de stockage, ainsi que des outils importants de gestion des ressources et des règles.
From creating and optimizing ML models using BigQuery ML, deploying advanced chatbots with Dialogflow CX, to developing no-code chat apps using AppSheet, explore a series of challenges designed to enhance your Google Cloud skills and earn an exclusive Google Cloud Credential!
Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for August Week 4! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the August Trivia Week 4 badge!
Earn an exclusive Google Cloud Credential by gaining hands-on experience with Google Cloud Functions. Learn to create and deploy serverless functions across various programming languages, including Node.js, .NET, PHP, Ruby, and Python. Ideal for everyone, even if you are new to the cloud!
Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for August Week 3! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the August Trivia Week 3 badge!
Earn a skill badge by completing the App Building with AppSheet quest, where you learn how to build, configure, and publish apps using AppSheet. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this Skill Badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.
Earn an exclusive Google Cloud Credential by gaining practical experience in app development and deployment on the Google Cloud Platform. Learn to build, manage, and scale applications while setting up development environments, storing data, and deploying apps. Perfect for you, even if you are new to the cloud!
Si vous êtes un développeur cloud débutant et que vous souhaitez vous faire la main au-delà de "Getting Started - Create and Manage Cloud Resources", cette quête est faite pour vous. Elle vous permettra d'acquérir de l'expérience pratique grâce aux ateliers qui traitent en profondeur de Cloud Storage et d'autres services applicatifs clés tels que Stackdriver et Cloud Functions. En participant à cette quête, vous développerez des compétences précieuses que vous pourrez utiliser dans tous vos projets Google Cloud. Terminez cette quête, y compris le laboratoire de défi à la fin, pour recevoir un badge numérique exclusif de Google Cloud. Des vidéos d'une minute résument les concepts clés de chaque atelier.
Google Cloud Certifications provide a tangible way for you to demonstrate your skills to potential or current employers. These certifications incorporate performance-based questions, testing your hands-on expertise through practical tasks. Begin your journey towards becoming a Google Certified Professional with the help of the Arcade Cert Zone. Be one of the first 20 people to complete the challenge and earn a 100% discount voucher for your next Google Cloud Digital Leader Examination. Welcome!
Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for August Week 2! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the August Trivia Week 2 badge!
Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for August Week 1! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the August Trivia Week 1 badge!
Welcome to Base Camp, where you’ll develop key Google Cloud skills (available in Spanish and Portuguese too!) and earn an exclusive credential that will open doors to the cloud for you. No prior experience is required!
Les organisations de toutes tailles exploitent le potentiel et la flexibilité du cloud afin de transformer leurs opérations. Toutefois, la gestion et le scaling des ressources cloud peuvent s'avérer complexes. "Scaling with Google Cloud Operations" présente les concepts fondamentaux des opérations modernes, de la fiabilité et de la résilience dans le cloud, ainsi que la manière dont Google Cloud peut vous aider à atteindre ces objectifs. Ce cours fait partie du parcours de formation Cloud Digital Leader. Il vise à aider les participants à évoluer dans leur poste et à bâtir l'avenir de leur entreprise.
Les organisations qui migrent des données et des applications vers le cloud font face à de nouveaux défis en termes de sécurité. Le cours "Trust and Security with Google Cloud" présente les principes de base de la sécurité dans le cloud, les avantages de l'approche multicouche de Google Cloud concernant la sécurité de l'infrastructure, et la manière dont Google gagne et conserve la confiance des clients vis-à-vis du cloud. Ce cours fait partie du parcours de formation Cloud Digital Leader. Il vise à aider les participants à évoluer dans leur poste et à bâtir l'avenir de leur entreprise.
De nombreuses entreprises traditionnelles utilisent d'anciens systèmes et d'anciennes applications qui ne peuvent plus satisfaire les attentes des clients d'aujourd'hui. Les chefs d'entreprise doivent régulièrement choisir entre deux options : entretenir leurs systèmes informatiques vieillissants ou investir dans de nouveaux produits et services. Le cours "Modernize Infrastructure and Applications with Google Cloud" aborde ces problématiques et propose des solutions pour les résoudre à l'aide de la technologie cloud. Ce cours fait partie du parcours de formation Cloud Digital Leader. Il vise à aider les participants à évoluer dans leur poste et à bâtir l'avenir de leur entreprise.
L'intelligence artificielle (IA) et le machine learning (ML) représentent une évolution importante de l'informatique et transforment rapidement un grand nombre de secteurs. Le cours "Innovating with Google Cloud Artificial Intelligence" explore comment les organisations peuvent utiliser l'IA et le ML pour repenser leurs processus métier. Ce cours fait partie du parcours de formation Cloud Digital Leader. Il vise à aider les participants à évoluer dans leur poste et à bâtir l'avenir de leur entreprise.
La technologie cloud est une grande source de valeur pour les entreprises. En combinant le potentiel de cette technologie avec celui des données, il est possible de créer encore plus de valeur et d'offrir de nouvelles expériences client. "Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud" vous fait découvrir la valeur que les données peuvent apporter à une entreprise et les façons dont Google Cloud peut les rendre utiles et accessibles. Ce cours fait partie du parcours de formation Cloud Digital Leader. Il a pour but d'aider les participants à évoluer dans leur poste et à façonner l'avenir de leur entreprise.
La technologie cloud et la transformation numérique suscitent beaucoup d'enthousiasme, mais elles génèrent aussi souvent beaucoup de questions laissées sans réponse. Par exemple : Qu'est-ce que la technologie cloud ? Qu'entend-on par transformation numérique ? Que peut vous apporter la technologie cloud ? Et par où commencer ? Si vous vous êtes déjà posé une de ces questions, vous êtes au bon endroit. Ce cours offre un aperçu des opportunités et des défis que les entreprises peuvent rencontrer lors de leur transformation numérique. Si vous souhaitez découvrir les technologies cloud afin de pouvoir exceller dans votre rôle et contribuer à bâtir l'avenir de votre entreprise, ce cours d'introduction sur la transformation numérique est pour vous. Il fait partie du parcours de formation Cloud Digital Leader.
Ce cours de micro-apprentissage, qui s'adresse aux débutants, explique ce qu'est l'IA responsable, souligne son importance et décrit comment Google l'implémente dans ses produits. Il présente également les sept principes de l'IA de Google.
Dans ce cours, vous découvrirez comment Gemini, un collaborateur de Google Cloud optimisé par l'IA générative, aide les administrateurs à provisionner l'infrastructure. Vous apprendrez à demander à Gemini d'expliquer l'infrastructure, de déployer les clusters GKE et de mettre à jour l'infrastructure existante. À l'aide d'un atelier pratique, vous verrez en quoi Gemini améliore le workflow de déploiement GKE. Duet AI a été renommé "Gemini", notre modèle nouvelle génération.
Ce cours de micro-apprentissage, qui s'adresse aux débutants, explique ce que sont les grands modèles de langage (LLM). Il inclut des cas d'utilisation et décrit comment améliorer les performances des LLM grâce au réglage des requêtes. Il présente aussi les outils Google qui vous aideront à développer votre propre application d'IA générative.
Ce cours de micro-apprentissage, qui s'adresse aux débutants, explique ce qu'est l'IA générative, décrit à quoi elle sert et souligne ce qui la distingue des méthodes de machine learning traditionnel. Il présente aussi les outils Google qui vous aideront à développer votre propre application d'IA générative.
Welcome to Cloud Hero, Gamers! Click "Join this Game" to start this game. To modify your player name or avatar, go to your My Account page at Points are earned by completing the steps in the lab.... and bonus points are earned for speed....
Welcome to Cloud Hero, Gamers! Click "Join this Game". To modify your player name or avatar, go to your My Account page at Points are earned by completing the steps in the lab.... and bonus points are earned for speed! Be sure to complete each lab by selecting the END option to get the maximum points. Please respect the GCP resource quotas that have been allocated. Otherwise, you'll waste your Game time and gain fewer points.
People have used machine learning to solve problems ranging from identifying clouds in satellite images to ensuring food safety and responding four times faster to customer emails. In this game, you'll get hands-on experience with advanced training and prediction solutions. Challenge yourself to complete each task as quickly and accurately as possible to score points and earn badges!
Welcome Gamers! You will compete to see who can finish the game with the highest score. Earn the points by completing the steps in the lab.... and get bonus points for speed! Be sure to click "End" when you're done with each lab to get the maximum points. All players will be awarded the game badge.
Welcome Gamers! Today's game is all about experimenting with Big Query for Machine Learning! Use real life case studies to learn various concepts of BQML and have fun. Take labs to earn points. The faster you complete the lab objectives, the higher your score.
Get hands-on practice with Google Cloud! You will compete with your peers to see who can finish this game with the most points. Speed and accuracy will be used to calculate your scores — earn points by completing the labs accurately and bonus points for speed! Be sure to click “End” where you’re done with each lab to be rewarded your points.
Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. In this quest you will learn how to create a Flutter app using generated template code. Be sure to tag #flutterfestival in your social posts!
Dart is a client-optimized language for developing fast apps on any platform. Dart also forms the foundation of Flutter by providing the language and runtimes that power Flutter apps. In this quest you will learn the basics of Dart in a prepared development environment. Be sure to tag #flutterfestival in your social posts!
Complete the introductory Implement Load Balancing on Compute Engine skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: writing gcloud commands and using Cloud Shell, creating and deploying virtual machines in Compute Engine, and configuring network and HTTP load balancers. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this skill badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a skill badge that you can share with your network.
Kubernetes est le système d'orchestration de conteneurs le plus populaire, et Google Kubernetes Engine a été conçu spécifiquement pour être compatible avec les déploiements gérés de Kubernetes dans Google Cloud. Dans cette quête avancée, vous apprendrez à configurer et à manipuler les images et les conteneurs Docker, ainsi qu'à déployer des applications Kubernetes Engine opérationnelles. Cette quête vous fournira les compétences pratiques nécessaires pour intégrer l'orchestration de conteneurs à votre propre flux de travail.
Cette quête d'introduction se compose d'ateliers pratiques qui vous permettent de vous familiariser avec les outils et services de base de Google Cloud Platform. "GCP Essentials" est la première quête recommandée pour les personnes s'intéressant à Google Cloud. Vous pouvez la suivre sans aucune connaissance (ou presque) du cloud et, une fois la quête terminée, vous disposerez de compétences pratiques qui vous seront utiles pour n'importe quel projet GCP. De l'écriture de lignes de commande Cloud Shell au déploiement de votre première machine virtuelle en passant par l'exécution d'applications sur Kubernetes Engine avec l'équilibrage de charge, "GCP Essentials" constitue une excellente introduction aux fonctionnalités de base de la plate-forme. Des vidéos d'une minute résument les concepts clés de ces ateliers.