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Anjali Kumari



13420 积分
The Arcade Trivia June 2024 Week 4徽章 The Arcade Trivia June 2024 Week 4 Earned Jun 25, 2024 EDT
App Engine: 3 Ways徽章 App Engine: 3 Ways Earned Jun 24, 2024 EDT
Networking Fundamentals on Google Cloud徽章 Networking Fundamentals on Google Cloud Earned Jun 24, 2024 EDT
Level 2: Develop and Deploy徽章 Level 2: Develop and Deploy Earned Jun 20, 2024 EDT
The Arcade Trivia June 2024 Week 3徽章 The Arcade Trivia June 2024 Week 3 Earned Jun 19, 2024 EDT
Level 3: GenAIus Travels徽章 Level 3: GenAIus Travels Earned Jun 19, 2024 EDT
Level 1: Cloud Networking徽章 Level 1: Cloud Networking Earned Jun 19, 2024 EDT
The Arcade Trivia June 2024 Week 2徽章 The Arcade Trivia June 2024 Week 2 Earned Jun 16, 2024 EDT
The Arcade Trivia June 2024 Week 1徽章 The Arcade Trivia June 2024 Week 1 Earned Jun 7, 2024 EDT
Develop GenAI Apps with Gemini and Streamlit徽章 Develop GenAI Apps with Gemini and Streamlit Earned May 6, 2024 EDT
Prompt Design in Vertex AI徽章 Prompt Design in Vertex AI Earned May 5, 2024 EDT
Introduction to Generative AI - 繁體中文徽章 Introduction to Generative AI - 繁體中文 Earned May 3, 2024 EDT
Level 3: GenAIus Registries徽章 Level 3: GenAIus Registries Earned May 2, 2024 EDT

Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for June Week 4! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the June Trivia Week 4 badge!


Earn a skill badge by completing the App Engine: 3 ways quest, where you learn how to use App Engine with Python, Go, and PHP. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this Skill Badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.


Earn a skill badge by completing the Networking Fundamentals on Google Cloud quest, where you learn how to work with VPC networks and load balancers on Google Cloud. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. Complete this Skill Badge, and the final assessment challenge lab, to receive a digital badge that you can share with your network.


Bring your ideas to life by gaining hands-on experience in application development and deployment on Google Cloud Platform. Master security, traffic management, and learn to use development frameworks while earning a Google Cloud Credential. No prior experience needed!


Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for June Week 3! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the June Trivia Week 3 badge!


Excited to follow your favorite soccer/football stars on their next quest? Use GenAIus Travel Guides to learn how to interact with chat applications, master prompt engineering, understand the importance of context in AI, and work with Generative AI. Earn an exclusive Google Cloud Generative AI Credential and showcase your new skills! No prior experience needed!


The Cloud hums with constant communication, and the backbone of that connection is networking, linking all your resources and services. Get ready to gain hands-on experience with Google Cloud's powerful networking tools and earn an exclusive Google Cloud Credential—no prior experience needed!


Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for June Week 2! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the June Trivia Week 2 badge!


Hey there! You're invited to game on with the Arcade Trivia for June Week 1! Play throughout the month and boost your cloud learning journey. Every week, we'll release a new set of questions to test your knowledge of Google Cloud Platform. Get started now and earn the June Trivia Week 1 badge!


完成 Develop GenAI Apps with Gemini and Streamlit 技能徽章中階課程,即可證明您具備下列技能: 生成文字、透過 Python SDK 和 Gemini API 呼叫函式,以及運用 Cloud Run 部署 Streamlit 應用程式。 您將瞭解如何以不同方式透過提示請 Gemini 生成文字、使用 Cloud Shell 測試及疊代 Streamlit 應用程式,隨後封裝成 Docker 容器並在 Cloud Run 中部署。 「技能徽章」是 Google Cloud 核發的獨家數位徽章,用於肯定您在 Google Cloud 產品和服務方面的精通程度, 代表您已通過測驗,能在互動式實作環境中應用相關知識。 完成這個課程及結業評量挑戰實驗室,即可取得技能徽章並與他人分享。


完成 Prompt Design in Vertex AI 技能徽章入門課程,即可證明您具備下列技能: 在 Vertex AI 設計提示、分析圖片,以及運用多模態模型生成內容。瞭解如何建立有效的提示、引導生成式 AI 輸出內容, 以及將 Gemini 模型用於實際的行銷情境。 「技能徽章」是 Google Cloud 核發的獨家數位徽章, 用於肯定您在 Google Cloud 產品與服務方面的精通程度, 代表您已通過測驗,能在互動式實作環境中應用相關知識。完成 本課程及結業評量挑戰研究室,即可取得技能徽章 並與親友分享。


這個入門微學習課程主要說明生成式 AI 的定義和使用方式,以及此 AI 與傳統機器學習方法的差異。本課程也會介紹各項 Google 工具,協助您開發自己的生成式 AI 應用程式。


Today, developers need all the tools to shine. Artifact Registry is your one-stop shop for storing and managing your code. Learn how to start building your dream code and earn a Google Cloud Credential along the way!- No prior experience needed!
