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Building Scalable Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

Building Scalable Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

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¨Microservices" describes a software design pattern in which an application is a collection of loosely coupled services. These services are fine-grained, and can be individually maintained and scaled. The microservices architecture is ideal for the public cloud, with its focus on elastic scaling with on-demand resources. In this course, you will learn how to build Java applications using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud on Google Cloud.

You'll use Spring Cloud Config to manage your application's configuration. You'll send and receive messages with Pub/Sub and Spring Integration. You'll also use Cloud SQL as a managed relational database for your Java applications, and learn how to migrate to Spanner, which is Google Cloud's globally-distributed strongly consistent database service. You'll also learn about tracing and debugging your Spring applications with Google Cloud Observability.

To succeed in this course, you should be familiar with the Java programming language and building Java applications with tools such as Maven or Gradle. You should also have general knowledge of Google Cloud.

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Informações sobre o curso
  • Build Spring Boot microservices that consume Google Cloud managed services
  • Upload files to Cloud Storage with Spring Resource
  • Send and receive messages with Pub/Sub and Spring Integration
  • Implement distributed tracing by using Cloud Trace
  • Create data services using Cloud SQL and Spring data
  • Migrate from JPA to globally distributed Spanner with Spring Data Spanner
  • Deploy an application to App Engine or Google Kubernetes Engine

To succeed in this course, you should be familiar with the Java programming language and building Java applications with tools such as Maven or Gradle. You should also have general knowledge of Google Cloud.

1) Individuals planning to deploy applications and create application environments on Google Cloud. 2) Java developers and solution architects getting started with Google Cloud.
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