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    Logging and Monitoring in Google Cloud


    Logging and Monitoring in Google Cloud

    magic_button Google Cloud Services Cloud Operations Alerts Cloud Monitoring Logging Uptime checks Cloud Logging Data Analysis Dashboard Monitoring
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    8 ore Introduttivi universal_currency_alt 16 crediti

    This course teaches participants techniques for monitoring and improving infrastructure and application performance in Google Cloud.

    Using a combination of presentations, demos, hands-on labs, and real-world case studies, attendees gain experience with full-stack monitoring, real-time log management and analysis, debugging code in production, tracing application performance bottlenecks, and profiling CPU and memory usage.

    Completa questa attività e ottieni un badge! Fai un passo avanti nella tua carriera nel cloud mostrando a tutti le tue nuove capacità.

    Informazioni corso
    • Explain the purpose and capabilities of Google Cloud’s operations suite.
    • Implement monitoring for multiple cloud projects.
    • Create effective monitoring dashboards and alerts.Create alerting policies, uptime checks and alerts.
    • Explain how to collect logs using Cloud Logging and export for further analysis
    To get the most out of this course, participants should have: - Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or equivalent experience - Basic scripting or coding familiarity - Proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system environments
    This class is intended for the following participants: - Cloud architects -Administrators -SysOps personnel Cloud developers -DevOps personnel
    Lingue disponibili
    English, español (Latinoamérica), français, 日本語 e português (Brasil)
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    Quali badge posso guadagnare?
    Al termine di un corso, guadagnerai un badge di completamento. I badge possono essere visualizzati sul tuo profilo e condivisi sul tuo social network.
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