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    Observability in Google Cloud


    Observability in Google Cloud

    magic_button VPC Flow Logs Monitoring GKE Logging Cloud Operations Google Cloud Services Cost Management Observability Compute Engine
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    Welcome to the second part of the two part course, Observability in Google Cloud.

    This course is all about application performance management tools, including Error Reporting, Cloud Trace, and Cloud Profiler.

    Selesaikan aktivitas ini dan dapatkan badge. Tingkatkan karier cloud Anda dengan menunjukkan keahlian yang telah Anda kembangkan kepada dunia.

    Info Kursus
    • Install and manage Ops Agent to collect logs for Compute Engine.
    • Explain Cloud Operations for GKE.
    • Analyze VPC Flow Logs and firewall rules logs.
    • Analyze resource utilization cost for monitoring related components within Google Cloud.

    To get the most out of this course, participants should have: - Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or equivalent experience - Basic scripting or coding familiarity - Proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system environments

    This class is intended for the following participants: - Cloud architects -Administrators -SysOps personnel Cloud developers -DevOps personnel
    Bahasa yang tersedia
    English, español (Latinoamérica), français, 日本語, dan português (Brasil)
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    Badge apa yang bisa saya dapatkan?
    Setelah menyelesaikan kursus, Anda akan mendapatkan badge kelulusan. Badge dapat dilihat di profil dan dibagikan di jaringan sosial Anda.
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    Jelajahi konten Google Cloud di Coursera dan Pluralsight.
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