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BigQuery Fundamentals for Redshift Professionals


BigQuery Fundamentals for Redshift Professionals

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This course covers BigQuery fundamentals for professionals who are familiar with SQL-based cloud data warehouses in Redshift and want to begin working in BigQuery. Through interactive lecture content and hands-on labs, you learn how to provision resources, create and share data assets, ingest data, and optimize query performance in BigQuery. Drawing upon your knowledge of Redshift, you also learn about similarities and differences between Redshift and BigQuery to help you get started with data warehouses in BigQuery.

After this course, you can continue your BigQuery journey by completing the skill badge quest titled Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery.

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Odznaka za ukończenie szkolenia BigQuery Fundamentals for Redshift Professionals
Informacje o szkoleniu
  • Describe BigQuery’s architecture, resource provisioning, and data definition model.
  • Create, secure, and share BigQuery data assets using best practices.
  • Implement common patterns and best practices for designing schemas and ingesting data in BigQuery.
  • Use best practices to optimize query performance and control costs in BigQuery.
  • Compare and contrast the differences and commonalities between Redshift and BigQuery.
Wymagania wstępne
Experience working in SQL-based cloud data warehouses
Data Engineers, Database Engineers, Data Analysts
Dostępne języki
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