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    Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Workloads


    Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Workloads

    magic_button Compute Instances kubectl Kubernetes
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    In "Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine- Workloads", you'll embark on a comprehensive journey into cloud-native application development. Throughout the learning experience, you'll explore Kubernetes operations, deployment management, GKE networking, and persistent storage.

    This is the first course of the Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine series. After completing this course, enroll in the Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine- Production course.

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    Badge untuk Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Workloads
    Info Kursus
    • Create and manage workloads in Google Kubernetes Engine.
    • Explain how pod networking works in Google Kubernetes Engine.
    • Define and work with different Kubernetes storage abstractions.
    Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine
    This course is designed for cloud architects, administrators, SysOps/DevOps professionals, and anyone leveraging Google Cloud to build new solutions or integrate existing systems, applications, and infrastructure.
    Bahasa yang tersedia
    English, español (Latinoamérica), 日本語, français, italiano, 한국어, dan português (Brasil)
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