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    Networking in Google Cloud: Routing and Addressing


    Networking in Google Cloud: Routing and Addressing

    magic_button Google Cloud Services Private Connectivity Networking Subnets Cloud Networking Cloud DNS IP Addresses
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    Welcome to the second course in the networking and Google Cloud series routing and addressing.

    In this course, we'll cover the central routing and addressing concepts that are relevant to Google Cloud's networking capabilities.

    Module one will lay the foundation by exploring network routing and addressing in Google Cloud, covering key building blocks such as routing IPv4, bringing your own IP addresses and setting up cloud DNS. In Module two will shift our focus to private connection options, exploring use cases and methods for accessing Google and other services privately using internal IP addresses.

    By the end of this course, you'll have a solid grasp of how to effectively route and address your network traffic within Google Cloud.

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    Info Kursus
    • Define key routing and addressing concepts relevant to Google Cloud, including IP addresses, subnets, route tables, firewalls, BYOIP, and NATs.
    • Describe the configuration and management options for Google Cloud DNS, including private and managed zones.
    • Configure and manage route tables to control traffic flow, resolve domain names effectively, and utilize NAT rules for secure access.
    • Differentiate various Private Connection options and its use cases.

    Having completed the Networking in Google Cloud: Fundamentals course or having equivalent experience.

    Familiarity with IPv4 addressing and managing IPv4 routes

    This course is intended for network engineers and network admins that are either using Google Cloud or are planning to do so. The class is also for individuals that want to be exposed to software-defined networking solutions in the cloud.
    Bahasa yang tersedia
    English, français, 日本語, español (Latinoamérica), dan português (Brasil)
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