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Networking in Google Cloud: Network Architecture


Networking in Google Cloud: Network Architecture

3 hours Intermediate universal_currency_alt 5 Credits

Welcome to the third course of the "Networking in Google Cloud" series: Network Architecture! In this course, you will explore the fundamentals of designing efficient and scalable network architectures within Google Cloud. In the first module, Introduction to Network Architecture, we'll start by introducing you to the core components and concepts of network architecture, including subnets, routes, firewalls, and load balancing. Then in the second module, network topologies, we'll dive into various network topologies commonly used in Google Cloud, discussing their strengths, and weaknesses.

Complete this activity and earn a badge! Boost your cloud career by showing the world the skills you’ve developed.

Badge for Networking in Google Cloud: Network Architecture
Course Info
  • Analyze the key considerations for designing a scalable, secure, performant, and cost-efficient Google Cloud network architecture.
  • Implement a hub and spoke network topology
  • Visualize, troubleshoot, and optimize Google Cloud networks.
  • Apply best practices for designing and managing Google Cloud networks in cloud-only, multi-cloud, and hybrid environments.

Having completed the Networking in Google Cloud: Fundamentals course or having equivalent experience.

This course is intended for network engineers and network admins that are either using Google Cloud or are planning to do so. The class is also for individuals that want to be exposed to software-defined networking solutions in the cloud.
Available languages
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