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    Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure


    Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure

    magic_button Identity and Access Management Cloud Deploy Cloud Infrastructure IaaS Cloud Storage Cloud Computing Networking Google Cloud Services Google Cloud Armor Compute Engine
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    5 Stunden Einsteiger universal_currency_alt 20 Guthabenpunkte

    Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure introduces important concepts and terminology for working with Google Cloud. Through videos and hands-on labs, this course presents and compares many of Google Cloud's computing and storage services, along with important resource and policy management tools.

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    • Identify the purpose and value of Google Cloud products and services
    • Define how infrastructure is organized and controlled in Google Cloud
    • Explain how to create a basic infrastructure in Google Cloud
    • Select and use Google Cloud storage options


    - Individuals planning to deploy applications and create application environments on Google Cloud - Systems operations professionals, solution architects getting started with Google Cloud, and developers. - Executives and business decision makers evaluating the potential of Google Cloud to address their business needs.
    Verfügbare Sprachen
    English, 日本語, español (Latinoamérica), português (Brasil), українська, français, italiano, 한국어, bahasa Indonesia, 简体中文, 繁體中文 und polski