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    Mitigating Security Vulnerabilities on Google Cloud


    Mitigating Security Vulnerabilities on Google Cloud

    magic_button Data Security Security Google Cloud Services Monitoring Data Management Logging Data Privacy Cloud Security Cloud Audit Logs Networking
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    5 heures Débutant universal_currency_alt 16 crédits

    In this self-paced training course, participants learn mitigations for attacks at many points in a Google Cloud-based infrastructure, including Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks, phishing attacks, and threats involving content classification and use. They also learn about the Security Command Center, cloud logging and audit logging, and using Forseti to view overall compliance with your organization's security policies.

    Complete this activity and earn a badge! Boost your cloud career by showing the world the skills you’ve developed.

    Informations sur le cours
    • Manage protection against distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS).
    • Manage content-related vulnerabilities.
    • Implement Google Cloud monitoring, logging, auditing, and scanning solutions.
    • null
    Prior completion of Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure or equivalent experience. Prior completion of Networking in Google Cloud or equivalent experience. Knowledge of foundational concepts in information security: Fundamental concepts: vulnerability, threat, attack surface confidentiality, integrity, availability, Common threat types and their mitigation strategies, Public-key cryptography, Public and private key pairs, Certificates Cipher types, Key width Certificate authorities, Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets, Layer encrypted communication Public key infrastructures Security policy. Basic proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system environments. Systems Operations experience, including deploying and managing applications, either on-premises or in a public cloud environment. Reading comprehension of code in Python or JavaScript.
    [Cloud] information security analysts, architects, and engineers. Information security/cybersecurity specialists. Cloud infrastructure architects. Also intended for Google and partner field personnel who work with customers in those job roles. Also useful for cloud application developers.
    Langues disponibles
    English, français, 日本語, español (Latinoamérica) et português (Brasil)