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    Work with Gemini Models in BigQuery


    Work with Gemini Models in BigQuery

    magic_button Data Science Machine Learning Generative AI Data Analysis Gemini Python SQL Cloud Computing BigQuery
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    3 ore Intermedio universal_currency_alt 10 crediti

    This course demonstrates how to use AI/ML models for generative AI tasks in BigQuery. Through a practical use case involving customer relationship management, you learn the workflow of solving a business problem with Gemini models. To facilitate comprehension, the course also provides step-by-step guidance through coding solutions using both SQL queries and Python notebooks.

    Completa questa attività e ottieni un badge! Fai un passo avanti nella tua carriera nel cloud mostrando a tutti le tue nuove capacità.

    Informazioni corso
    • Recognize the AI capabilities of BigQuery.
    • Explain the workflow of using AI/ML models for predictive and generative tasks in BigQuery.
    • Create a solution for leveraging Gemini models in BigQuery with SQL queries.
    • Create a solution for leveraging Gemini models in BigQuery with Python notebooks.

    Prior experience with programming languages including SQL and/or Python

    Basic knowledge of ML and generative AI

    Data scientists, Data analysts, AI developers
    Lingue disponibili
    English, Deutsch, español (Latinoamérica), français, bahasa Indonesia, 日本語, 한국어, português (Brasil), 简体中文 e 繁體中文
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