Introduction to Data Engineering on Google Cloud
Introduction to Data Engineering on Google Cloud
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In this course, you learn about data engineering on Google Cloud, the roles and responsibilities of data engineers, and how those map to offerings provided by Google Cloud. You also learn about ways to address data engineering challenges.
Informazioni corso
- Understand the role of a data engineer.
- Identify data engineering tasks and core components used on Google Cloud.
- Understand how to create and deploy data pipelines of varying patterns on Google Cloud.
- Identify and utilize various automation techniques on Google Cloud.
Prior Google Cloud experience at the fundamental level using the Cloud Shell and accessing products from the Google Cloud console.
Basic proficiency with a common query language such as SQL.
Experience with data modeling and ETL (extract, transform, load) activities.
Experience with developing applications using a common programming language such as Python.
Data Engineers, Database Administrators, System Administrators
Lingue disponibili
English, español (Latinoamérica), français, bahasa Indonesia, 日本語, 한국어, português (Brasil), 简体中文 e 繁體中文
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