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    Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path

    school 22 aktivitas
    update Terakhir diperbarui sekitar 1 bulan
    person Dikelola oleh Google Cloud
    Machine Learning Engineer merancang, membangun, memproduksi, mengoptimalkan, mengoperasikan, dan memelihara sistem ML. Jalur pembelajaran ini memandu Anda menjalani sejumlah kursus sesuai permintaan, lab, dan badge keterampilan pilihan yang memberi Anda pengalaman nyata dan langsung menggunakan teknologi Google Cloud yang penting untuk peran ML Engineer. Setelah Anda menyelesaikan jalur, lihat sertifikasi Google Cloud Machine Learning Engineer untuk mengambil langkah selanjutnya dalam karier profesional Anda.
    Mulai jalur pembelajaran


    Professional Machine Learning Engineer Study Guide

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    access_time 2 jam
    show_chart Advanced

    This course helps learners create a study plan for the PMLE (Professional Machine Learning Engineer) certification exam. Learners explore the breadth and scope of the domains covered in the exam. Learners assess their exam readiness and create their individual study...

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    Tur Lab Interaktif Google Cloud

    book Lab
    access_time 45 menit
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    Dalam lab interaktif yang pertama ini, Anda akan mengakses konsol Google Cloud, serta menggunakan beberapa fitur dasar Google Cloud: Project, Resource, Pengguna IAM, Peran, Izin, dan API.

    Mulai lab


    Introduction to AI and Machine Learning on Google Cloud

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    access_time 8 jam
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    This course introduces the AI and machine learning (ML) offerings on Google Cloud that build both predictive and generative AI projects. It explores the technologies, products, and tools available throughout the data-to-AI life cycle, encompassing AI foundations, development, and solutions....

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    Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud

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    access_time 6 jam 30 menit
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    Selesaikan badge keahlian pengantar Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud untuk menunjukkan keterampilan Anda dalam hal berikut: menghapus data dengan Dataprep by Trifacta, menjalankan pipeline data di Dataflow, membuat cluster dan menjalankan tugas Apache Spark di Dataproc, dan...

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    Working with Notebooks in Vertex AI

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    access_time 45 menit
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    This course is an introduction to Vertex AI Notebooks, which are Jupyter notebook-based environments that provide a unified platform for the entire machine learning workflow, from data preparation to model deployment and monitoring. The course covers the following topics: (1)...

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    Create ML Models with BigQuery ML

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    access_time 5 jam 30 menit
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    Selesaikan badge keahlian tingkat menengah Create ML Models with BigQuery ML untuk menunjukkan keterampilan dalam hal berikut ini: membuat dan mengevaluasi model machine learning dengan BigQuery ML untuk membuat prediksi data. Badge keahlian merupakan badge digital eksklusif yang diberikan oleh...

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    Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML

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    access_time 4 jam 15 menit
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    Selesaikan badge keahlian tingkat menengah Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML untuk menunjukkan keterampilan Anda dalam hal berikut: membangun pipeline transformasi data ke BigQuery dengan Dataprep by Trifacta; menggunakan Cloud Storage, Dataflow, dan BigQuery untuk membangun alur kerja...

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    Feature Engineering

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    access_time 24 jam
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    This course explores the benefits of using Vertex AI Feature Store, how to improve the accuracy of ML models, and how to find which data columns make the most useful features. This course also includes content and labs on feature...

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    Build, Train and Deploy ML Models with Keras on Google Cloud

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    access_time 15 jam 30 menit
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    This course covers building ML models with TensorFlow and Keras, improving the accuracy of ML models and writing ML models for scaled use.

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    Production Machine Learning Systems

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    access_time 16 jam
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    This course covers how to implement the various flavors of production ML systems— static, dynamic, and continuous training; static and dynamic inference; and batch and online processing. You delve into TensorFlow abstraction levels, the various options for doing distributed training,...

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    Machine Learning Operations (MLOps): Getting Started

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    access_time 8 jam
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    This course introduces participants to MLOps tools and best practices for deploying, evaluating, monitoring and operating production ML systems on Google Cloud. MLOps is a discipline focused on the deployment, testing, monitoring, and automation of ML systems in production. Machine...

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    Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features

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    access_time 8 jam
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    This course introduces participants to MLOps tools and best practices for deploying, evaluating, monitoring and operating production ML systems on Google Cloud. MLOps is a discipline focused on the deployment, testing, monitoring, and automation of ML systems in production. Learners...

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    Introduction to Generative AI - Bahasa Indonesia

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    access_time 45 menit
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    Ini adalah kursus pengantar pembelajaran mikro yang bertujuan untuk mendefinisikan AI Generatif, cara penggunaannya, dan perbedaannya dari metode machine learning konvensional. Kursus ini juga mencakup Alat-alat Google yang dapat membantu Anda mengembangkan aplikasi AI Generatif Anda sendiri.

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    Introduction to Large Language Models - Bahasa Indonesia

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    access_time 30 menit
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    Ini adalah kursus pengantar pembelajaran mikro yang membahas definisi model bahasa besar (LLM), kasus penggunaannya, dan cara menggunakan prompt tuning untuk meningkatkan performa LLM. Kursus ini juga membahas beberapa alat Google yang dapat membantu Anda mengembangkan aplikasi AI Generatif Anda...

    Mulai kursus


    Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) for Generative AI - Bahasa Indonesia

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    access_time 30 menit
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    Kursus ini dikhususkan untuk membekali Anda dengan pengetahuan dan alat yang diperlukan guna mengungkap tantangan unik yang dihadapi oleh tim MLOps saat men-deploy dan mengelola model AI Generatif, serta mengeksplorasi cara Vertex AI memberdayakan tim AI dalam menyederhanakan proses MLOps...

    Mulai kursus


    Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Model Evaluation

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    access_time 2 jam 30 menit
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    This course equips machine learning practitioners with the essential tools, techniques, and best practices for evaluating both generative and predictive AI models. Model evaluation is a critical discipline for ensuring that ML systems deliver reliable, accurate, and high-performing results in...

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    ML Pipelines on Google Cloud

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    access_time 2 jam 15 menit
    show_chart Advanced

    In this course, you will be learning from ML Engineers and Trainers who work with the state-of-the-art development of ML pipelines here at Google Cloud. The first few modules will cover about TensorFlow Extended (or TFX), which is Google’s production...

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    Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI

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    access_time 8 jam 15 menit
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    Earn the intermediate skill badge by completing the Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions with Vertex AI course, where you will learn how to use Google Cloud's Vertex AI platform, AutoML, and custom training services to train, evaluate, tune, explain,...

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    Create Generative AI Apps on Google Cloud

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    access_time 4 jam
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    Generative AI applications can create new user experiences that were nearly impossible before the invention of large language models (LLMs). As an application developer, how can you use generative AI to build engaging, powerful apps on Google Cloud? In this...

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    Responsible AI for Developers: Fairness & Bias - Bahasa Indonesia

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    access_time 4 jam
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    Kursus ini memperkenalkan konsep responsible AI dan prinsip AI. Di dalamnya tercakup teknik untuk secara praktis mengidentifikasi keadilan dan bias serta memitigasi bias dalam praktik AI/ML. Kursus ini juga mengeksplorasi metode dan alat praktis untuk menerapkan praktik terbaik Responsible AI...

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    Responsible AI for Developers: Interpretability & Transparency - Bahasa Indonesia

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    access_time 3 jam
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    Kursus ini memperkenalkan konsep penafsiran dan transparansi AI. Kursus ini membahas pentingnya transparansi AI bagi developer dan engineer. Kursus ini juga mengeksplorasi metode dan alat praktis untuk membantu mencapai penafsiran dan transparansi, baik dalam model data maupun AI.

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    Responsible AI for Developers: Privacy & Safety - Bahasa Indonesia

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    access_time 5 jam
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    Kursus ini memperkenalkan topik penting tentang privasi dan keamanan AI. Kursus ini mengeksplorasi metode dan alat praktis untuk menerapkan rekomendasi praktik privasi dan keamanan AI melalui penggunaan produk dan alat open source Google Cloud.

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