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    Machine Learning Engineer Learning Path

    school 21 activities
    update Last updated 1 gün
    person Managed by Google Cloud
    Machine Learning Engineer, makine öğrenimi sistemlerini tasarlar, derler, üretime geçirir, optimize eder, çalıştırır ve yönetir. Bu öğrenme yolu talep üzerine alınan kurslar, laboratuvarlar ve beceri rozetlerinden oluşan özenle seçilmiş bir koleksiyonda size yol gösterir. Eğitim boyunca ML Engineer rolü için gerekli olan Google Cloud teknolojilerini kullanarak pratiğe dayalı deneyim edinirsiniz. Öğrenme yolunu tamamladıktan sonra kariyer yolculuğunuzda emin adımlarla ilerlemek için Google Cloud Machine Learning Engineer sertifikasına göz atın.
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    Professional Machine Learning Engineer Study Guide

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    access_time 2 hours
    show_chart Advanced

    This course helps learners create a study plan for the PMLE (Professional Machine Learning Engineer) certification exam. Learners explore the breadth and scope of the domains covered in the exam. Learners assess their exam readiness and create their individual study...

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    Google Cloud Uygulamalı Laboratuvarları Turu

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    access_time 45 minutes
    show_chart Introductory

    Bu ilk uygulamalı laboratuvarda Google Cloud Console'a erişip şu temel Google Cloud özelliklerini kullanacaksınız: Projeler, Kaynaklar, IAM Kullanıcıları, Roller, İzinler ve API'ler.

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    Introduction to AI and Machine Learning on Google Cloud

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    access_time 8 hours
    show_chart Introductory

    This course introduces the AI and machine learning (ML) offerings on Google Cloud that build both predictive and generative AI projects. It explores the technologies, products, and tools available throughout the data-to-AI life cycle, encompassing AI foundations, development, and solutions....

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    Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud

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    access_time 6 hours 30 minutes
    show_chart Introductory

    Complete the introductory Prepare Data for ML APIs on Google Cloud skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: cleaning data with Dataprep by Trifacta, running data pipelines in Dataflow, creating clusters and running Apache Spark jobs in Dataproc, and...

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    Working with Notebooks in Vertex AI

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    access_time 45 minutes
    show_chart Introductory

    This course is an introduction to Vertex AI Notebooks, which are Jupyter notebook-based environments that provide a unified platform for the entire machine learning workflow, from data preparation to model deployment and monitoring. The course covers the following topics: (1)...

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    Create ML Models with BigQuery ML

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    access_time 5 hours 30 minutes
    show_chart Intermediate

    Complete the intermediate Create ML Models with BigQuery ML skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: creating and evaluating machine learning models with BigQuery ML to make data predictions. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by...

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    Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML

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    access_time 4 hours 15 minutes
    show_chart Intermediate

    Complete the intermediate Engineer Data for Predictive Modeling with BigQuery ML skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: building data transformation pipelines to BigQuery using Dataprep by Trifacta; using Cloud Storage, Dataflow, and BigQuery to build extract, transform, and...

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    Feature Engineering

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    access_time 24 hours
    show_chart Introductory

    This course explores the benefits of using Vertex AI Feature Store, how to improve the accuracy of ML models, and how to find which data columns make the most useful features. This course also includes content and labs on feature...

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    Build, Train and Deploy ML Models with Keras on Google Cloud

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    access_time 15 hours 30 minutes
    show_chart Intermediate

    This course covers building ML models with TensorFlow and Keras, improving the accuracy of ML models and writing ML models for scaled use.

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    Production Machine Learning Systems

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    access_time 16 hours
    show_chart Intermediate

    This course covers how to implement the various flavors of production ML systems— static, dynamic, and continuous training; static and dynamic inference; and batch and online processing. You delve into TensorFlow abstraction levels, the various options for doing distributed training,...

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    Machine Learning Operations (MLOps): Getting Started

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    access_time 8 hours
    show_chart Introductory

    This course introduces participants to MLOps tools and best practices for deploying, evaluating, monitoring and operating production ML systems on Google Cloud. MLOps is a discipline focused on the deployment, testing, monitoring, and automation of ML systems in production. Machine...

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    Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Manage Features

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    access_time 8 hours
    show_chart Intermediate

    This course introduces participants to MLOps tools and best practices for deploying, evaluating, monitoring and operating production ML systems on Google Cloud. MLOps is a discipline focused on the deployment, testing, monitoring, and automation of ML systems in production. Learners...

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    Üretken Yapay Zekaya Giriş

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    access_time 45 minutes
    show_chart Introductory

    Bu, üretken yapay zekanın ne olduğunu, nasıl kullanıldığını ve geleneksel makine öğrenme yöntemlerinden nasıl farklı olduğunu açıklamayı amaçlayan giriş seviyesi bir mikro öğrenme kursudur. Ayrıca kendi üretken yapay zeka uygulamalarınızı geliştirmenize yardımcı olacak Google Araçlarını da kapsar.

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    Büyük Dil Modellerine Giriş

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    access_time 30 minutes
    show_chart Introductory

    Bu giriş seviyesi mikro öğrenme kursunda büyük dil modelleri (BDM) nedir, hangi kullanım durumlarında kullanılabileceği ve büyük dil modelleri performansını artırmak için nasıl istem ayarlaması yapabileceğiniz keşfedilecektir. Ayrıca kendi üretken yapay zeka uygulamalarınızı geliştirmenize yardımcı olacak Google araçları hakkında bilgi...

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    Üretken Yapay Zeka İçin Makine Öğrenimi Operasyonları (MLOps)

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    access_time 30 minutes
    show_chart Intermediate

    Bu kurs, MLOps ekiplerinin üretken yapay zeka modellerini dağıtırken ve yönetirken karşılaştığı zorlukların üstesinden gelmek için gereken bilgi ve araçları sağlamaktadır. Ayrıca yapay zeka ekiplerinin, MLOps süreçlerini kolaylaştırıp üretken yapay zeka projelerinde başarıya ulaşması için Vertex AI'ın nasıl yardımcı olduğunu...

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    Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) with Vertex AI: Model Evaluation

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    access_time 2 hours 30 minutes
    show_chart Intermediate

    This course equips machine learning practitioners with the essential tools, techniques, and best practices for evaluating both generative and predictive AI models. Model evaluation is a critical discipline for ensuring that ML systems deliver reliable, accurate, and high-performing results in...

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    Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions on Vertex AI

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    access_time 7 hours 45 minutes
    show_chart Intermediate

    Earn the intermediate skill badge by completing the Build and Deploy Machine Learning Solutions with Vertex AI course, where you will learn how to use Google Cloud's Vertex AI platform, AutoML, and custom training services to train, evaluate, tune, explain,...

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    Create Generative AI Apps on Google Cloud

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    access_time 4 hours
    show_chart Intermediate

    Generative AI applications can create new user experiences that were nearly impossible before the invention of large language models (LLMs). As an application developer, how can you use generative AI to build engaging, powerful apps on Google Cloud? In this...

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    Geliştiriciler İçin Sorumlu Yapay Zeka: Adalet ve Önyargı

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    access_time 4 hours
    show_chart Intermediate

    Bu kursta, sorumlu yapay zeka kavramı ve yapay zeka ilkeleri tanıtılmaktadır. Kurs, adalet ve önyargıyı pratik şekilde tanımlama teknikleri ile yapay zeka/makine öğrenimi uygulamalarında önyargının azaltılması konularını ele almaktadır. Kurs boyunca, Google Cloud ürünleri ve açık kaynaklı araçları kullanarak sorumlu...

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    Geliştiriciler için Sorumlu Yapay Zeka: Yorumlanabilirlik ve Şeffaflık

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    access_time 3 hours
    show_chart Intermediate

    Bu kursta yapay zekanın yorumlanabilirliği ve şeffaflığı kavramlarıyla ilgili temel bilgiler sunulmaktadır. Ayrıca geliştiriciler ve mühendisler için yapay zeka sistemlerinde şeffaflığın önemi ele alınmaktadır. Kurs boyunca, veri ve yapay zeka modellerinde yorumlanabilirliğin ve şeffaflığın sağlanmasına yardımcı olacak pratik yöntemleri ve...

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    Geliştiriciler İçin Sorumlu Yapay Zeka: Gizlilik ve Güvenlik

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    access_time 5 hours
    show_chart Intermediate

    Bu kursta, yapay zekada gizlilik ve güvenlik konuları ele alınmaktadır. Kurs boyunca, Google Cloud ürünleri ve açık kaynak araçları kullanarak yapay zekayla ilgili önerilen gizlilik ve güvenlik uygulamalarını benimsemenize yardımcı olacak pratik yöntemler ile araçları tanıyacaksınız.

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