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    Enterprise Search on Generative AI App Builder


    Enterprise Search on Generative AI App Builder

    magic_button Generative AI App Builder Generative AI Studio Search
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    8 ore Intermedio universal_currency_alt Nessun costo

    Enterprises of all sizes have trouble making their information readily accessible to employees and customers alike. Internal documentation is frequently scattered across wikis, file shares, and databases. Similarly, consumer-facing sites often offer a vast selection of products, services, and information, but customers are frustrated by ineffective site search and navigation capabilities.

    This course teaches you to use Generative AI App Builder to integrate enterprise-grade generative AI search.

    Completa questa attività e ottieni un badge! Fai un passo avanti nella tua carriera nel cloud mostrando a tutti le tue nuove capacità.

    Badge per Enterprise Search on Generative AI App Builder
    Informazioni corso
    • Understand the different Generative AI product offerings in Google Cloud and their enterprise use cases.
    • Learn to create an Enterprise Search engine and index several data sources.
    • Configure search results outputs and analyze search accuracy.
    • Integrate Enterprise Search in your applications and websites.
    Learners are expected to have a basic level of experience with coding
    Developers, Machine Learning Engineers
    Lingue disponibili
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    Al termine di un corso, guadagnerai un badge di completamento. I badge possono essere visualizzati sul tuo profilo e condivisi sul tuo social network.
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