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    Service Orchestration and Choreography on Google Cloud


    Service Orchestration and Choreography on Google Cloud

    magic_button Cloud Computing Eventarc Cloud Tasks Workflows Cloud Operations Google Cloud Services Microservices Orchestration Application Integration Cloud Scheduler
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    8 heures Débutant universal_currency_alt 5 crédits

    This course introduces you to event-based applications and teaches you how to use service orchestration and choreography to coordinate microservices. Using lectures and hands-on labs, you learn how to use Workflows, Eventarc, Cloud Tasks, and Cloud Scheduler to build microservices applications on Google Cloud.

    Complete this activity and earn a badge! Boost your cloud career by showing the world the skills you’ve developed.

    Informations sur le cours
    • Describe the benefits and challenges of microservices-based architectures.
    • Describe the advantages of event-driven applications.
    • Identify the strengths of orchestration and choreography.
    • Use Workflows, Eventarc, Cloud Tasks, and Cloud Scheduler to coordinate a microservices application on Google Cloud.
    Application developers, architects, and cloud engineers.
    Langues disponibles