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    Developing Applications with Google Cloud: Foundations


    Developing Applications with Google Cloud: Foundations

    magic_button Monitoring Cloud Applications Security Cloud Computing Google Cloud Services Software Development Databases Google Cloud Compute Data Storage Compute Engine
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    6 horas 45 minutos Introductorio universal_currency_alt 15 créditos

    In this course, you learn the fundamentals of application development on Google Cloud. You learn best practices for cloud applications, and how to select compute and data options to match your application use cases. You're introduced to generative AI and how it's used to help build applications. You learn about authentication and authorization, application deployment, continuous integration and delivery, and monitoring and performance tuning for your applications running in Google Cloud. Using lectures and hands-on labs, you learn how to get started building and running applications on Google Cloud.

    Completa esta actividad y gana una insignia. Impulsa tu carrera de nube mostrándole al mundo las habilidades que desarrollaste.

    Información del curso
    • Discuss best practices for application development in the cloud.
    • Understand how to choose the appropriate data storage option for application use cases.
    • Use authentication and authorization to secure an application.
    • Describe use cases for the different Google Cloud compute options used for running applications.
    Requisitos previos

    Programming experience is recommended.

    Basic proficiency with command-line tools and Linux operating system environments is helpful.

    Application developers, architects, and cloud engineers
    Idiomas disponibles
    ¿Qué debo hacer cuando finalice este curso?
    Después de finalizar el curso, puede consultar contenido adicional en su ruta de aprendizaje o explorar el catálogo de aprendizaje.
    ¿Qué insignias puedo obtener?
    Cuando complete un curso, obtendrá una insignia de finalización. Puede ver las insignias en su perfil y compartirlas en sus redes sociales.
    ¿Le interesa realizar este curso con uno de nuestros socios a pedido?
    Explore el contenido de Google Cloud en Coursera y Pluralsight.
    ¿Prefiere aprender con un instructor?
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