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    Enterprise Database Migration


    Enterprise Database Migration

    magic_button Database Migration
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    32 heures Intermédiaire universal_currency_alt 55 crédits

    This course is intended to give architects, engineers, and developers the skills required to help enterprise customers architect, plan, execute, and test database migration projects. Through a combination of presentations, demos, and hands-on labs participants move databases to Google Cloud while taking advantage of various services.

    This course covers how to move on-premises, enterprise databases like SQL Server to Google Cloud (Compute Engine and Cloud SQL) and Oracle to Google Cloud bare metal.

    Terminez cette activité et gagnez un badge ! Boostez votre carrière dans le cloud en montrant les compétences que vous avez acquises.

    Badge pour Enterprise Database Migration
    Informations sur le cours
    • Plan, execute, test, and monitor simple and complex enterprise database migrations to Google Cloud.
    • Choose an appropriate Google Cloud database, migrate SQL Server databases and run Oracle databases on Google Cloud bare metal.
    • Recognize and overcome the challenges of moving data to prevent data loss, preserve data integrity, and minimize downtime.
    • Evaluate on-premises database architectures and plan migrations to make the business case for moving databases to Google Cloud.

    ● Professional Cloud Architect and/or Professional Data Engineer certification.

    ● Understanding of relational and NoSQL database design.

    ● Database development experience using SQL.

    ● Programming experience.

    ● Professional Cloud Architect and/or Professional Data Engineer certification. ● Understanding of relational and NoSQL database design. ● Database development experience using SQL. ● Programming experience.
    Langues disponibles
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    Quels badges pouvez-vous gagner ?
    Lorsque vous terminez un cours, vous obtenez un badge de réussite. Vos badges s'affichent sur votre profil, et vous pouvez les partager sur les réseaux sociaux.
    Vous souhaitez suivre ce cours à la demande avec l'un de nos partenaires ?
    Consultez les contenus Google Cloud disponibles sur Coursera et Pluralsight.
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