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Architecting and Installing the Apigee Hybrid API Platform


Architecting and Installing the Apigee Hybrid API Platform

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8 horas Introdutório universal_currency_alt 5 créditos

This course introduces you to the fundamentals and practices used to install and manage Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform for hybrid cloud.

Through a combination of lectures, a hands-on lab, and supplemental materials, you will learn how to install and operate the Apigee API Platform.

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Selo para Architecting and Installing the Apigee Hybrid API Platform
Informações sobre o curso
  • Identify the purpose and value of Apigee API Platform.
  • Describe basic concepts and capabilities of Google Cloud, Kubernetes, REST and Anthos.
  • Discuss Apigee API Platform architecture and recommended practices for topology design.
  • Explain Apigee terminology and logical organizational structures.
  • Install Apigee hybrid on Google Kubernetes Engine.
Familiarity with Linux command and command line interface. Basic understanding of Google Cloud. Basic understanding of Anthos and GKE. Basic understanding of networking. Basic understanding of shell script, XML, JSON, HTTP, REST, and TLS.
Cloud Architect, Cloud Engineer and Operation Specialist
Idiomas disponíveis
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