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Developing Data Models with LookML


Developing Data Models with LookML

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This course empowers you to develop scalable, performant LookML (Looker Modeling Language) models that provide your business users with the standardized, ready-to-use data that they need to answer their questions. Upon completing this course, you will be able to start building and maintaining LookML models to curate and manage data in your organization’s Looker instance.

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Odznaka za ukończenie szkolenia Developing Data Models with LookML
Informacje o szkoleniu
  • Define LookML basic terms and building blocks
  • Model new dimensions and measures using LookML
  • Use dashboards to combine key queries and visualizations into a one page executive view
  • Model files of LookML projects to design and build custom Explores for business users
  • Use derived tables in Looker to create new custom tables that do not yet exist in the underlying database.
  • Articulate how caching works in Looker and how developers can use datagroups to manage caching policies.
Wymagania wstępne
To get the most out of this course, participants should have a basic understanding of SQL, Git, and the Looker business user experience. For learners with no previous experience as data explorers in Looker, it is recommended to first complete Analyzing and Visualizing Data in Looker.
Data developers who are responsible for data curation and management within their organizations. Data analysts interested in learning how data developers use LookML to curate and manage data in their organization’s Looker instance.
Dostępne języki
English i 日本語
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