Conversational AI on Vertex AI and Dialogflow CX
Conversational AI on Vertex AI and Dialogflow CX
In this course you will learn how to use the new generative AI features in Dialogflow CX to create virtual agents that can have more natural and engaging conversations with customers. Discover how to deploy generative fallback responses to gracefully handle errors and omissions in customer conversations, deploy generators to increase intent coverage, and structure, ingest, and manage data in a data store. And explore how to deploy and maintain generative AI agents using your data, and deploy and maintain hybrid agents in combination with existing intent-based design paradigms.
Informacje o szkoleniu
- Articulate and explain the functionality of the new generative AI features in Dialogflow CX.
- Implement generators to increase intent coverage in customer conversations.
- Enable generative fallback responses to gracefully handle errors and omissions in customer conversations.
- Deploy and maintain Generative AI agents that use your data.
Wymagania wstępne
This course is designed for developers and engineers who have experience with Dialogflow CX. Prior knowledge of generative AI is helpful, but not required.
Dostępne języki
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