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Vertex AI Search for Retail Agent Builder


Vertex AI Search for Retail Agent Builder

magic_button Discovery AI Vertex AI Search Recommender System
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4 ore 15 minuti Avanzati universal_currency_alt 20 crediti

This on-demand course provides partners the skills required to design, deploy, and monitor Vertex AI Search for Retail Agent Builder solutions including retail search and recommendation AI for enterprise customers. Retail Search was previously known as Discovery AI so you may see references to the older product name in this course.

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Badge per Vertex AI Search for Retail Agent Builder
Informazioni corso
  • Describe the Discovery AI workflow
  • Gain hands on experience with Discovery AI
  • Identify product catalog data and user event data sources
  • Evaluate and select an appropriate data ingestion method
  • Troubleshoot common data ingestion challenges
  • Differentiate the four recommendation models and articulate the purpose of each model
  • Quantify the sales benefits of Discovery AI via attribution tokens
  • Use eCommerce placements to retrieve product recommendations
  • Interpret key metrics and configure alerts
  • Explain how to troubleshoot common operational problems
  • Monitor and Manage Discovery AI deployments

Experience with enabling Google Cloud API’s and knowledge of programmatically accessing and processing api returns

Cloud Architect, Cloud Engineer and Operation Specialists.
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