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    Configure and Maintain CCAIP as an Admin


    Configure and Maintain CCAIP as an Admin

    magic_button Automation Contact Center AI Platform Contact Center AI
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    8 ore 30 minuti Intermedio universal_currency_alt Nessun costo

    Configure and Maintain CCAIP as an Admin is a course that provides end users with essential learning about the core features, functionality, reporting, and configuration information most relevant to the role. This course is most appropriate for those who perform administrative functions to support the operation of the contact center as well as analyze, troubleshoot, and configure the platform to best meet the demands of customers. While this program will review some monitoring and reporting aspects, those topics are explored in depth in the course titled, “Managing Functions and Reporting with CCAIP.”

    Completa questa attività e ottieni un badge! Fai un passo avanti nella tua carriera nel cloud mostrando a tutti le tue nuove capacità.

    Informazioni corso
    • Set up, configure, adjust, and maintain the CCAI Platform to maximize the impact of the organization’s contact center.
    • Maintain the initial configuration of CCAIP’s features and functionality to fully meet the demands of consumers, seasonality, and staffing dependencies, including how to make adjustments post-implementation.
    • Determine routing paths, channel configurations, agent and team assignments, and more to leverage all of CCAIP's capabilities for total contact center efficiency, optimization, and improved customer experience.
    CCAIP Admins
    Lingue disponibili
    English, español (Latinoamérica) e français
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