Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) for Generative AI
Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) for Generative AI
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This course is dedicated to equipping you with the knowledge and tools needed to uncover the unique challenges faced by MLOps teams when deploying and managing Generative AI models, and exploring how Vertex AI empowers AI teams to streamline MLOps processes and achieve success in Generative AI projects.
Informacje o szkoleniu
- Recognize the evolution of MLOps Explore the MLOps framework for Generative AI Explain the unique challenges of Generative AI Explore how Vertex AI empowers AI teams
Wymagania wstępne
Working proficiency with Python on topics covered in the Google Crash Course on Python.
Prior experience with foundational machine learning concepts and building machine learning solutions on Google Cloud as covered in Machine Learning on Google Cloud and Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Getting Started v.2.0.
Dostępne języki
English, Deutsch, español (Latinoamérica), français, bahasa Indonesia, 日本語, 한국어, português (Brasil), 简体中文, 繁體中文 oraz Türkçe
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